

Project/Doc/Creating Skin For Mozilla/break

出自 MozTW Wiki

於 2006年5月17日 (三) 09:11 由 某A對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 '''在之後的版本中我的面版(skin)是否會失效?'''
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Will my Skin Break in Future Builds?

Unfortunately, yes. Every time there is a major change made to the interface, either visible or behind the scenes, your skin will have problems. When the Mozilla developers make changes like this, they increase the skin version number. This is the number that is defined in contents.rdf. Test your skin with every major release of Mozilla. If a message appears in the preferences window telling you that it's an old skin, you're going to have to look over the code to see what changed.

Developers try to keep changes like this to a minimum, but sometimes it just can't be helped.


不幸的,的確會失效。每當程式介面有重大改變時,你的面版(skin)就可能發生問題。當Mozilla的發展者作改變時,他們會增加面版的版本號碼(version number),這個版本號碼定義於contents.rdf檔案中。在每個主要版本的Mozilla中測試你的面版,如果在preferences window出現訊息,提醒你這個面版太舊了,你就要檢查你的面版並作修改。

