

「MediaWiki 中文化/LanguageZh tw.php4」修訂間的差異

出自 MozTW Wiki

(Revision as of 06:04 2005年七月18日;)
行 1: 行 1:
* [http://lilabodr.com/alc4td.html eltdarliro]
http://cnalirelboel.com/trsittrd.html[eltdarliro] [[http://cnalirelboel.com/trsittrd.html][eltdarliro]]
* http://domchidombo.com/zelsitre.html eltdarliro
* [[http://ercoracbo.com/eltrono.html eltdarliro]]
* [[http://ouacc4.com/vicodron.html|eltdarliro]]
* [[http://monrolbocac.com/virolacalz.html | eltdarliro]]
* [http://pasacelalt.com/rellielorrac.html|eltdarliro]
* [eltdarliro|http://vicogetcrol.com/sitbocvarc.html]
* ((http://domvarcna.com/dartror.html eltdarliro))
* [eltdarliro](http://sitracs.com/caelc4tcn.html "eltdarliro")
# some untranslated messages as of 1.4 beta1
# some untranslated messages as of 1.4 beta1
'1movedto2' => "$1移動到$2", //"$1 moved to $2",
'1movedto2' => "$1移動到$2", //"$1 moved to $2",
'1movedto2_redir' => "$1重定向到$2", //"$1 moved to $2 over redirect",
'1movedto2_redir' => "$1重定向到$2", //"$1 moved to $2 over redirect",
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => "對不起,您已經註冊了$1賬號。你不能再註冊了。", //"Sorry, you have already created $1 accounts. You can't make any more.",
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => "對不起,您已經註冊了$1賬號。你不能再註冊了。", //"Sorry, you have already created $1 accounts. You can't make any more.",
'addgroup' => "增加新的組", //"Add Group",
'addgroup' => "增加新的組", //"Add Group",
'allarticles' => "所有條目", //"All articles",
'allarticles' => "所有條目", //"All articles",
'allmessages' => "系統界面", //"All system messages",
'allmessages' => "系統界面", //"All system messages",
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "系統界面功能處於關閉狀態 (wgUseDatabaseMessages)。", //"Special:AllMessages not supported because wgUseDatabaseMessages is off.",
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "系統界面功能處於關閉狀態 (wgUseDatabaseMessages)", //"Special:AllMessages not supported because wgUseDatabaseMessages is off.",
'allmessagestext' => "這裡列出所有可定製的系統界面。", //"This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace.",
'allmessagestext' => "這裡列出所有可定製的系統界面。", //"This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace.",
'allinnamespace' => "所有 $1 名字空間的條目", //"All pages ($1 namespace)",
'allinnamespace' => "所有 $1 名字空間的條目", //"All pages ($1 namespace)",
'allpagesnext' => "下一頁", //"Next",
'allpagesnext' => "下一頁", //"Next",
'allpagesprev' => "上一頁", //"Previous",
'allpagesprev' => "上一頁", //"Previous",
'allpagessubmit' => "提交", //"Go",
'allpagessubmit' => "提交", //"Go",
'ancientpages' => "老條目", //"Oldest pages",
'ancientpages' => "老條目", //"Oldest pages",
'and' => "和", //"and",
'and' => "", //"and",
'anontalk' => "該IP的對話頁", //"Talk for this IP",
'anontalk' => "該IP的對話頁", //"Talk for this IP",
'anonymous' => "匿名用戶", //"Anonymous user(s) of 1.4",
'anonymous' => "匿名用戶", //"Anonymous user(s) of 1.4",
'article' => "條目", //"Content page",
'article' => "條目", //"Content page",
'autoblocker' => "你的IP和被封了的 \"$1\" 是一樣的。封鎖原因: \"$2\".",//"Autoblocked because you share an IP address with \"$1\". Reason \"$2\".",
'autoblocker' => "你的IP和被封了的 \"$1\" 是一樣的。封鎖原因: \"$2\".",//"Autoblocked because you share an IP address with \"$1\". Reason \"$2\".",
'blocklogentry' => "封鎖 $1, $2",//"blocked \"$1\" with an expiry time of $2",
'blocklogentry' => "封鎖 $1, $2",//"blocked \"$1\" with an expiry time of $2",
'blocklogpage' => "封鎖記錄", //"Block_log",
'blocklogpage' => "封鎖記錄", //"Block_log",
'categoriespagetext' => "以下列出所有的頁面分類。", //"The following categories exists in the wiki.",
'categoriespagetext' => "以下列出所有的頁面分類。", //"The following categories exists in the wiki.",
'categoryarticlecount' => "該類頁面共有 $1 條目", //There are $1 articles in this category.",
'categoryarticlecount' => "該類頁面共有 $1 條目", //There are $1 articles in this category.",
'clearyourcache' => "'''注意:''' 保存設置後,要清掉瀏覽器的緩存才能生效:'''Mozilla:''' 點''刷新'' (或用快鍵''Ctrl-R''),'''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''。",//"'''Note:''' After saving, you have to clear your browser cache to see the changes: '''Mozilla:''' click ''Reload'' (or ''Ctrl-R''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''.",
'clearyourcache' => "'''注意:''' 保存設置後,要清掉瀏覽器的緩存才能生效:'''Mozilla:''' ''刷新'' (或用快鍵''Ctrl-R''),'''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''",//"'''Note:''' After saving, you have to clear your browser cache to see the changes: '''Mozilla:''' click ''Reload'' (or ''Ctrl-R''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''.",
'edit' => "編輯", //"Edit",
'edit' => "編輯", //"Edit",
'navigation' => "導航", //"Navigation",
'navigation' => "導航", //"Navigation",
'nstab-category' => "分類", //"Category",
'nstab-category' => "分類", //"Category",
'nstab-help' => "幫助",//"Help",
'nstab-help' => "幫助",//"Help",
'nstab-image' => "圖像",//"Image",
'nstab-image' => "圖像",//"Image",
'nstab-main' => "條目", //"Article",
'nstab-main' => "條目", //"Article",
'nstab-mediawiki' => "界面",//"Message",
