

MozLCDB Manual

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2005年1月17日 (一) 20:24 由 Tszkin對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 The author and "Why a new tool?"

由於有人在討論區上提議要把 piaip 的 MozLCDB 文件翻成中文,所以把大家翻的放到這邊。
該文件原文位於 http://moztw.org/tools/mozlcdb/

MozLCDB: What is it? 什麼是 MozLCDB 呢?

MozLCDB is a tool made for localization of various Mozilla (Gecko) based products. It is designed to resolve issues introduced since Mozilla Firefox 1.0 branch, and a replacement for MozillaTranslator.

MozLCDB 是為了眾多基於 Mozilla (Gecko) 產品的本地化而設計的工具。它是為了解決由 Mozilla Firefox 1.0 產生的問題,也是 MozillaTranslator 的替代品。
by Milo

The author and "Why a new tool?"

This is Hung-Te Lin, maintainer of Traditional Chinese Mozilla Localization and the famous "mozip" (a tool to make Win32 localized builds).

我是林弘德。Mozilla 正體中文本地化以及知名的 mozip 的維護者。

I have been using MozillaTranslator for years (whether the official builds or my own tweaked versions) since Mozilla M14 (Milestone 14, not 1.4. The M series are older than Mozilla 0.6). During these years MT works O.K although more and more extra works have to be done because Mozilla locale structure changes all the time.

我從Mozilla M14 (Milestone 14, 非Mozilla 1.4。M系列比Mozilla 0.6還要早) 開始使用MozillaTranslator(MT)已經些許年了。(不論是正式版本抑或是我修改過的) 這些年來MT都可正常運作。但由於Mozilla locale架構經常改變,除了MT外,需要下更多額外的功夫。

Since the landing of Mozilla Firefox 1.0PR, localizers of Mozilla* suffered from the huge changes in Mozilla locale structure and new CVS requirements. Unfortunately, MozillaTranslator does not work anymore. Although MT has released new versions to solve issues, after trying MT5.04 I think it's time to develop a new tool which is more robust or I have to manually do many extra work for all versions. With my experience in localization, I proposed what I need and made a new tool, named MozLCDB. This name is a little weird because the better name 'MLDB' is already taken by others. Hmmm. Maybe MLD?

I'm not an perl guru so this script is not perfect nor elegant now, but it helped me to generate a working Firefox 1.0PR locale without too much effort (in comparision to fight with MozillaTranslator).

自從Mozilla Firefox 1.0PR推出後 ,Mozilla的定位 * 不斷地遭受巨大的變化,在Mozilla結構上和新CVS 誕生。不幸地, MozillaTranslator 不再運作。雖然MT發布新版本解決很多問題, 在嘗試推出MT5.04 之後我認為它需要時間發展更加強大的一套新工具或為了所有版本我必須親手完成許多額外工作。我在地方化方面的經驗中, 我提出了為什麼我需要並且做了一套新工具,命名為MozLCDB 。這個名字是很古怪,因為更好的名字'MLDB' 由其他人已經使用了。Hmmm...。可能MLD? 我並不是perl宗師因此這個並不是完善亦不典雅的現在, 但是它幫助我引起一個沒有付出許很多努力運作的地方-Firefox 1.0PR (在comparision 戰鬥與MozillaTranslator) 。 by tszkin

Features of MozLCDB MozLCDB 的功能

MozLCDB is focused to Mozilla Localization. In comparsion to MozillaTranslator, you'll notice that:

  • MozLCDB is just a perl script with command line only, no GUI.

You can (and you have to) edit all stuff with your favorite editor.

  • Targeted for Multiple Product maintaince.

That is, you can really localize Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Netscape, and keep only one instance for same chrome node.

  • Works for both CVS and downloaded ZIP language packs
  • The stored database is more human readable/editable
  • Single locale per database file. Does not support multiple locale (MT does).

You have to use multiple database files if you need multiple locale.

  • Easily modified if you understand Perl.

MozLCDB 主要用於 Mozilla 本地化。相比 MozillaTranslator 來說,你會注意到:

  • MozLCDB只是一個使用 command line 的 perl script,沒有 GUI。


  • 針對多個產品維護。

即是說,當你本地化 Mozilla,Firefox,Thunderbird,Netscape 並遇到相同 chrome node 時,只需使用同一個實體。

  • 能於 CVS 和 ZIP 語言包下工作
  • 儲存 database 的格式為人類可讀,可寫。
  • 每個 database 檔只支援一個 locale。不支援多個 locale (MT可以)。

假如你需要製作多個 locale,你要使用多個 database 檔。

  • 假如你了解 Perl 語言,這支程式可是相當容易修改。

by a guest on the forums
