

MediaWiki 中文化/LanguageZh tw.php1

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2009年1月10日 (六) 16:02 由 TrcnaLarac對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (http://cnavieltz.strefa.pl/comment-1358.htm)
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  * @package MediaWiki
  * @subpackage Language
require_once( "LanguageUtf8.php" );

# The names of the namespaces can be set here, but the numbers
# are magical, so don't change or move them!  The Namespace class
# encapsulates some of the magic-ness.
/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesZh_tw = array(
	NS_MEDIA            => "媒體",
	NS_SPECIAL          => "特殊",
	NS_MAIN             => "",
	NS_TALK             => "討論",
	NS_USER             => "用戶",
	NS_USER_TALK        => "用戶討論",
	NS_PROJECT          => $wgMetaNamespace,
	NS_PROJECT_TALK     => $wgMetaNamespace . "討論",
	NS_IMAGE            => "圖像",
	NS_IMAGE_TALK       => "圖像討論",
	NS_MEDIAWIKI        => "媒體維基",
	NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => "媒體維基討論",
	NS_TEMPLATE         => "樣板",
	NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => "樣板討論",
	NS_HELP             => "幫助",
	NS_HELP_TALK        => "幫助討論",
	NS_CATEGORY         => "分類",
	NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => "分類討論"

/* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsZh_tw = array(
        "無", /* "None" */
	"左側固定", /* "Fixed left" */
	"右側固定", /* "Fixed right" */
	"左側漂移" /* "Floating left" */

/* private */ $wgSkinNamesZh_tw = array(
        "標準",/* "Standard" */
	"懷舊",/* "Nostalgia" */
	"科隆香水藍" /* "Cologne Blue" */

/* private */ $wgMathNamesZh_tw = array(
	"永遠使用PNG圖像",    /* "Always render PNG" */
	"如果是簡單的公式使用HTML,否則使用PNG圖像",   /* "HTML if very simple or else PNG" */
	"如果可以用HTML,否則用PNG圖像",   /* "HTML if possible or else PNG" */
	"顯示為TeX代碼(使用文字流覽器時)",  /* "Leave it as TeX (for text browsers)" */
	"推薦為新版流覽器使用"  /* "Recommended for modern browsers" */

/* private */ $wgBookstoreListZh_tw = array(
	"博客來書店" => "http://www.books.com.tw/exep/openfind_book_keyword.php?cat1=4&key1=$1",
	"三民書店" => "http://www.sanmin.com.tw/page-qsearch.asp?ct=search_isbn&qu=$1",
	"天下書店" => "http://www.cwbook.com.tw/cw/TS.jsp?schType=product.isbn&schStr=$1",
	"新絲書店" => "http://www.silkbook.com/function/Search_List_Book.asp?item=5&text=$1"

# All special pages have to be listed here: a description of ""
# will make them not show up on the "Special Pages" page, which
# is the right thing for some of them (such as the "targeted" ones).
/* private */ $wgValidSpecialPagesZh_tw = array(
	"Userlogin"		=> "使用者登入",
	"Userlogout"	=> "使用者登出",
	"Preferences"	=> "參數設置",
/*"Set my user preferences", */
	"Watchlist"		=> "監視列表",
/* "My watchlist", */
	"Recentchanges" => "最近更新",
/* "Recently updated pages", */
	"Upload"		=> "上載文件",
/* "Upload image files", */
	"Imagelist"		=> "圖像列表",
/* "Image list", */
	"Listusers"		=> "註冊用戶",
/* "Registered users", */
	"Statistics"	=> "站點統計",
/* "Site statistics", */
	"Randompage"	=> "隨機條目",
/* "Random article", */

	"Lonelypages"	=> "孤立條目",
/* "Orphaned articles",*/
	"Unusedimages"	=> "孤立圖像",
/* "Orphaned images", */
	"Popularpages"	=> "熱點條目",
/* "Popular articles", */
	"Wantedpages"	=> "待撰條目",
/* "Most wanted articles", */
	"Shortpages"	=> "短條目",
	"Longpages"		=> "長條目",
	"Newpages"		=> "新建條目",
#	"Intl"		=> "跨語言鏈接", # this page not done yet!
	"Ancientpages"		=> "舊條目",
	"Allpages"		=> "所有條目",

	"Ipblocklist"	=> "被封網址列表",
	"Maintenance" => "維護頁",
	"Specialpages"  => "",
	"Contributions" => "",
	"Emailuser"		=> "",
	"Whatlinkshere" => "鏈入頁面",
	"Recentchangeslinked" => "链出更改",
	"Movepage"		=> "鏈出更改",
	"Booksources"	=> "站外書源",
#           "Categories" => "頁面分類"
	"Export" => "導出為XML",
	"Version" => "媒體維基版本",

/* private */ $wgSysopSpecialPagesZh_tw = array(
	"Blockip"		=> "查封一個網址",
	"Asksql"		=> "查詢數據庫",
	"Undelete"		=> "恢復被刪頁面"

/* private */ $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesZh_tw = array(
	"Lockdb"		=> "設置數據庫只讀",
	"Unlockdb"		=> "恢復數據庫修改權限",