'nstab-mediawiki' => "界面",//"Message",
'nstab-special' => "特殊",//"Special",
'nstab-special' => "特殊",//"Special",
'nstab-template' => "模板", //"Template",
'nstab-template' => "模板", //"Template",
'nstab-user' => "用戶頁面", //"User page",
'nstab-user' => "用戶頁面", //"User page",
'nstab-wp' => "關於", //"About",
'nstab-wp' => "關於", //"About",
'portal' => "社區",//"Community portal",
'portal' => "社區",//"Community portal",
'prefs-help-realname' => "*<strong>真實姓名</strong>(可選):用以對您的貢獻署名。<br />",
'prefs-help-realname' => "*<strong>真實姓名</strong>(可選):用以對您的貢獻署名。<br />",
'prefs-help-email' => "*<strong>點子郵件</strong>(可選):讓他人通過網站在不知道您的電子郵件地址的情況下通過電子郵件與您聯絡,以及通過電子郵件取得遺忘的密碼。", /*"* <strong>Real name</strong> (optional): if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.<br />
'prefs-help-email' => "*<strong>點子郵件</strong>(可選):讓他人通過網站在不知道您的電子郵件地址的情況下通過電子郵件與您聯絡,以及通過電子郵件取得遺忘的密碼。", /*"* <strong>Real name</strong> (optional): if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.<br />
* <strong>Email</strong> (optional): Enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your
* <strong>Email</strong> (optional): Enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your
email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.", */
email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.", */
'prefs-misc' => "雜項", //"Misc settings",
'prefs-misc' => "雜項", //"Misc settings",
'prefs-personal' => "用戶數據",//"User data",
'prefs-personal' => "用戶數據",//"User data",
'prefs-rc' => "最近更新", //"Recent changes and stub display",
'prefs-rc' => "最近更新", //"Recent changes and stub display",
'showhideminor' => "$1 小修改 | $2 bots | $3 登錄用戶 | $4 檢查過的", //"$1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users | $4 patrolled edits ",
'showhideminor' => "$1 小修改 | $2 bots | $3 登錄用戶 | $4 檢查過的", //"$1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users | $4 patrolled edits ",
'skin' => "面板", //"Skin",
'skin' => "面板", //"Skin",
'talk' => "討論",//"Discussion",
'talk' => "討論",//"Discussion",
'timezonelegend' => "時區", //"Time zone",
'timezonelegend' => "時區", //"Time zone",
'toolbox' => "工具",//"Toolbox",
'toolbox' => "工具",//"Toolbox",
'watch' => "監視",//"Watch",
'watch' => "監視",//"Watch",
'yourlanguage' => "界面語言", //"Your language"
'yourlanguage' => "界面語言", //"Your language"
'yourrealname' => "真實姓名*", //"Your real name"
'yourrealname' => "真實姓名*", //"Your real name"
'yourvariant' => "中文字體", //"language variant"
'yourvariant' => "中文字體", //"language variant"
'personaltools' => "個人工具", //"personaltools""
'personaltools' => "個人工具", //"personaltools""
'history_short' => "沿革",
'history_short' => "沿革",
"protect" => "封鎖",
"protect" => "封鎖",
"delete" => "刪除",
"delete" => "刪除",
"move" => "移動",
"move" => "移動",
"tog-nocache" => "停用頁面快取",
"tog-nocache" => "停用頁面快取",
"specialpage" => "特殊頁面",
"specialpage" => "特殊頁面",
"defaultns" => "預設的搜尋範圍",
"defaultns" => "預設的搜尋範圍",
"default" => "預設",
"default" => "預設",
"aboutsite" => "關於 {{SITENAME}}",
"aboutsite" => "關於 {{SITENAME}}",
"disclaimers" => "免責聲明",
"disclaimers" => "免責聲明",
"tog-fancysig" => "使用原始簽名 (不產生自動連結)",
"tog-fancysig" => "使用原始簽名 (不產生自動連結)",
"qbsettingsnote" => '這些設定只會在 \'Standard\' 和 \'CologneBlue\' 面板生效',
"qbsettingsnote" => '這些設定只會在 \'Standard\' \'CologneBlue\' 面板生效',
"tog-previewonfirst" => "第一次編輯時顯示原文內容的預覽",
"tog-previewonfirst" => "第一次編輯時顯示原文內容的預覽",
"copyright" => "本站所有內容允許以下方式利用: $1",
"copyright" => "本站所有內容允許以下方式利用: $1",
"loginprompt" => "您必須允許瀏覽器紀錄Cookie才能成功登入 Wikipedia 並順利進行操作",
"loginprompt" => "您必須允許瀏覽器紀錄Cookie才能成功登入 Wikipedia 並順利進行操作",
行 102: 行 90:
# Aliases
# Aliases
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "特殊", $text ) ) { return -1; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "特殊", $text ) ) { return -1; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "", $text ) ) { return ; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "", $text ) ) { return ; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "對話", $text ) ) { return 1; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "對話", $text ) ) { return 1; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶", $text ) ) { return 2; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶", $text ) ) { return 2; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶對話", $text ) ) { return 3; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶對話", $text ) ) { return 3; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "維基百科對話", $text ) ) { return 5; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "維基百科對話", $text ) ) { return 5; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像", $text ) ) { return 6; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像", $text ) ) { return 6; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像對話", $text ) ) { return 7; }
         if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像對話", $text ) ) { return 7; }
return false;
return false;

