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Nvu 0.90 中文化
MozLCDB 的使用
試著使用 piaip 提供的工具 MozLCDB 進行中文化的工作, 的確是方便很多,比起之前一堆 *.dtd, *.properties 弄得頭昏眼花好多了。以 Nvu 為例, piaip 之前已經製作了 0.50 版的 locale 檔 , 就可以用 MozLCDB 把之前的翻譯成果匯入資料庫,不過還需要 0.50 的英文語系檔,要自己到 Nvu 下載 Nvu 0.50 、解壓縮取出英文 en-US.jar 。抓完 MozLCDB 和中英文 0.50 的 locale 以後全部解壓縮到 mozlcdb/ , 中英的 locale 分別放在 mozlcdb/zh-TW/, mozlcdb/en-US/ ,再下一層目錄放的就是 global/ 等資料夾。然後執行:
- $ perl mozlcdb.pl -n en-US zh-TW
如此可產生 mozlcdb.txt 和 current.txt 。 mozlcdb.txt 是詞庫,紀錄所有翻譯過的詞 (glossary) , current.txt 則存放待翻譯的部份;當然這邊 piaip 已經全部翻完了。詞庫匯入以後剛剛的 en-US, zh-TW 都可以砍了。 接著是匯入 0.90 的 locale ,把 0.90 的 en-US.jar 解壓縮到 mozlcdb/ ,產生的 locale/ 底下就是 global/ , 所以執行:
- $ perl mozlcdb.pl -i locale/
這樣就匯入 0.90 的詞庫了,再看看 glossary 的內容,之前匯入的翻譯還在,也有些是新的;而 current.txt 的內容則完全是沒翻譯過的。 這時候就可以開始編輯 current.txt ,格式很簡單, ";" 開頭的都是註解。使用熟悉的 UTF-8 文字編輯器把中文填上去就可以, 我這時候才發現 vim 可以自動區塊化編輯:
; [MozLCDB] mozilla localization database: current editing ; Get MozLCDB from http://moztw.org/tools/mozlcdb/ ; extra keys: cm=COMMENT and kp=1 (KEEP) [communicator-platform/mac/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd] id=redoCmd.label en=Redo tr=這裡就是放翻譯過的詞
翻完以後 (我當然是翻了兩個就急著想先看看結果啊) ,要把 glossary 更新,也就是把 current.txt 的翻譯內容更新到 mozlcdb.txt 裡, 執行:
- $ perl mozlcdb.pl -u
發現產生一些編碼的問題,不過這些特殊的編碼通常是不常見的某種語言名稱,跟我要做的中文沒有關係,所以改用大 -U 強制執行。 然後就從資料庫匯出到 locale/ (裡面的 *.dtd, *.properties) :
- $ perl mozlcdb.pl -X locale/
小 -x 應該是第一次建立的時候用,不過我從一開始 locale/ 就在那了,所以用大 -X 。 然後用 zip 格式包成 en-US.arj ,不要壓縮。接著覆蓋原來的語系檔:
- $ zip -r0 en-US.arj locale/
- $ cp en-US.arj ../nvu-0.90/chrome/
這樣就完成了。表面上似乎經過不少步驟,但是一想到 Mozilla, Firefox 這些程式有多少語系設定檔,這些步驟還是輕鬆得多; 更何況這樣做還可以在不同版本之間,甚至是 Mozilla 和 Netscape 這樣不同軟體之間維護語系檔,真的方便許多。 這真的是 piaip 多年經驗累積下來的智慧啊!
ps. 後面那幾個步驟我是用這個 script 來作啦:
#/bin/sh # Usage: # upxzic.sh [ROOT] [locale].jar [path to nvu/chrome] echo "updating..." perl mozlcdb.pl -U echo "exporting to $1..." perl mozlcdb.pl -X $1 echo "zipping to $2..." zip -9c -q $2 $1 echo "copying to $3..." cp $2 $3
翻譯 0.90
以下是 current.txt ,也就是待翻譯的內容。有些地方要保留,例如 "&" 開頭 ";" 結尾的字串要保留,前後還要加一個空白; "$*" 或 "%*" 也都是這樣;當然,像是只有一個字母 "Z" ,或者是個網址的,又或者是個按鍵 "F2" ,就完全放著不管 (不要去掉 "tr=" 前面的 ";") 。 剩下的,把 "tr=" 前面的 ";" 刪去,在 "=" 後面加上中文就可以了。
; [MozLCDB] mozilla localization database: current editing ; Get MozLCDB from http://moztw.org/tools/mozlcdb/ ; extra keys: cm=COMMENT and kp=1 (KEEP) [communicator-platform/mac/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd] id=redoCmd.label en=Redo tr=取消「復原」 id=quitApplicationCmd.key en=Q ;tr= id=redoCmd.key en=Z ;tr= id=historyCmd.key en=H ;tr= id=accel.emacs_conflict en=accel ;tr= id=findTypeTextCmd.key en= ;tr= id=findTypeLinksCmd.key en= ;tr= id=closeCmd.key en=W ;tr= id=printSetupCmd.label en=Page Setup... tr=頁面設定... id=quitApplicationCmd.label en=Quit ;tr=結束 id=closeCmd.label en=Close ;tr= ;[keep] id=printSetupCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator-platform/mac/pref/platformPrefOverlay.dtd] id=prefWindow.size en=width: 58em; height: 41em; ;tr= id=urlbar.label en=Cmd+Return in the Location bar ;tr= id=middleClick.label en=Cmd+click or Cmd+Return on links in a Web page ;tr= [communicator-platform/unix/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd] id=redoCmd.label en=Redo tr=取消復原 id=quitApplicationCmd.key en=Q ;tr= id=redoCmd.key en=Y ;tr= id=accel.emacs_conflict en=accel,shift ;tr= ;[keep] id=redoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=findTypeTextCmd.key en=/ ;tr= id=findTypeLinksCmd.key en=' ;tr= id=closeCmd.key en=W ;tr= ;[keep] id=quitApplicationCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=q ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=quitApplicationCmd.label en=Quit tr=結束 ;[keep] id=closeCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=closeCmd.label en=Close ;tr= [communicator-platform/unix/pref/platformPrefOverlay.dtd] id=prefWindow.size en=width: 52em; height: 41em; ;tr= id=urlbar.label en=Ctrl+Enter in the Location bar ;tr= id=middleClick.label en=Middle-click, Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Enter on links in a Web page ;tr= [communicator-platform/win/platformCommunicatorOverlay.dtd] id=redoCmd.label en=Redo ;tr= id=quitApplicationCmd.key en=Q ;tr= id=redoCmd.key en=Y ;tr= id=accel.emacs_conflict en=accel ;tr= ;[keep] id=redoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=findTypeTextCmd.key en=/ ;tr= id=findTypeLinksCmd.key en=' ;tr= id=closeCmd.key en=W ;tr= ;[keep] id=quitApplicationCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=quitApplicationCmd.label en=Exit ;tr= ;[keep] id=closeCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=closeCmd.label en=Close ;tr= [communicator-platform/win/pref/platformPrefOverlay.dtd] id=defaultBrowserGroup.label en=Default Browser ;tr= id=defaultPendingText en=&brandShortName; will be set as your default browser when you click OK. ;tr= id=prefWindow.size en=width: 52em; height: 41em; ;tr= id=makeDefaultText en=Set &brandShortName; as your default browser. ;tr= id=middleClick.label en=Middle-click, Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Enter on links in a Web page ;tr= id=alreadyDefaultText en=&brandShortName; is already your default browser. ;tr= id=defaultBrowserButton.label en=Set Default Browser ;tr= id=winhooks.label en=System ;tr= id=urlbar.label en=Ctrl+Enter in the Location bar ;tr=
[communicator-region/region.properties] id=browser.search.defaultenginename en=Google ;tr= id=intl.content.langcode en=en-US ;tr= id=more_plugins_label en=Netscape.com ;tr= id=defaultSearchURL en=http://www.google.com/search?q= ;tr= id=more_plugins_url en=http://home.netscape.com/plugins/index.html ;tr= id=plugindoc_label en=plugindoc.mozdev.org ;tr= id=update_notifications.provider.0.datasource en= ;tr= id=plugindoc_url en=http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/ ;tr=
[communicator/contentAreaCommands.dtd] ;[keep] id=bookmarkLinkCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewPageSourceCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=V ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewBGImageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=saveFrameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openLinkCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=saveImageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=undoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewFrameInfoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewImageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=savePageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyImageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=deleteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openLinkInWindowCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=addToBookmarksCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=reloadCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=setWallpaperCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=reloadCmd.commandkey en=r ;tr= ;[keep] id=popupWindowRejectCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en= ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showOnlyThisFrameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=bookmarkFrameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=goForwardCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openFrameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fitImageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=selectAllCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyEmailCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pasteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=search.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=thisFrameMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewFrameSourceCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=V ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openFrameCmdInTab.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=goBackCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=redoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=stopCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cutCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=savePageCmd.commandkey en=s ;tr= ;[keep] id=reloadFrameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=spellSuggestions.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=bookmarkPageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewPageInfoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=saveLinkCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openLinkCmdInTab.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewPartialSourceCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyLinkCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=popupWindowAllowCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en= ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=metadataCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/contentAreaCommands.properties] id=DefaultSaveFileName en=index ;tr= id=filesFolder en=%S_files ;tr= [communicator/history/history.dtd] ;[keep] id=findHisCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=menuitem.view.show_columns.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=groupByNone.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=deleteHostnameCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=groupBySite.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=menuitem.view.descending.accesskey ;[keep] en=z ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=deleteDomainCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=findHisCmd.commandkey en=f ;tr= ;[keep] id=menuitem.view.unsorted.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=groupBy.accesskey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=menuitem.view.ascending.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=groupByDay.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/history/history.properties] id=collapseAccesskey en=C ;tr= id=expandAccesskey en=x ;tr= [communicator/history/historyTreeOverlay.dtd] id=tree.header.name.akey en=T ;tr= id=tree.header.referrer.akey en=R ;tr= id=bookmarkLinksCmd.akey en=L ;tr= id=tree.header.date.akey en=a ;tr= id=tree.header.firstvisitdate.akey en=F ;tr= id=tree.header.hostname.akey en=H ;tr= id=tree.header.url.akey en=L ;tr= id=tree.header.visitcount.akey en=V ;tr= [communicator/openLocation.dtd] ;[keep] id=openWhere.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=chooseFile.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enter.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=xhtmlDocument.label en=create a XHTML document ;tr=
