

Netscape FAQ

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2007年10月24日 (三) 15:31 由 Kakeru對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂

Netscape Navigator 9 簡易導覽

Netscape Navigator 9是一個獨立瀏覽器建構於Firefox2.0上,有著許多的新特色,並且可以運行於Windows、MacOSX和Linux平台。



Navigator 9有著升級過的佈景主題,為您節省更多空間。


Navigator 9會自動地修正常見的網址輸入錯誤。 例如用戶輸入了googlecom則會自動被訂正為google.com。Navigator 9內建近三十種的規則,當用戶意外輸入錯誤的時候會為用戶更正(如果您勾選了須用戶確認的選項,則在更正前會向您確認)。

Link Pad

Link Pad 是個位於側邊欄的新特色,讓用戶得以暫存鏈結和網址而無須將之加入書籤。使用的時候只需要將鏈結或是網址拖入 Link Pad中,於預設的情況下點擊暫存於 Link Pad 中的項目就會於瀏覽器中開啟並從清單中消失,節省用戶刪除的步驟。

Extension Compatibility

   Navigator 9 shares an architecture with the latest Mozilla technologies; as such, Navigator 9 will let you install extensions that are compatible with Firefox ® 2. 

Sidebar Mini Browser

   You've always been able to have bookmarks open in the sidebar, but we've improved this functionality and extended it to all links, not just bookmarks. Additionally, we've added a navigation toolbar to the sidebar for even easier split-screened browsing. Just right-click on a link and select "Open Link in Sidebar" to get started!

Restart Navigator

   A small but oft-requested feature: you can now restart Navigator (and keep your current tabs intact) by selecting "Restart Navigator" from the File menu.

Resizeable Textarea

   Drag the bottom-right corners of text fields in forms to add more typing space.

Tab History

   Opening a link in a new tab will give the new tab the same history as the source tab for a more seamless tabbed browsing experience.

OPML Support

   Netscape Navigator supports importing and exporting your bookmarks in OPML, a popular format for sharing lists of newsfeeds.


   By popular demand, the Netscape 7-style throbber is back. Click on it any time to visit Netscape.com.

Combined Stop/Reload button

   To save space in your toolbar, we've combined the stop and reload buttons. Because you never need both at the same time, the toolbar will only show the relevant half of the pair.