於 2009年7月13日 (一) 23:42 的最新修訂

# some untranslated messages as of 1.4 beta1
'1movedto2' => "$1移動到$2", //"$1 moved to $2",
'1movedto2_redir' => "$1重定向到$2", //"$1 moved to $2 over redirect",
'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => "對不起,您已經註冊了$1賬號。你不能再註冊了。", //"Sorry, you have already created $1 accounts. You can't make any more.",
'addgroup' => "增加新的組", //"Add Group",
'allarticles' => "所有條目", //"All articles",
'allmessages' => "系統界面", //"All system messages",
'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => "系統界面功能處於關閉狀態 (wgUseDatabaseMessages)。", //"Special:AllMessages not supported because wgUseDatabaseMessages is off.",
'allmessagestext' => "這裡列出所有可定製的系統界面。", //"This is a list of all system messages available in the MediaWiki: namespace.",
'allinnamespace' => "所有 $1 名字空間的條目", //"All pages ($1 namespace)",
'allpagesnext' => "下一頁", //"Next",
'allpagesprev' => "上一頁", //"Previous",
'allpagessubmit' => "提交", //"Go",
'ancientpages' => "老條目", //"Oldest pages",
'and' => "和", //"and",
'anontalk' => "該IP的對話頁", //"Talk for this IP",
'anonymous' => "匿名用戶", //"Anonymous user(s) of 1.4",
'article' => "條目", //"Content page",
'autoblocker' => "你的IP和被封了的 \"$1\" 是一樣的。封鎖原因: \"$2\".",//"Autoblocked because you share an IP address with \"$1\". Reason \"$2\".",
'blocklogentry' => "封鎖 $1, $2",//"blocked \"$1\" with an expiry time of $2",
'blocklogpage' => "封鎖記錄", //"Block_log",
'categoriespagetext' => "以下列出所有的頁面分類。", //"The following categories exists in the wiki.",
'categoryarticlecount' => "該類頁面共有 $1 條目", //There are $1 articles in this category.",
'clearyourcache' => "'''注意:''' 保存設置後,要清掉瀏覽器的緩存才能生效:'''Mozilla:''' 點''刷新'' (或用快鍵''Ctrl-R''),'''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''。",//"'''Note:''' After saving, you have to clear your browser cache to see the changes: '''Mozilla:''' click ''Reload'' (or ''Ctrl-R''), '''IE / Opera:''' ''Ctrl-F5'', '''Safari:''' ''Cmd-R'', '''Konqueror''' ''Ctrl-R''.",
'edit' => "編輯", //"Edit",
'navigation' => "導航", //"Navigation",
'nstab-category' => "分類", //"Category",
'nstab-help' => "幫助",//"Help",
'nstab-image' => "圖像",//"Image",
'nstab-main' => "條目", //"Article",
'nstab-mediawiki' => "界面",//"Message",
'nstab-special' => "特殊",//"Special",
'nstab-template' => "模板", //"Template",
'nstab-user' => "用戶頁面", //"User page",
'nstab-wp' => "關於", //"About",
'portal' => "社區",//"Community portal",
'prefs-help-realname' => "*<strong>真實姓名</strong>(可選):用以對您的貢獻署名。<br />",
'prefs-help-email' => "*<strong>點子郵件</strong>(可選):讓他人通過網站在不知道您的電子郵件地址的情況下通過電子郵件與您聯絡,以及通過電子郵件取得遺忘的密碼。", /*"* <strong>Real name</strong> (optional): if you choose to provide it this will be used for giving you attribution for your work.<br />
* <strong>Email</strong> (optional): Enables people to contact you through the website without you having to reveal your
email address to them, and it can be used to send you a new password if you forget it.", */
'prefs-misc' => "雜項", //"Misc settings",
'prefs-personal' => "用戶數據",//"User data",
'prefs-rc' => "最近更新", //"Recent changes and stub display",
'showhideminor' => "$1 小修改 | $2 bots | $3 登錄用戶 | $4 檢查過的", //"$1 minor edits | $2 bots | $3 logged in users | $4 patrolled edits ",
'skin' => "面板", //"Skin",
'talk' => "討論",//"Discussion",
'timezonelegend' => "時區", //"Time zone",
'toolbox' => "工具",//"Toolbox",
'watch' => "監視",//"Watch",
'yourlanguage' => "界面語言", //"Your language"
'yourrealname' => "真實姓名*", //"Your real name"
'yourvariant' => "中文字體", //"language variant"