[communicator/popupManager.dtd] ;[keep] id=addSite.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=removeAll.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=remove.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-advanced.dtd] ;[keep] id=autoLoadImgCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=systemPrefCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enbJavaCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=j ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=imageBlocking.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableTurboCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sendAddFtpCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-appearance.dtd] ;[keep] id=useSiteIcons.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showHideTooltips.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=textonlyRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=picsOnlyRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=compCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=calCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=picsNtextRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useSmoothScroll.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=navCheck.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableAutomaticImageResizing.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-applications-edit.dtd] ;[keep] id=description.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=askBeforeOpen.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=application.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=saveToDisk.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useDefault.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=extension.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mimetype.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=browse.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-applications.dtd] ;[keep] id=newTypeButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=removeButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-cache.dtd] id=mbytes en=MB ;tr= ;[keep] id=diskCache.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=neverRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=chooseFolder.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enablePrefetch.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=clearDiskCache.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=autoRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=everyTimeRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=oncePsessionRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=O ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=chooseDiskCacheFolder.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-charset.dtd] id=otherCharset.label en=Other: ;tr= id=charsetCustomize.title en=Select a character set ;tr= id=charsetCustomize.description en=Select the charset you would like to use. ;tr= ;[keep] id=otherCharset.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=charsets.label en=Character sets: ;tr= [communicator/pref/pref-colors.dtd] ;[keep] id=useSystemColors.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=backgroundColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=underlineLinks.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=activeLinkColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=alwaysUseDocumentColors.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=visitedLinkColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=linkColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useMyColors.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=textColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-debug.dtd] ;[keep] id=acceleratorKey.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=menuAccessKey.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-debug2.dtd] id=html.label en=HTML ;tr= [communicator/pref/pref-download.dtd] ;[keep] id=doNothing.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openProgressDialog.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openDM.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-fonts.dtd] ;[keep] id=language.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=resolution.dpival en=$val &resolution.dpi; ;tr= ;[keep] id=cursive.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sans-serif.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=font.langGroup.devanagari en=Devanagari ;tr= ;[keep] id=minSize.accesskey ;[keep] en=z ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=resolution.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=monospace.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=resolution.dpi en=dpi ;tr= ;[keep] id=useDefaultFont.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useDocFontDynamic.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=proportional.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useDocFontNonDynamic.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=serif.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useDocumentFonts.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fantasy.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-helpers.dtd] id=example.label en=/usr/lib/mozilla/mozilla-xremote-client openURL($s) ;tr= ;[keep] id=connectionbutton.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=spellCheckRealTime.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-history.dtd] ;[keep] id=clearLocationBarButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=clearHistory.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pageHis.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-http.dtd] ;[keep] id=prefEnableHTTP11.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnablePipeliningProxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnableKeepAlive.accesskey ;[keep] en=K ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnablePipelining.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnableHTTP10.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnableKeepAliveProxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnableHTTP10Proxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=prefEnableHTTP11Proxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-keynav.dtd] ;[keep] id=tabNavigationLinks.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAsYouTypeTimeout.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAsYouTypeAutoText.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tabNavigationForms.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAsYouTypeSound.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAsYouTypeAutoLinks.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAsYouTypeEnableAuto.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-languages.dtd] ;[keep] id=languages.customize.moveDown.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=languages.customize.others.accesskey ;[keep] en=O ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=languages.customize.moveUp.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=languages.customize.engOrder.label en=1 ;tr= ;[keep] id=languages.customize.addButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=languages.customize.deleteButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=languages.customize.DefaultCharset.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-languages.properties] id=languageRegionCodeFormat en=%1$S/%2$S [%3$S] ;tr= id=languageCodeFormat en=%1$S [%2$S] ;tr= [communicator/pref/pref-mousewheel.dtd] ;[keep] id=scroll.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=history.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useSystemDefault.accesskey ;[keep] en=y ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mouseWheelPanel.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=scrollPgUpPgDn.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=textsize.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-navigator.dtd] ;[keep] id=homePageRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=lastPageRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=browseFile.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=location.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=blankPageRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useDefault.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useCurrent.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=useCurrentGroup.accesskey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-policies.dtd] ;[keep] id=addSite.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=settings.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-proxies.dtd] ;[keep] id=reload.