

MozLCDB Manual

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2005年1月8日 (六) 19:07 由 Kourge對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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由於有人在討論區上提議要把 piaip 的 MozLCDB 文件翻成中文,所以把大家翻的放到這邊。

MozLCDB: What is it? 什麼是 MozLCDB 呢?

MozLCDB is a tool made for localization of various Mozilla (Gecko) based products. It is designed to resolve issues introduced since Mozilla Firefox 1.0 branch, and a replacement for MozillaTranslator.

MozLCDB 是為了眾多基於 Mozilla (Gecko) 產品的本地化而設計的工具。它是為了解決由 Mozilla Firefox 1.0 產生的問題,也是 MozillaTranslator 的替代品。
by Milo

The author and "Why a new tool?"


Features of MozLCDB MozLCDB 的功能

MozLCDB is focused to Mozilla Localization. In comparsion to MozillaTranslator, you'll notice that:

  • MozLCDB is just a perl script with command line only, no GUI.

You can (and you have to) edit all stuff with your favorite editor.

  • Targeted for Multiple Product maintaince.

That is, you can really localize Mozilla, Firefox, Thunderbird, Netscape, and keep only one instance for same chrome node.

  • Works for both CVS and downloaded ZIP language packs
  • The stored database is more human readable/editable
  • Single locale per database file. Does not support multiple locale (MT does).

You have to use multiple database files if you need multiple locale.

  • Easily modified if you understand Perl.

MozLCDB 主要用於 Mozilla 本地化。相比 MozillaTranslator 來說,你會注意到:

  • MozLCDB只是一個使用 command line 的 perl script,沒有 GUI。


  • 針對多個產品維護。

即是說,當你本地化 Mozilla,Firefox,Thunderbird,Netscape 並遇到相同 chrome node 時,只需使用同一個實體。

  • 能於 CVS 和 ZIP 語言包下工作
  • 儲存 database 的格式為人類可讀,可寫。
  • 每個 database 檔只支援一個 locale。不支援多個 locale (MT可以)。

假如你需要製作多個 locale,你要使用多個 database 檔。

  • 假如你了解 Perl 語言,這支程式可是相當容易修改。

by a guest on the forums