'personaltools' => "個人工具", //"personaltools""
'history_short' => "沿革",
"protect" => "封鎖",
"delete" => "刪除",
"move" => "移動",
"tog-nocache" => "停用頁面快取",
"specialpage" => "特殊頁面",
"defaultns" => "預設的搜尋範圍",
"default" => "預設",
"aboutsite" => "關於 {{SITENAME}}",
"disclaimers" => "免責聲明",
"tog-fancysig" => "使用原始簽名 (不產生自動連結)",
"qbsettingsnote" => '這些設定只會在 \'Standard\' 和 \'CologneBlue\' 面板生效',
"tog-previewonfirst" => "第一次編輯時顯示原文內容的預覽",
"copyright" => "本站所有內容允許以下方式利用: $1",
"loginprompt" => "您必須允許瀏覽器紀錄Cookie才能成功登入 Wikipedia 並順利進行操作",

class LanguageZh_tw extends LanguageZh_cn {
	function getBookstoreList () {
		global $wgBookstoreListZh_tw ;
		return $wgBookstoreListZh_tw ;

	function getNamespaces() {
		global $wgNamespaceNamesZh_tw;
		return $wgNamespaceNamesZh_tw;

	function getNsIndex( $text ) {
		global $wgNamespaceNamesZh_tw;

		foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesZh_tw as $i => $n ) {
			if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; }
		# Aliases
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "特殊", $text ) ) { return -1; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "", $text ) ) { return ; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "對話", $text ) ) { return 1; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶", $text ) ) { return 2; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "用戶對話", $text ) ) { return 3; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "維基百科對話", $text ) ) { return 5; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像", $text ) ) { return 6; }
        if ( 0 == strcasecmp( "圖像對話", $text ) ) { return 7; }
		return false;

	function getQuickbarSettings() {
		global $wgQuickbarSettingsZh_tw;
		return $wgQuickbarSettingsZh_tw;

	function getSkinNames() {
		global $wgSkinNamesZh_tw;
		return $wgSkinNamesZh_tw;

	function getMathNames() {
		global $wgMathNamesZh_tw;
		return $wgMathNamesZh_tw;

	function getValidSpecialPages()
		global $wgValidSpecialPagesZh_tw;
		return $wgValidSpecialPagesZh_tw;

	function getSysopSpecialPages()
		global $wgSysopSpecialPagesZh_tw;
		return $wgSysopSpecialPagesZh_tw;

	function getDeveloperSpecialPages()
		global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesZh_tw;
		return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesZh_tw;


	function getMessage( $key )
		global $wgAllMessagesZh_tw;
		if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesZh_tw))
			return $wgAllMessagesZh_tw[$key];
			return parent::getMessage( $key );