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=socks.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=directTypeRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=HTTPport.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=SOCKSport.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=SSLport.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=FTPport.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=manualTypeRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=configAutoconfigText.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=socks5.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=socks4.label en=SOCKS v4 ;tr= ;[keep] id=http.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=noproxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ftp.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=socks5.label en=SOCKS v5 ;tr= ;[keep] id=socks4.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ssl.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=gopherPort.accesskey ;[keep] en= ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=autoTypeRadio.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=reuseProxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=gopher.accesskey ;[keep] en=g ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-scripts.dtd] ;[keep] id=navigator.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-search.dtd] ;[keep] id=searchModeAdvanced.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=defaultSearchEngine.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=searchModeBasic.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=openSidebarSearchPanel.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-smart_browsing.dtd] ;[keep] id=autoCompleteAdvanced.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=moreInformation.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=keywordsEnabled.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=autoCompleteEnabled.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-smartupdate.dtd] ;[keep] id=weekly.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableUN.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableSU.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=uninstallButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableNotification.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=monthly.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-tabs.dtd] ;[keep] id=loadGroupReplace.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=loadGroupAppend.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-themes.dtd] ;[keep] id=selectSkin.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=uninstallSkin.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/pref/pref-winhooks.dtd] ;[keep] id=png.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=html.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=gif.accesskey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=bmp.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=xhtml.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showDialog.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=xul.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=xml.accesskey ;[keep] en=X ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=xbm.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=http.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ftp.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ico.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=https.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=chrome.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mng.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=jpeg.accesskey ;[keep] en=J ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=gopher.accesskey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/printPreview.dtd] id=p70.label en=70% ;tr= id=percent.label en=% ;tr= ;[keep] id=portrait.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=print.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=p175.label en=175% ;tr= id=p30.label en=30% ;tr= id=p80.label en=80% ;tr= id=p50.label en=50% ;tr= id=p200.label en=200% ;tr= id=p125.label en=125% ;tr= id=p150.label en=150% ;tr= ;[keep] id=landscape.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=p40.label en=40% ;tr= ;[keep] id=pageSetup.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=p60.label en=60% ;tr= id=p100.label en=100% ;tr= ;[keep] id=close.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=p90.label en=90% ;tr=
[communicator/search/search-editor.dtd] ;[keep] id=category.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=new.category.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=add.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=remove.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=remove.category.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=rename.category.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/sidebar/local-panels.dtd] id=sidebar.client-sitemanager.label en=Nvu Site Manager ;tr= [communicator/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=sidebar.reload.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sidebar.customize.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sidebarCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sidebar.switch.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sidebar.hide.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sidebar.loading.stop.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/tasksOverlay.dtd] id=themes.label en=Themes ;tr= id=navigatorCmd.commandkey en=1 ;tr= id=editorCmd.commandkey en=4 ;tr= ;[keep] id=privacyMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tasksMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=extensions.label en=Extensions ;tr= ;[keep] id=navigatorCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=javaConsoleCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=j ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=javaScriptConsoleCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=windowMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=downloadManagerCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=securityInfoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=webDevelopment.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editorCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=switchProfileCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [communicator/utilityOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=editMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=undoCmd.key en=Z ;tr= ;[keep] id=viewMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=preferencesCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=offlineGoOfflineCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=undoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=releaseCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=deleteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=proxy.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=newBlankPageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewToolbarsMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=newPageFromTemplateCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=newMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=direct.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=selectAllCmd.key en=A ;tr= id=deleteCmd.key en=D ;tr= ;[keep] id=findTypeLinksCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pac.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=pasteCmd.key en=V ;tr= id=redoCmd.key en=Y ;tr= ;[keep] id=pasteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=selectAllCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showTaskbarCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=helpMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=aboutCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=copyCmd.key en=C ;tr= ;[keep] id=newPageFromDraftCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=aboutCommPluginsCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=redoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findTypeTextCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=newNavigatorCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cutCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=cutCmd.key en=X ;tr= id=newBlankPageCmd.key en=n ;tr= id=newNavigatorCmd.key en=N ;tr= ;[keep] id=manual.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=preferencesCmd.key en=E ;tr= [communicator/viewZoomOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=textZoomEnlargeCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] 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[editor-region/region.properties] id=editor.L10N.url en=http://glazman.org/nvu/NVU-L10N.html ;tr= id=editor.bugReports.url en=http://www.nvu.com/bugreport2.php ;tr= id=editor.forums.url en=http://forum.nvudev.org/ ;tr= id=editor.site.url en=http://www.nvu.com/ ;tr= id=editor.faq.url en=http://www.nvu.com/faq.html ;tr= id=editor.devorg.url en=http://www.nvudev.org/ ;tr= <pre> ===== editor/E-M ===== [editor/EdColorPicker.dtd] id=hsb.label en=HSB ;tr= ;[keep] id=table.accessKey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=lastPickedColor.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cell.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=rgb.label en=RGB ;tr= id=nameColor.label en=Name: ;tr= ;[keep] id=background.