

Firefox 推廣週/如何舉辦自己的 Party

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2004年11月1日 (一) 18:10 由 BobChao對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

舉辦自己的 Party

如果您人不在北部,或是想自己邀集三五好友慶祝 Firefox 誕生,也可以到 MozParty2 登記自己的聚會喔!

Bob: 以下網頁需要大家來翻譯加註,幫幫忙吧!

The rules

  1. Check the list if there's a mozparty going on near you.
  2. If you find one, add your email address and wait for the party date. Turn up and HAVE FUN!
  3. You didn't find a party? Don't worry - just think of a party location (nice pub, cheap beer) and add your suggestion to the list.
    • Hint* Suggested date for your parties is: Friday, November 19 - Sunday, November 21
  4. And be sure to check the Bugzilla party bugs in bugzilla: Firefox 1.0 Party #262292 and the Mozilla 2.0 party bug :) #175194
  5. Party!
  6. Take photos, and when you get home email a URL to the party organiser.


幫忙說明一下 http://www.openforce.at/mozparty2/?reg 的表單怎麼填
