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(未顯示由 2 位使用者於中間所作的 11 次修訂)
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<ul class="faq">
<li class="q" id="how">請問我該如何安裝GIMP?</li>
<li class="a">您需要下載GTK+ Runtime Environment和Gimp安裝檔。先安裝GTK+再安裝Gimp。</li>
<li class="q" id="gtk">有訊息告訴我說<span class="i">GTK+ 2.4.1 was not found on your computer. Please
install it before The Gimp</span>.我該去哪裡下載呢?</li>
<li class="a">您可以在下載Gimp的那一頁下載GTK+。</li>
<li class="q" id="ps">我不能開PS與EPS檔。請問我漏了什麼了嗎?</li>
<li class="a">You need to install GhostScript to be able to read PostScript files with The Gimp. GhostScript
can be downloaded from <a href="http://www.cs.wisc.edu/%7Eghost/">http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/</a>.</li>
<!--<li class="q">它說GtkXmHTML沒有安裝,所以我不能看說明檔…</li>
<li>Click Use Netscape in the window which opens, and help will open in your default browser.</li>-->
<li class="q" id="mssans">I installed Gimp 2.0 on Windows 9x/ME or NT 4, and I'm getting a lot of messages saying
<span class="i">** (gimp-2.0.exe:4294830849): WARNING **: Couldn't load font "MS Sans Serif 8"
falling back to "Sans 8"</span>. What should I do?</li>
<li class="a">You have two options:<ul>
<li>Go to <span class="i">Control Panel-&gt;Display properties-&gt;Apperance tab</span>, and set all fonts to
Tahoma (or any other TrueType font).</li>
<li>Uninstall GTK+ 2.4.1, then re-install it without the GTK-Wimp component.</li>
<li class="q" id="device">I'm getting a message <span class="i">There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive
\Device\harddisk4\dr6</span> every time I run the Gimp. What should I do?</li>
<li>This seems to be caused by flash card readers. Currently no solution is known, but Gimp seems to work fine anyway.</li>
<li class="q" id="profont">Gimp appears to hang while loading fonts. What's going on?</li>
<li>If it's the first time you've run The GIMP, it may be indexing your fonts. This may take a few minutes to complete.</li>
<li class="a">Some people reported that Gimp hangs if you have a font called Profont installed. Remove it, and try running Gimp again.</li>
<li class="q" id="cd">請問The Gimp可以放在雜誌內附的CD中嗎?</li>
<li class="a">Yes, it can, but to satisfy the GNU General Public License requirements, you have to provide
the source code to The Gimp.</li>
<li class="q" id="manual">請問我可以在哪裡找到The Gimp的使用指引/使用手冊呢?</li>
<li class="a">You should start with the <a href="http://www.gimp.org/docs/">documentation page</a>.</li>
<li class="q" id="font">在讀入字型的時候,Gimp 2.0當掉了。請問發生了什麼事?</li>
<li class="a">People reported that a font called "Profont" causes this. Try removing the font.</li>
<li class="q" id="con">When I run The Gimp, a console window (MS-DOS box<!-- AAARGH! -->) opens
and displays some messages. If I close this window, The Gimp closes, too. What should I do?</li>
<li class="a">Minimize the window and ignore it, as most of the warnings it displays are harmless, and The Gimp
will still work.</li>
<li class="q" id="dllmissing">I'm getting cryptic error messages about missing entries in DLL files when I try to run Gimp. What's
causing this?</li>
<li class="q" id="exploder">當我用滑鼠點Gimp的小圖示時,GIMP很正常的開啟了。可是如果我用滑鼠雙擊一個要用GIMP開啟的檔案時,卻當機了。請問是什麼問題導致如此呢?</li>
<li class="a">This is usually caused by incompatible libraries installed somewhere in your PATH. Most likely there's
a bad version of <span class="i">intl.dll, libxml2.dll, xmlparse.dll</span> or <span class="i">xmltok.dll</span> in your <span class="i">Windows\System32</span> folder. Rename or remove it, and Gimp should load fine.</li>
<li class="q" id="dll">The GIMP installer informs me about conflicting DLL and recommends to rename them. What does this mean?</li>
<li class="a">Another program installed libraries with the same name as those used by Gimp where they don't belong. If these files are
incompatible with the libraries required by the GIMP, the GIMP may either fail to load, or work incorrectly.</li>
<li class="q" id="renameddll">I allowed the installer to rename conflicting DLL files, now another program stopped working. What should I
<li class="a">Find the DLL file(s) the program is complaining about (it will have the extension <span class="i">.dll.off</span>), copy it to
the program's directory and remove the <span class="i">.off</span> extension.</li>
<li class="q" id="av">My antivirus claims that your installers are infected. Why?</li>
<li class="a">Some antivirus programs incorrectly detect <a href="http://upx.sf.net/">UPX</a>-compressed
programs and the <a href="http://nsis.sf.net/">NSIS</a> installer as infected.</li>
<li class="q" id="obsoletewin">我試著在Windows 9x/ME上安裝GIMP,可是安裝檔告訴我說並不支援我現在的作業系統。請問我該怎麼辦?</li>
<li class="a">Ideally, you should upgrade to Windows 2000 or newer. Otherwise, you can install The Gimp on Win9x/ME
anyway, but don't complain if something doesn't work as expected, unless you're ready to fix the code
<li class="q" id="chinese">如果作業系統是中文(或其他遠東語系),開啟Gimp時會當機。我該怎麼辦?</li>
<li class="a">This seems to be an issue with GTK+ 1.3. 3 workarounds are known:
<li><span class="bi">Solution 1:</span>
  <li><span class="b">Windows 95/98/98SE:</span> add the following line to
      <span class="i">C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT</span>:
      <pre>set LANG=en</pre>
      and reboot the computer.</li>
  <li><span class="b">Windows NT/2000/XP:</span> right-click on My Computer, choose
      <span class="i">Properties</span>, select the Advanced tab and click the
      <span class="i">Environmental Variables</span> button. In the window which opens, click then
      <span class="i">New...</span> button, and set <span class="p">LANG</span> as the
      <span class="i">Variable name</span> and <span class="p">en</span> as the
      <span class="i">Variable Value</span> (it does not matter if you create the variable in User
      or System variables, however, it's recommended to create it in System Variables section, as
      this will fix the problem for other users, too)</li>
<li><span class="bi">Solution 2:</span><br>uninstall The Gimp and install it again without the
<span class="i">Localization</span> component (you may also have to delete folder locale from your
Program Files\Common Files\GTK\1.3\lib)</li>
<li><span class="bi">Solution 3:</span><br>copy the correct <span class="i">gtkrc.XX</span> file
(depending on your country) from your Program Files\Common Files\GTK\1.3\etc\gtk directory to your
Program Files\Gimp\etc\gimp\1.2 and rename it to gtkrc.</li>
= Nothing =

於 2009年1月23日 (五) 22:36 的最新修訂
