Common safe and unsafe file types
出自 MozTW Wiki
程式檔 (不安全): | ||
.exe | Windows executable - Application | |
.scr | Windows executable - 螢幕保護程式 | |
.com | DOS executable | |
.bat | DOS batch file | |
Other unsafe types: | ||
.js | JavaScript | |
.vbs | VBScript | |
.html | HTML document. | |
.lnk | Windows shortcut. | Warning: the ".lnk" extension can be hidden even if you told Windows to always show extensions. Instead, the icon contains an arrow. |
.pif | Windows 3.1 shortcut | |
壓縮檔 (可能同時含有安全與不安全的檔案) | ||
.sit | StuffIt archive | 普遍使用於麥金塔(Mac)平台 |
.sitx | StuffItX archive | 普遍使用於麥金塔(Mac OS X)平台 |
.dmg | disk image | 普遍使用於麥金塔(Mac OS X)平台 |
.zip | Zip archive | |
.rar | Rar archive | |
.gz | GZIP archive | popular in UNIX, Linux platform |
.tar | tape archiver | popular in UNIX, Linux platform |
文件檔 (安全無虞): | ||
.txt | 純文字檔 | |
.rtf | Rich text document | 可以儲存格式的文字檔 |
.doc | Microsoft Word document | 在使用者持續安裝Word更新檔的情況下安全 |
(Acrobat) PDF document | ||
影像檔 (安全無虞): | ||
.jpg | Image - JPEG | |
.jpeg | Image - JPEG | |
.gif | Image - GIF | |
.png | Image - PNG | |
.tif, .tiff | Image - TIFF | |
聲音檔/影片檔: | ||
.aac, .m4a, .m4p | Audio - AAC | iTunes 預設檔案格式 |
.mp3 | Audio - MP3 | |
.ogg | Audio - Ogg Vorbis | |
.avi | Video - Various formats | |
.mov | Video - Quick Time movies | |
.mpg | Video - MPEG | |
.mpeg | Video - MPEG | |
.rm | Video - Real Player |
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