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=hexColor.label en=Hex: ;tr= id=hue.label en=Hue: ;tr= [editor/EdDialogOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=makeUrlRelative.accessKey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] 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id=AccessKey.accesskey ;[keep] en=K ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tabIndex.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ButtonDisabled.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ButtonName.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ButtonType.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorColorProperties.dtd] id=colon.character en=: ;tr= ;[keep] id=customColorsRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=activeLinkText.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=linkText.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=visitedLinkText.accessKey ;[keep] en=V ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=backgroundImage.accessKey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=background.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=normalText.accessKey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=defaultColorsRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorFieldSetProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=LegendAlign.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=EditLegendText.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=Legend.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=RemoveFieldSet.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorFormProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=FormAction.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=FormEncType.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=RemoveForm.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=FormName.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=FormTarget.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=FormMethod.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorHLineProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=rightRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=widthEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=centerRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=leftRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=heightEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=threeDShading.accessKey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=saveSettings.accessKey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorImageMap.dtd] ;[keep] id=mapeditcopy.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapfilemenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=apercentCmd.label en=100 ;tr= ;[keep] id=copy.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapviewtbar.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=zoomone.accesskey ;[keep] en=1 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapfileclear.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=cpercentCmd.label en=400 ;tr= ;[keep] id=contrast.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=maphelpmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapviewscale.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapeditmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=about.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=mapeditprops.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=close.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=zoomtwo.accesskey ;[keep] en=2 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=selectall.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=paste.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tbar.accesskey ;[keep] en=t 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id=leftRightEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=constrainCheckbox.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showImageLinkBorder.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=heightEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=title.accessKey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=altText.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=borderEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=widthEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=removeImageMapButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=actualSizeRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=locationEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=customSizeRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorInputProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=Value.accesskey ;[keep] en=V ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=TextLength.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=TextSize.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=AccessKey.accesskey ;[keep] en=K ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ImageProperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tabIndex.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=InputChecked.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=InputSelected.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=Accept.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=InputReadOnly.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=InputDisabled.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=InputType.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=Name.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorInsertChars.dtd] ;[keep] id=letter.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=character.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorInsertSource.dtd] id=exampleText.label en=Hello World! ;tr= id=exampleOpenTag.label en=<i> ;tr= id=exampleCloseTag.label en=</i> ;tr= [editor/EditorInsertTOC.dtd] id=tag.label en=Tag: ;tr= id=class.label en=Class: ;tr= [editor/EditorInsertTable.dtd] id=cellPadding.label en=Cellpadding ;tr= id=quicklyTab.label en=Quickly ;tr= ;[keep] id=borderEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=widthEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=bottomVAlignment.label en=Bottom ;tr= id=textWrapping.label en=Text wrapping: ;tr= id=vertAlignment.label en=Vert. alignment: ;tr= ;[keep] id=numRowsEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=rightHAlignment.label en=Right ;tr= id=nowrapWrapping.label en=Don't wrap ;tr= id=horizAlignment.label en=Horiz. alignment: ;tr= id=cellTab.label en=Cell ;tr= id=middleVAlignment.label en=Middle ;tr= id=unspecifiedHAlignment.label en=Unspecified ;tr= id=cellSpacing.label en=Cellspacing ;tr= id=preciselyTab.label en=Precisely ;tr= id=centerHAlignment.label en=Center ;tr= id=topVAlignment.label en=Top ;tr= id=wrapWrapping.label en=Wrap ;tr= ;[keep] id=numColumnsEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=unspecifiedVAlignment.label en=Unspecified ;tr= id=leftHAlignment.label en=Left ;tr= [editor/EditorLabelProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=RemoveLabel.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=LabelFor.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=EditLabelText.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=Settings.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=AccessKey.accesskey ;[keep] en=K ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorLinkProperties.dtd] id=blankRadio.label en=in a new window ;tr= id=muse.label en=muse ;tr= id=parentRadio.label en=in the parent frameset ;tr= id=topRadio.label en=in same window, getting rid of all framesets ;tr= id=selfRadio.label en=in the current frame ;tr= id=targetBox.label en=Target ;tr= id=userDefinedRadio.label en=in this frame: ;tr= id=crush.label en=crush ;tr= id=userDefinedTarget.label en=Link is to be opened ;tr= [editor/EditorListProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=changeEntireListRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=startingNumber.accessKey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=changeSelectedRadio.accessKey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorPageProperties.dtd] id=defaultCharset.label en=Character set: ;tr= ;[keep] id=descriptionInput.accessKey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=chooseCharsetButton.label en=Choose a charset ;tr= id=languageChoiceButton.label en=Choose a language ;tr= ;[keep] id=authorInput.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=titleInput.accessKey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorPersonalDictionary.dtd] ;[keep] id=wordEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ReplaceButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=RemoveButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=DictionaryList.accessKey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=CloseButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=AddButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorPublishProgress.dtd] ;[keep] id=troubleshooting.accessKey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorReplace.dtd] ;[keep] id=wrapCheckbox.