

為 Firefox 建立 OpenSearch 搜尋模組

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2007年1月18日 (四) 20:47 由 Scripter對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 除錯要訣


Firefox 2 supports the OpenSearch description format for search plugins. Plugins that use the OpenSearch description syntax are compatible with IE 7 and Firefox. Because of this, they are the recommended format for use on the web.

Firefox also supports additional search capabilities not included in the OpenSearch description syntax, such as search suggestions and the SearchForm element. This article will focus on creating OpenSearch-compatible search plugins that support these additional Firefox-specific features.

OpenSearch description files can also be advertised as described in Autodiscovery of search plugins, and can be installed programmatically as described in Adding search engines from web pages.

OpenSearch description file

The XML file describing a search engine is actually quite simple, following the basic template below. Sections in italics need to be customized based on the needs of the specific search engine plugin you're writing.

<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/"
<Image width="16" height="16"></Image>
<Url type="text/html" method="method" template="searchURL">
  <Param name="paramName1" value="paramName1"/>
  <Param name="paramNameN" value="paramValueN"/>
<Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="suggestionURL"/>
A short name for the search engine.
A brief description of the search engine.
The encoding to use for the data input to the search engine.
Base-64 encoded 16x16 icon representative of the search engine. One useful tool that you can use to construct the data to place here can be found here: The data: URI kitchen.
Describes the URL or URLs to use for the search. The method attribute indicates whether to use a GET or POST request to fetch the result. The template attribute indicates the base URL for the search query.
Note: Internet Explorer 7 does not support POST requests.
There are two URL types you can specify:
  • type="text/html" is used to specify the URL for the actual search query itself.
  • type="application/x-suggestions+json" is used to specify the URL to use for fetching search suggestions.
For either type of URL, you can use {searchTerms} to substitute the search terms entered by the user in the search bar. Other supported dynamic search parameters are described in OpenSearch 1.1 parameters.
For search suggestion queries, the specified URL template is used to fetch a suggestion list in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. For details on how to implement search suggestion support on a server, see Supporting search suggestions in search plugins.


The parameters that need to be passed in along with the search query, as key/value pairs. When specifying values, you can use {searchTerms} to insert the search terms entered by the user in the search bar.
Note: Internet Explorer 7 does not support this element.
The URL to go to to open up the search page at the site for which the plugin is designed to search. This provides a way for Firefox to let the user visit the web site directly.
Note: Since this element is Firefox-specific, and not part of the OpenSearch specification, we use of the "moz:" XML namespace prefix in the example above to ensure that other user agents that don't support this element can safely ignore it.

Autodiscovery of search plugins

A web site that offers a search plugin can advertise it so that Firefox users can easily download and install the plugin.

To support autodiscovery, you simply need to add one line to the <HEAD> section of your web page:

<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="searchTitle" href="pluginURL">

Replace the italicized items as explained below:

The name of the search to perform, such as "Search MDC" or "Yahoo! Search". This value should match your plugin file's ShortName.
The URL to the XML search plugin, from which the browser can download it.

If your site offers multiple search plugins, you can support autodiscovery for them all. For example:

<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="MySite: By Author" href="http://www.mysite.com/mysiteauthor.xml">
<link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="MySite: By Title" href="http://www.mysite.com/mysitetitle.xml">

This way, your site can offer plugins to search both by author and by title as separate entities.


If there is a mistake in your Search Plugin XML, you could run into errors when adding a discovered plugin in Firefox 2. The error message may not be entirely helpful, however, so the following tips could help you find the problem.

如果您的搜尋模組 XML 檔案存在著錯誤,您可能在將該模組加入到 Firefox 2 時,遇到錯誤。而錯誤訊息可能不會很有用,然而,下面的要訣能幫你找到錯誤。

  • Be sure that your Search Plugin XML is well formed. You can check by loading the file directly into Firefox. Ampersands in the template URL need to be escaped with &amp; and tags need to be closed with a trailing slash or matching end tag.
  • 確定您的搜尋模組 XML 是完好的。您可以透過「直接載入到 Firefox」來檢查。另外,樣本 URL 中的「&」符號應該要以「&amp;」來脫逸。而且每一個標籤都要是封閉的─就是以反斜線結束、或是以結束標籤來結束─。
  • The xmlns attribute is important, without it you could get an error message indicating that "Bon Echo could not download the plugin from (URL)".
  • xmlns 屬性是非常重要的。缺少了它,您可能接到向這樣的錯誤訊息:「Bon Echo could not download the plugin from (URL)」
  • Note that you must include a text/html URL — search plugins including only Atom or RSS URL types (which pass, for example, the A9 OpenSearch validator) will also generate the "could not download the plugin" error.

In addition, the search plugin service provides a logging mechanism that may be of use to plugin developers. Use about:config to set the pref 'browser.search.log' to true. Logging information will appear in Firefox's Error Console (Tools->Error Console) when search plugins are added.

