


出自 MozTW Wiki


'special_version_prefix' => ' ',
'special_version_postfix' => ' ',
# User preference toggles
'tog-hover' => '指到鏈結時顯示注釋',

# Bits of text used by many pages:
'categories' => '分類',
'category' => '分類',
'category_header' => '類別「$1」中的文章',
'subcategories' => '子分類',

'linktrail'		=> '/^([a-z]+)(.*)$/sD',
'mainpage'		=> '首頁',
'mainpagetext'	=> '已成功安裝 Wiki 軟體',
"mainpagedocfooter" => "Please see [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_i18n documentation on customizing the interface]
and the [http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_User%27s_Guide User's Guide] for usage and configuration help.",

# NOTE: To turn off "Community portal" in the title links,
# set "portal" => "-"

'portal' => '社群',
'portal-url'		=> 'Project:Community Portal',
"aboutsite"      => "關於 {{SITENAME}}",
'article' => '文章',
"helppage" => "說明:目錄",
'sitesupport'   => '-', # To enable, something like 'Donations', 
'sitesupport-url' => 'Project:Site support',
"newwindow"		=> "(開啟於新視窗)",
'qbspecialpages'	=> '特別頁面',
'moredotdotdot'	=> '更多資訊...',
'mypage' => '我的頁面',
'mytalk' => '我的討論',
'anontalk' => '該 IP 的討論頁',
'navigation' => '導覽',

'currentevents' => '新聞動態',
'currentevents-url' => 'Current events',

# NOTE: To turn off "Disclaimers" in the title links,
# set "disclaimers" => "-"

'disclaimers' => 'Disclaimers',
"disclaimerpage" => "Project:General_disclaimer",
"tagline"      	=> "來自 {{SITENAME}}",
'history_short' => '舊版',
'info_short'	=> '資訊',
'edit' => '編輯',
'delete' => '刪除',
"undelete_short" => "回溯 $1 次編輯記錄",
'protect' => '保護',
'talkpage' => '討論本頁',
'personaltools' => '個人工具',
'addsection'   => '+',
'talk' => '討論',
'toolbox' => '工具',
'copyright'	=> '本內容的著作權聲明或使用條款為 $1.',
'poweredby'	=> "{{SITENAME}} 使用 [http://www.mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki], 開放源碼的 Wiki 引擎.",

'bureaucrattitle'	=> 'Bureaucrat access required',
"bureaucrattext"	=> "The action you have requested can only be
performed by sysops with  \"bureaucrat\" status.",
'pagetitle'		=> "$1 - {{SITENAME}}",
'thisisdeleted' => "檢視或回復 $1?",
'restorelink' => "$1 項已刪除(回溯)編輯記錄",
'feedlinks' => 'Feed:',
'sitenotice'	=> '-', # the equivalent to wgSiteNotice

# Short words for each namespace, by default used in the 'article' tab in monobook
'nstab-main' => '文章',
'nstab-user' => '使用者頁面',
'nstab-media' => '媒體',
'nstab-special' => '特殊',
'nstab-wp' => '關於',
'nstab-image' => '圖像',
'nstab-mediawiki' => '界面',
'nstab-template' => '範本',
'nstab-help' => '說明',
'nstab-category' => '分類',

# General errors
'cachederror'		=> 'The following is a cached copy of the requested page, and may not be up to date.',
'laggedslavemode'   => 'Warning: Page may not contain recent updates.',
'readonly_lag' => "The database has been automatically locked while the slave database servers catch up to the master",
'block_compress_delete' => "Can't delete this article because it contains block-compressed revisions. 
This is a temporary situation which the developers are well aware of, and should be fixed within a month or two. 
Please mark the article for deletion and wait for a developer to fix our buggy software.",
'perfcached' => 'The following data is cached and may not be completely up to date:',
'wrong_wfQuery_params' => "Incorrect parameters to wfQuery()<br />
Function: $1<br />
Query: $2
'viewsource' => '檢視源碼',
'protectedtext' => "This page has been locked to prevent editing; there are
a number of reasons why this may be so, please see
[[Project:Protected page]].

You can view and copy the source of this page:",
'seriousxhtmlerrors' => 'There were serious xhtml markup errors detected by tidy.',
'sqlhidden' => '(SQL query hidden)',

'loginprompt'           => "You must have cookies enabled to log in to {{SITENAME}}.",
'notloggedin'	=> '未登入',
'yourrealname' => '真實姓名*',
'yourlanguage' => '界面語言',
'yourvariant' => '中文字體',