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] 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;[keep] [editor/EditorSnapToGrid.dtd] ;[keep] id=sizeEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=enableSnapToGrid.accessKey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorSpellCheck.dtd] ;[keep] id=languagePopup.accessKey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=addToUserDictionaryButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=wordEditField.accessKey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=replaceButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=stopButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=recheckButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=checkwordButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=suggestions.accessKey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ignoreAllButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=replaceAllButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=closeButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editUserDictionaryButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=ignoreButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sendButton.accessKey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/EditorTableProperties.dtd] ;[keep] id=tablePadding.accessKey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=backgroundColor.accessKey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableColumns.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cellHorizontal.accessKey ;[keep] en=Z ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cellSelectPrevious.accessKey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableHeight.accessKey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cellStyle.accessKey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= 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[editor/aboutDialog.dtd] id=copyrightLink en=http://nvu.com/about.html ;tr= id=copyrightText en=©1998-2004 Contributors. All Rights Reserved. ;tr= [editor/editor.dtd] id=editorWindow.titlemodifier en=Nvu ;tr= id=preferencesCmd.label en=Options... ;tr= id=editorWindow.titlemodifiermenuseparator en= - ;tr= ;[keep] id=formatmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=preferencesCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=O ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/editor.properties] id=XulKeyMac en=Cmd+ ;tr= id=Del en=Del ;tr= id=EnterLinkTextAccessKey en=T ;tr= id=FormatToolbar en=Format toolbar ;tr= id=RemoveLinksAccesskey en=n ;tr= id=TableSelectKey en=Ctrl+ ;tr= id=Style_a en=a, b, c... ;tr= id=XulKeyUnix en=Alt+ ;tr= id=NoClassAvailable en=-- none -- ;tr= id=PropertiesAccessKey en=P ;tr= id=ApplyAccessKey en=A ;tr= id=Style_I en=I, II, III... ;tr= id=XulKeyDefault en=Ctrl+ ;tr= id=Style_i en=i, ii, iii... ;tr= id=RemoveTextStylesAccesskey en=x ;tr= id=ObjectPropertiesAccessKey en=o ;tr= id=RevalidateAccessKey en=R ;tr= id=Style_1 en=1, 2, 3... ;tr= id=JoinCellAccesskey en=j ;tr= id=InsertAccessKey en=I ;tr= id=Style_A en=A, B, C... ;tr= id=MainToolbar en=Main toolbar ;tr= [editor/editorNavigatorOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=editLinkCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editPageCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [editor/editorOverlay.dtd] id=editfindnext.keybinding2 en=VK_F3 ;tr= ;[keep] id=viewrulerscmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=insertComment.label en=Comment ;tr= ;[keep] id=tablecolumnafter.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=SourceTabDirection en=ltr ;tr= id=AddressAbbr.label en=Addr. ;tr= ;[keep] id=HTMLSourceMode.accesskey ;[keep] en=h ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=toolsmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=filesave.keybinding en=s ;tr= ;[keep] id=insertphpcode.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] 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;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=decreaseindentkb en=- ;tr= id=PreformatAbbr.label en=Pre. ;tr= id=fileclose.keybinding en=w ;tr= ;[keep] id=viewToolbarsMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=inlinestyles.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pasteTable.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=size-x-large.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablerowbelow.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=fontTimes.label en=Times ;tr= ;[keep] id=editlink.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fontfixedwidth.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablesplitcell.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formatstylesheetmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=y ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formatlistmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertcomment.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=editfindprev.keybinding en=g ;tr= ;[keep] id=heading4.accesskey ;[keep] en=4 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewpagesource.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=styleitalic.keybinding en=i ;tr= ;[keep] id=stylebold.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=Heading5Abbr.label en=H5 ;tr= id=fontHelveticaFont.label en=Helvetica, Arial ;tr= ;[keep] id=insertchars.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=viewparagraphmarks.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=colorsandbackground.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=insertPHPCode.label en=PHP Code ;tr= id=Heading6Abbr.label en=H6 ;tr= ;[keep] id=insertform.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fontvarwidth.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=compositiontb.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=insertlink.keybinding en=l ;tr= ;[keep] id=editfindprev.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filepreview.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=toolbrowser.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=validate.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=decreasefontsize.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fonttimes.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=writingdirectionmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pasteNoFormatting.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filerevert.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=increaseindentkb en== ;tr= ;[keep] id=structSelect.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablemenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=borderproperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertimage.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=formatremovenamedanchors.keybinding en=a ;tr= ;[keep] id=redo.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertbutton.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=alignjustify.accesskey ;[keep] en=j ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=PreviewMode.tooltip en=Display as WYSIWYG (no icons for invisible markup) ;tr=所視即所得(WYSIWYG)(如同在瀏覽器裡顯示) ;[keep] id=structChangeTag.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertanchor.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablecolumn.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=PreviewMode.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=nvuforumsmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=bugreportsmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=fontCourier.label en=Courier ;tr= ;[keep] id=updateTOC.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=formatfontfixed.keybinding en=t ;tr= ;[keep] id=heading2.accesskey ;[keep] en=2 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileprintsetup.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=paste.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=idSelectMenu.label en=ID ;tr= ;[keep] id=stylesubscript.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=colorPicker.default.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editmodetb.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tabledeletemenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileopenremote.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=aligncenter.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=fileopenremote.keybinding en=l ;tr= ;[keep] id=heading3.accesskey ;[keep] en=3 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablerow.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formattingtb.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=helpmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=Heading4Abbr.label en=H4 ;tr= ;[keep] id=fileprintpreview.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=createlink.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=stylebold.keybinding en=b ;tr= ;[keep] id=toolsetfocus.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=pasteHTMLCmd.label en=HTML ;tr= ;[keep] id=backgroundproperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=g ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=makecssrule.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleVar.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=publishSettings.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editcheckspelling.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableinsertmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=applyClassToSelectionCmd.tooltip en=Apply a class to the selection ;tr= id=editpastequotation.keybinding en=v ;tr= ;[keep] id=formatalignmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=formatToolbar.boldChar en=B ;tr= ;[keep] id=inserttable.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=markupcleaner.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertinputimage.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertlink.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editpastequotation.accesskey ;[keep] en=q ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formatsizemenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=z ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=stylestrikethru.