/* private */ $wgAllMessagesZh_tw = array(

/* User toggles */
	"tog-underline" => '鏈結加底線',
	"tog-highlightbroken" => '無效的鏈結格式<a href="" class="new">像這樣</a> (或者像這個<a href="" class="internal">?</a>)',
	"tog-justify"	=> "段落對齊", /* "Justify paragraphs", */
	"tog-hideminor" => "隱藏最近更動中的細部修改",
	"tog-usenewrc" => "增強最近更動(只適用部分瀏覽器)",
	"tog-numberheadings" => "標題自動編號",
	"tog-showtoolbar" => "顯示編輯工具欄",
   "tog-editondblclick" => "雙擊時編輯頁面(Javascript)",
 	"tog-showtoc"=>"顯示目錄<br />(針對一頁超過3個標題的文章)",
	"tog-rememberpassword" => "記住密碼供下次瀏覽用",
	"tog-editwidth" => "編輯欄位使用最大寬度",/* "Edit box has full width", */
	"tog-editondblclick" => "雙擊時編輯頁面(Javascript)",/* "Edit pages on double click (JavaScript)", */
	"tog-watchdefault" => "監視新的以及更動過的文章",
	"tog-minordefault" => "預設為細部修改",
	"tog-previewontop" => "在編輯框上方顯示預覽", /* "Show preview before edit box and not after it" */
	"tog-previewonfirst" => '第一次編輯時即顯示預覽',
	"tog-nocache" => "關閉頁面快取(Cache)",
	"tog-fancysig" => "純文字簽名檔(不使用自動鏈結格式化)",

# Bits of text used by many pages:
"categories" => "頁面分類",
 	 "category" => "分類",
 	 "category_header" => "類別”$1“中的條目",
 	 "subcategories" => "子分類",
"linktrail"		=> "/^([a-z]+)(.*)\$/sD",
"mainpage"		=> "首頁",
"about"			=> "關於",
"aboutwikipedia" => "關於維基百科",
"aboutpage"		=> "維基百科:關於",
"help"			=> "幫助",
"helppage"		=> "維基百科:幫助",
"wikititlesuffix"	=> "{{SITENAME}}",
"bugreports"	=> "錯誤報告",
"bugreportspage" => "維基百科:錯誤報告",
"faq"			=> "常見問題解答",
"faqpage"		=> "維基百科:常見問題解答",
"edithelp"		=> "編輯幫助",
"edithelppage"	=> "維基百科:如何編輯頁面",
"cancel"		=> "取消",
"qbfind"		=> "尋找",
"qbbrowse"		=> "瀏覽",
"qbedit"		=> "編輯",
"qbpageoptions" => "頁面選項",
"qbpageinfo"		=> '頁面資訊',
"qbmyoptions"	=> "我的選項",
"mypage"		=> "我的頁面",
"mytalk"		=> "我的對話頁",

# NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar,
# set "currentevents" => "-"

"currentevents" => "新聞動態",

"errorpagetitle" => "錯誤錯誤",
"returnto"		=> "返回到$1",
"fromwikipedia"	=> "維基百科,自由的百科全書",
"whatlinkshere"	=> "鏈入頁面",
"help"			=> "幫助",
"search"		=> "搜索",
"go"		=> "進入",
"history"		=> "較早版本",
"printableversion"	=> "友善列印",
"editthispage"	=> "編輯本頁",
"deletethispage" => "刪除本頁",
"protectthispage" => "保護本頁",
"unprotectthispage" => "解除保護",
"newpage" => "新頁面",
"talkpage"		=> "討論本頁",
	 "postcomment"   => "發表評論",
"articlepage"		=> "檢視文章",
"subjectpage"		=> "檢視主題", # For compatibility
"userpage"		=> "檢視使用者",
"wikipediapage" => "查看元維基頁",
"imagepage"		=> "檢視圖片頁面",
"viewtalkpage"		=> "檢視討論",
"otherlanguages" => "其它語言",
"redirectedfrom"	=> "(重定向來源: $1)",
"lastmodified"		=> "最後更動時間: $1",
"viewcount"		=> "本頁面已經被瀏覽 $1 次。",
"gnunote" => "所有文本在<a class=internal href='/wiki/GNU_FDL'>GNU自由文檔協議證書 </a>下發佈",
"printsubtitle" => "(來自 {{SERVER}})",
"protectedpage" => "被保護頁",
"administrators" => "維基百科:管理員",
"sysoptitle"	=> "需要管理員權限",
"sysoptext"		=> "您剛才的請求只有擁有管理員權限(sysop)的使用者才可使用。 請見 $1。",
"developertitle" => "需要開發者權限",
"developertext"		=> "您剛才的請求只有擁有開發者權限的使用者才可使用。 請見 $1。",
"nbytes"		=> "$1 位元",
"go"			=> "進入",
"ok"			=> "確定",
"sitetitle"		=> "{{SITENAME}}",
"sitesubtitle"		=> "自由的百科全書", # FIXME
"retrievedfrom"		=> "取自「$1」",
"newmessages"		=> "您有 $1。",
"newmessageslink"	=> "新訊息",
 "toc" => "目錄",
"showtoc" => "顯示",
 	 "hidetoc" => "隱藏",

# dates
'sunday'    => "星期日",
'monday'    => "星期一",
'tuesday'   => "星期二",
'wednesday' => "星期三",
'thursday'  => "星期四",
'friday'    => "星期五",
'saturday'  => "星期六",
'january'   => "一月",
'february'  => "二月",
'march'     => "三月",
'april'     => "四月",
'may_long'  => "五月",
'june'      => "六月",
'july'      => "七月",
'august'    => "八月",
'september' => "九月",
'october'   => "十月",
'november'  => "十一月",
'december'  => "十二月",
'jan'       => "一月",
'feb'       => "二月",
'mar'       => "三月",
'apr'       => "四月",
'may'       => "五月",
'jun'       => "六月",
'jul'       => "七月",
'aug'       => "八月",
'sep'       => "九月",
'oct'       => "十月",
'nov'       => "十一月",
'dec'       => "十二月",