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formatRemoveNamedAnchors.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablejoincells.accesskey ;[keep] en=j ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=insertHTMLCmd.label en=HTML... ;tr= ;[keep] id=paragraphpreformat.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=increaseFontSize.keybinding en=+ ;tr= ;[keep] id=editfind.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=aboutmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=size-medium.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=listterm.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filesaveandchangeencoding.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleStrong.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablecellcontents.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleitalic.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableselectmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=s ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileopen.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileexporttotext.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=Heading3Abbr.label en=H3 ;tr= ;[keep] id=cut.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=publishcmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=AllTagsMode.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=auralproperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=editmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tabletable.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=ParagraphAbbr.label en=P ;tr= ;[keep] id=insertbreakall.accesskey ;[keep] en=k ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=delete.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=rtldirectionmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copy.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=stylenonbreaking.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=bodytext.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=size-xx-large.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=stylesuperscript.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleunderline.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleAcronym.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=alignright.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=heading1.accesskey ;[keep] en=1 ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertlabel.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileexit.accesskey ;[keep] en=q ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=fileexit.keybinding en=q ;tr= ;[keep] id=customizeToolbar.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=size-large.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=editfindprev.keybinding2 en=VK_F3 ;tr= ;[keep] id=filerecentmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=fileprint.keybinding en=p ;tr= ;[keep] id=localizingnvu.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=structRemoveTag.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableProperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertbreak.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=alignleft.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pasteImage.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=taskbarCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=nvucommenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertfieldset.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filesaveas.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=localfontmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=paragraphaddress.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertformmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=faqmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fontcourier.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=previewToolbarCmd.tooltip en=Preview this page into your browser ;tr=將此頁載入瀏覽器 ;[keep] id=tipofthedaymenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=pasteColumns.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=genericContainerCmd.label en=Generic container (div) ;tr= ;[keep] id=boxproperties.accesskey ;[keep] en=x ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=formatfontmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleCite.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=increasefontsize.accesskey ;[keep] en=g ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=newBlankPage.accesskey ;[keep] en=P ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=styleEm.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tablecellafter.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=editfind.keybinding2 en=VK_F19 ;tr= ;[keep] id=decreaseindent.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=fileclose.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=increaseindent.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableallcells.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertinputtag.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=toolplaineditor.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=tableOrCellColor.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertmenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=i ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=localizingNvu.label en=Localizing Nvu ;tr= id=formatremovestyles.keybinding en=y ;tr= id=formatremovelinks.keybinding en=k ;tr= [editor/editorPrefsOverlay.dtd] id=prefWindow.size en=width: 52.3em; height: 37em; ;tr= [editor/editorSmileyOverlay.dtd] ;[keep] id=smiley15Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley2Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley4Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley16Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley13Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=o ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley1Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=insertSmiley.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=smiley12Cmd.label en=Money-Mouth ;tr= ;[keep] id=smiley14Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=smiley13Cmd.label en=Foot-in-Mouth ;tr= ;[keep] id=smiley6Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley11Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley3Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley12Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley10Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=Y ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley9Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=K ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley5Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley7Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=smiley8Cmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep]
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en=ISO-8859-6, windows-1256, IBM864, x-mac-arabic, x-mac-farsi, ISO-8859-8-I, windows-1255, ISO-8859-8, IBM862, x-mac-hebrew ;tr= id=intl.collationOption en= ;tr= id=tabs.historyItem en=Group of Tabs ;tr= id=switchskinstitle en=Apply Theme ;tr= id=droponhometitle en=Set Home Page ;tr= id=oldTheme en=You have selected a theme which was designed for an earlier version of %brand% and is incompatible with your current %brand% version. Please check %brand% theme sites for an updated version of the theme. You can uninstall this theme by clicking "OK" button. ;tr= id=switchJVMTitle en=Select Java version ;tr= id=jserror en=An error has occurred on this page. Double click here for details. ;tr= id=droponhomebutton en=Drop a link or file to make it your home page ;tr= id=wallpaperConfirmMsg en=Do you want to set this image as your desktop wallpaper? ;tr= id=tabs.close en=Close ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.more2 en=ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-13, windows-1257, IBM852, ISO-8859-2, x-mac-ce, windows-1250, x-mac-croatian, IBM855, ISO-8859-5, ISO-IR-111, KOI8-R, x-mac-cyrillic, windows-1251, IBM866, KOI8-U, x-mac-ukrainian, ISO-8859-16, x-mac-romanian ;tr= id=tabs.closeWarning en=This Navigator window has %S tabs open. Do you want to close it and all its tabs? ;tr= id=font.language.group en=x-western ;tr= id=wallet.Samples en=http://www.mozilla.org/wallet/samples/ ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.unicode en=UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-7 ;tr= id=showskinsdescription en=true ;tr= id=intl.accept_languages en=en-us, en ;tr= id=general.useragent.locale en=en-US ;tr= id=wallpaperConfirmButton en=Set Wallpaper ;tr= [en-US/navigator/pageInfo.dtd] id=generalTitle en=Title: ;tr= id=formCValue en=Current Value ;tr= id=preface en=Info for: ;tr= id=formTarget en=Target: ;tr= id=generalMetaName en=Name ;tr= id=pageInfoWindow.width en=425 ;tr= id=generalReferrer en=Referring URL: ;tr= id=frameName en=Name ;tr= id=mediaName en=Name ;tr= id=formType en=Type ;tr= id=generalType en=Type: ;tr= id=mediaLongdesc en=Long Description: ;tr= id=generalExpires en=Expires: ;tr= id=mediaAddress en=Address ;tr= id=mediaTitle en=Title Attribute: ;tr= id=frameAddress en=Address ;tr= id=copy.key en=c ;tr= id=framesTab en=Frames ;tr= id=linkNo en=No. ;tr= id=linkName en=Name ;tr= id=generalURL en=URL: ;tr= id=description en=Information about the current page ;tr= id=linkType en=Type ;tr= id=generalMode en=Render Mode: ;tr= id=linkAddress en=Address ;tr= id=formAction en=Form Action ;tr= id=formsTab en=Forms ;tr= id=generalSource en=Source: ;tr= id=title en=Page Info ;tr= id=mediaPlugin en=Plugin: ;tr= id=generalMeta en=Meta: ;tr= id=mediaAltHeader en=Alternate Text ;tr= id=generalEncoding en=Encoding: ;tr= id=mediaBase en=Base URL: ;tr= id=mediaAlt en=Alternate Text: ;tr= id=formEncoding en=Encoding: ;tr= id=mediaSaveAs en=Save As... ;tr= id=formFName en=Field Name ;tr= id=mediaDimensions en=Dimensions: ;tr= id=formLabel en=Label ;tr= id=mediaNo en=No. ;tr= ;[keep] id=mediaSaveAs.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=formMethod en=Method ;tr= id=closeWindow.key en=w ;tr= id=generalMetaContent en=Content ;tr= id=linksTab en=Links ;tr= id=linkTarget en=Target ;tr= id=linkAccessKey en=Access Key ;tr= id=mediaCharset en=Encoding: ;tr= id=pageInfoWindow.height en=470 ;tr= id=formNo en=No. ;tr= id=mediaHeader en=Images on this page ;tr= id=formName en=Name ;tr= id=generalSent en=Sent: ;tr= id=generalModified en=Modified: ;tr= id=generalSize en=Size: ;tr= id=mediaTab en=Media ;tr= id=mediaType en=Type ;tr= id=formFields en=Fields: ;tr= id=frameType en=Type ;tr= id=mediaURL en=URL: ;tr= id=mediaEncryption en=Encryption: ;tr= id=generalTab en=General ;tr= [en-US/navigator/pageInfo.properties] id=generalStrictMode en=Standards compliance mode ;tr= id=frameInfo.title en=Frame Info ;tr= id=generalNoExpiration en=(no expiration set) ;tr= id=formDefaultTarget en=None (opens in same window) ;tr= id=mediaBGImg en=Background ;tr= id=linkAnchor en=Anchor ;tr= id=linkRev en=Reverse Link ;tr= id=formUntitled en=Unnamed Form: ;tr= id=generalMemoryCache en=Memory Cache ;tr= id=generalHTTPCache en=HTTP Cache ;tr= id=generalQuirksMode en=Quirks mode ;tr= id=default en=Default ;tr= id=generalDiskCache en=Disk Cache ;tr= id=linkStylesheet en=Stylesheet ;tr= id=mediaPhysSize en=Physical Width: %Spx, Physical Height: %Spx ;tr= id=linkSubmission en=Form Submission ;tr= id=linkSubmit en=Submit Query ;tr= id=mediaApplet en=Applet ;tr= id=pageTitle en=%S: ;tr= id=linkRel en=Related Link ;tr= id=mediaLink en=Icon ;tr= id=mediaObject en=Object ;tr= id=generalNotCached en=(not cached) ;tr= id=linkArea en=Area ;tr= id=linkX en=Simple XLink ;tr= id=noPageTitle en=Untitled Page ;tr= id=mediaImg en=Image ;tr= id=unknown en=Unknown ;tr= id=formUnchecked en=Unchecked ;tr= id=formTitle en=Form %S: ;tr= id=generalNoReferrer en=(no referrer) ;tr= id=notset en=Not Specified ;tr= id=pageInfo.title en=Page Info ;tr= id=formPassword en=******** ;tr= id=formChecked en=Checked ;tr= id=mediaInput en=Input ;tr= id=emptystring en=Empty String ;tr= id=mediaSize en=Width: %Spx, Height: %Spx ;tr= id=generalSize en=%S KB (%S bytes) ;tr= id=mediaEmbed en=Embed ;tr= id=generalFTPCache en=FTP Cache ;tr= [en-US/navigator/turboDialog.dtd] id=exitWarningTitle.label en=Quick Launch ;tr= id=exitWarningCheckbox.label en=Don't show me this message again ;tr= id=exitWarningMsg.label en=Quick Launch is enabled, so &brandShortName; remains in memory and can be started again quickly. To completely exit, right click on the &brandShortName; icon in the system tray and select Exit &brandShortName;. ;tr= ;[keep] id=exitWarningCheckbox.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [en-US/navigator/turboMenu.properties] id=Exit en=E&xit %S ;tr= id=DisableDlgTitle en=%S Quick Launch ;tr= id=Disable en=&Disable Quick Launch ;tr= id=Navigator en=&Navigator ;tr= id=Editor en=&Composer ;tr= id=DisableDlgMsg en=Disabling Quick Launch will increase the time it takes to start %1$S. Once disabled, open the Edit menu and choose Preferences. Choose the "Advanced" category and check "Keep %1$S in memory to improve startup performance" to enable it. Are you sure you want to disable Quick Launch? ;tr= [en-US/navigator/viewSource.dtd] ;[keep] id=goToLineCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=G ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=mainWindow.titlemodifier en=&brandShortName; ;tr= ;[keep] id=menu_wrapLongLines.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findNextCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=viewPartialSourceWindow.title en=DOM Source ;tr= id=goToLineCmd.commandkey en=l ;tr= id=mainWindow.preface en=Source of: ;tr= id=printSetupCmd.label en=Page Setup... ;tr= ;[keep] id=printSetupCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=menu_highlightSyntax.accesskey ;[keep] en=H ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=mainWindow.titlemodifierseparator en= - ;tr= id=menu_wrapLongLines.title en=Wrap Long Lines ;tr= id=findNextCmd.label en=Find Next ;tr= id=menu_highlightSyntax.label en=Syntax Highlighting ;tr= id=mainWindow.title en=&brandShortName; ;tr= id=goToLineCmd.label en=Go to Line... ;tr= [en-US/navigator/viewSource.properties] id=outOfRangeText en=The specified line was not found. ;tr= id=goToLineTitle en=Go to line ;tr= id=invalidInputText en=The line number entered is invalid. ;tr= id=invalidInputTitle en=Invalid input ;tr= id=outOfRangeTitle en=Line not found ;tr= id=goToLineText en=Enter line number ;tr= id=statusBarLineCol en=Line %1$S, Col %2$S ;tr=
[global-platform/mac/intl.properties] id=intl.charset.default en=ISO-8859-1 ;tr= id=intl.collationOption en= ;tr= [global-platform/mac/platformKeys.properties] id=VK_ALT en=� ;tr= id=VK_SHIFT en=� ;tr= id=VK_META en=� ;tr= id=VK_CONTROL en=� ;tr= id=MODIFIER_SEPARATOR en= ;tr= [global-platform/unix/intl.properties] id=intl.charset.default en=ISO-8859-1 ;tr= id=intl.collationOption en= ;tr= [global-platform/unix/platformKeys.properties] id=VK_ALT en=Alt ;tr= id=VK_SHIFT en=Shift ;tr= id=VK_META en=Meta ;tr= id=VK_CONTROL en=Ctrl ;tr= id=MODIFIER_SEPARATOR en=+ ;tr= [global-platform/win/intl.properties] id=intl.charset.default en=ISO-8859-1 ;tr= id=intl.collationOption en= ;tr= [global-platform/win/nsWindowsHooks.properties] id=checkBoxLabel en=Check at startup next time, too. ;tr= id=promptText en=%S is not currently set as your default browser. Would you like to make it your default browser? ;tr= id=cancelButtonLabel en=Cancel ;tr= id=yesButtonLabel en=Yes ;tr= id=prefsLabel en=Pr&eferences ;tr= id=noButtonLabel en=No ;tr= [global-platform/win/platformKeys.properties] id=VK_ALT en=Alt ;tr= id=VK_SHIFT en=Shift ;tr= id=VK_META en=Meta ;tr= id=VK_CONTROL en=Ctrl ;tr= id=MODIFIER_SEPARATOR en=+ ;tr= [global-region/region.dtd] id=locale.dir en=ltr ;tr= id=getNewThemesURL en=http://mozilla.org/themes/download/ ;tr= id=content.version en=1.5a ;tr= id=vendorURL en=http://www.mozilla.org/ ;tr= id=releaseURL en=http://www.mozilla.org/releases/ ;tr= [global-region/region.properties] id=more_plugins_label en=Netscape.com ;tr= id=getNewThemesURL en=http://mozilla.org/themes/download/ ;tr= id=pluginStartupMessage en=Starting Plugin for type ;tr= id=smartBrowsingURL en=http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/internet-keywords.html ;tr= id=more_plugins_url en=http://home.netscape.com/plugins/index.html ;tr= id=plugindoc_label en=plugindoc.mozdev.org ;tr= id=plugindoc_url en=http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/ ;tr= [global/accept2locale.properties] id=ar en=ar-sa ;tr= [global/accessible.properties] id=jump en=Jump ;tr= id=open en=Open ;tr= id=close en=Close ;tr= id=click en=Click ;tr= id=check en=Check ;tr= id=uncheck en=Uncheck ;tr= id=expand en=Expand ;tr= id=switch en=Switch ;tr= id=press en=Press ;tr= id=collapse en=Collapse ;tr= id=select en=Select ;tr= [global/appstrings.properties] id=externalProtocolChkMsg en=Remember my choice for all links of this type. ;tr= id=externalProtocolTitle en=External Protocol Request ;tr= id=externalProtocolPrompt en=An external application must be launched to handle %1$S: links. Requested link:\n\n\n%2$S\n\n\nIf you were not expecting this request it may be an attempt to exploit a weakness in that other program. Cancel this request unless you are sure it is not malicious.\n ;tr= id=externalProtocolLaunchBtn en=Launch application ;tr= [global/brand.dtd] id=vendorShortName en=Nvu ;tr= id=brandShortName en=Nvu ;tr= id=lang.version en=1.5b ;tr= [global/brand.properties] id=vendorShortName en=Nvu ;tr= id=brandFullName en=Nvu ;tr=Mozilla 應用程式 id=brandShortName en=Nvu ;tr=應用程式 [global/charsetOverlay.dtd] id=charsetMenuMore.label en=More Encodings ;tr=其它 ;[keep] id=charsetMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore3.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetCustomize.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore5.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=charsetCustomize.label en=Customize List... ;tr=自訂... ;[keep] id=charsetMenuUnicode.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore4.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore2.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuAutodet.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore.accesskey ;[keep] en=m ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=charsetMenuMore1.accesskey ;[keep] en=w ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [global/charsetTitles.properties] id=x-sun-unicode-india-0.title en=Hindi (SunDevanagari) ;tr= id=x-iso-8859-6-8-x.title en=Arabic (Langbox ISO-8859-6.8x) ;tr= id=x-iso-8859-6-16.title en=Arabic (Langbox ISO-8859-6.16) ;tr= id=x-mac-gurmukhi.title en=Gurmukhi (MacGurmukhi) ;tr= [global/config.dtd] ;[keep] id=boolean.accesskey ;[keep] en=B ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=reset.accesskey ;[keep] en=R ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyValue.accesskey ;[keep] en=V ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=new.accesskey ;[keep] en=N ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showAll.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filterPrefs.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=toggle.label en=Toggle ;tr= ;[keep] id=integer.accesskey ;[keep] en=I ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=string.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=modify.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyName.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=toggle.accesskey ;[keep] en=T ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [global/config.properties] id=title en=about:config ;tr= [global/console.dtd] id=focus2.commandkey en=d ;tr= ;[keep] id=warnings.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=messages.accesskey ;[keep] en=M ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=copyCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=closeCmd.commandkey en=w ;tr= ;[keep] id=all.accesskey ;[keep] en=A ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=sortFirst.accesskey ;[keep] en=f ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=focus1.commandkey en=l ;tr= ;[keep] id=sortLast.accesskey ;[keep] en=l ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=errors.accesskey ;[keep] en=E ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=copyCmd.commandkey en=C ;tr= ;[keep] id=clear.accesskey ;[keep] en=C ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [global/customizeToolbar.dtd] id=instructions.description en=You can add or remove items by dragging to or from the toolbars. ;tr=拖放物件到工作列上以新增。 [global/dialog.properties] id=accesskey-cancel en= ;tr= id=accesskey-help en=H ;tr= id=accesskey-accept en= ;tr= id=accesskey-disclosure en=I ;tr= [global/dom/dom.properties] id=JSURLLoadBlockedWarning en=Attempt to load a javascript: URL from one host\nin a window displaying content from another host\nwas blocked by the security manager. ;tr= id=WindowCloseBlockedWarning en=Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script. ;tr= id=OnBeforeUnloadPreMessage en=Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? ;tr= id=GlobalScopeElementReference en=Element referenced by ID/NAME in the global scope. Use W3C standard document.getElementById() instead. ;tr= id=OnBeforeUnloadPostMessage en=Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page. ;tr= id=DocumentAllUsed en=Non-standard document.all property was used. Use W3C standard document.getElementById() instead. ;tr= [global/editMenuOverlay.dtd] id=pasteCmd.key en=V ;tr= ;[keep] id=editMenu.accesskey ;[keep] en=e ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=redoCmd.key en=Y ;tr= ;[keep] id=pasteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=p ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=selectAllCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=a ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=undoCmd.key en=Z ;tr= ;[keep] id=copyCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=selectAllCmd.key en=A ;tr= id=copyCmd.key en=C ;tr= id=deleteCmd.key en=D ;tr= ;[keep] id=findCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findPreviousCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=v ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findAgainCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=g ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=undoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=u ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=findAgainCmd.key en=G ;tr= ;[keep] id=redoCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=r ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=findCmd.key en=F ;tr= ;[keep] id=deleteCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=d ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=cutCmd.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] id=cutCmd.key en=X ;tr= id=findAgainCmd.key2 en=VK_F3 ;tr= [global/filepicker.dtd] ;[keep] id=textInput.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=lookInMenuList.accesskey ;[keep] en=L ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=showHiddenFiles.accesskey ;[keep] en=S ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=filterMenuList.accesskey ;[keep] en=t ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [global/filepicker.properties] id=allFilter en=* ;tr= id=xmlFilter en=*.xml ;tr= id=htmlFilter en=*.html; *.htm; *.shtml; *.xhtml ;tr= id=imageFilter en=*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png; *.bmp; *.xbm; *.ico ;tr= id=xulFilter en=*.xul ;tr= id=textFilter en=*.txt; *.text ;tr= [global/finddialog.dtd] ;[keep] id=wrapCheckbox.accesskey ;[keep] en=W ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=down.accesskey ;[keep] en=D ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findButton.accesskey ;[keep] en=F ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=caseSensitiveCheckbox.accesskey ;[keep] en=c ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=backwardsCheckbox.accesskey ;[keep] en=b ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=up.accesskey ;[keep] en=U ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] ;[keep] id=findField.accesskey ;[keep] en=n ;[keep] ;tr= ;[keep] kp=1 ;[keep] [global/history/history.properties] id=deleteDomain en=Delete entire domain %S ;tr= id=finduri-Hostname-is- en=(no host) ;tr= id=load-js-data-url-error en=For security reasons, javascript or data urls cannot be loaded from the history window or sidebar. ;tr= id=deleteHost en=Delete all from %S ;tr= id=finduri-AgeInDays-is-0 en=Today ;tr= id=finduri-AgeInDays-isgreater en=Older than %S days ;tr= id=deleteHostNoSelection en=Delete host ;tr= id=deleteDomainNoSelection en=Delete domain ;tr= id=finduri-AgeInDays-is en=%S days ago ;tr= id=finduri-AgeInDays-is-1 en=Yesterday ;tr= [global/intl.properties] id=wallet.Server en=http://www.mozilla.org/wallet/tables/ ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.more5 en=ISO-8859-6, windows-1256, IBM864, x-mac-arabic, x-mac-farsi, ISO-8859-8-I, windows-1255, ISO-8859-8, IBM862, x-mac-hebrew ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.more4 en=armscii-8, GEOSTD8, TIS-620, ISO-8859-11, windows-874, IBM857, ISO-8859-9, x-mac-turkish, windows-1254, x-viet-tcvn5712, VISCII, x-viet-vps, windows-1258, x-mac-devanagari, x-mac-gujarati, x-mac-gurmukhi ;tr= id=intl.collationOption en= ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.more2 en=ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-13, windows-1257, IBM852, ISO-8859-2, x-mac-ce, windows-1250, x-mac-croatian, IBM855, ISO-8859-5, ISO-IR-111, KOI8-R, x-mac-cyrillic, windows-1251, IBM866, KOI8-U, x-mac-ukrainian, ISO-8859-16, x-mac-romanian ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.mailedit en=ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-6, armscii-8, geostd8, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-2, GB2312, GB18030, Big5, KOI8-R, windows-1251, KOI8-U, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8-I, windows-1255, ISO-2022-JP, EUC-KR, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-3, TIS-620, ISO-8859-9, UTF-8, VISCII ;tr=ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-6, armscii-8, geostd8, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-2, Big5, GB2312, GB18030, KOI8-R, windows-1251, KOI8-U, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8-I, ISO-2022-JP, EUC-KR, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-3, TIS-620, ISO-8859-9, UTF-8, VISCII id=intl.charset.detector en= ;tr= id=font.language.group en=x-western ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.unicode en=UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE, UTF-7 ;tr= id=wallet.Samples en=http://www.mozilla.org/wallet/samples/ ;tr= id=intl.menuitems.alwaysappendaccesskeys en= ;tr= id=intl.charsetmenu.browser.more1 en=ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, IBM850, x-mac-roman, windows-1252, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-7, x-mac-greek, windows-1253, x-mac-icelandic, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-3 ;tr= [global/keys.properties] id=VK_PAGE_DOWN en=Page Down ;tr= id=VK_F3 en=F3 ;tr= id=VK_TAB en=Tab ;tr= id=VK_PAGE_UP en=Page Up ;tr= id=VK_F16 en=F16 ;tr= id=VK_RETURN en=Return ;tr= id=VK_INSERT en=Ins ;tr= id=VK_F1 en=F1 ;tr= id=VK_F13 en=F13 ;tr= id=VK_F17 en=F17 ;tr= id=VK_F2 en=F2 ;tr= id=VK_F15 en=F15 ;tr= id=VK_HOME en=Home ;tr= id=VK_F18 en=F18 ;tr= id=VK_F10 en=F10 ;tr= id=VK_F12 en=F12 ;tr= id=VK_F8 en=F8 ;tr= id=VK_BACK en=Backspace ;tr= id=VK_END en=End ;tr= id=VK_F7 en=F7 ;tr= id=VK_ENTER en=Enter ;tr= id=VK_F6 en=F6 ;tr= id=VK_F20 en=F20 ;tr= id=VK_DELETE en=Del ;tr= id=VK_F14 en=F14 ;tr= id=VK_F19 en=F19 ;tr= id=VK_F11 en=F11 ;tr= id=VK_F4 en=F4 ;tr= id=VK_F9 en=F9 ;tr= id=VK_F5 en=F5 ;tr= id=VK_ESCAPE en=Esc ;tr= [global/languageNames.properties] id=ne en=Nepali ;tr= id=ki en=Kikuyu ;tr= id=ug en=Uighur ;tr= id=tn en=Tswana ;tr= id=rw en=Kinyarwanda ;tr= id=st en=Sotho, Southern ;tr= id=ak en=Akan ;tr= id=wen en=Sorbian ;tr= id=av en=Avaric ;tr= id=hsb en=Upper Sorbian ;tr= id=oc en=Occitan ;tr= id=za en=Zhuang ;tr= id=dv en=Divehi ;tr= id=ng en=Ndonga ;tr= id=se en=Northern Sami ;tr= id=jv en=Javanese ;tr= id=kv en=Komi ;tr= id=lu en=Luba-Katanga ;tr= id=mh en=Marshallese ;tr= id=ba en=Bashkir ;tr= id=kg en=Kongo ;tr= id=ho en=Hiri Motu ;tr= id=os en=Ossetian ;tr= id=ln en=Lingala ;tr= id=kok en=Konkani ;tr= id=vo en=Volapk ;tr= id=ff en=Fulah ;tr=
使用 getElementById("") 做選單
其實應該可以完全用 CSS 寫,可是用 CSS 好像就沒辦法點一次開、再點一次收。 這只是一個簡單的範例,有些地方怪怪的,實際用的時候可能需要用 CSS 美化。
<html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function modifyMenu(menuId){ menu=document.getElementById(menuId); if( menu.style.display == "none") menu.style.display = "block"; else menu.style.display = "none"; } </script> <style type="text/css"> #menu1, #menu2{ display:none; } </style> </head> <body> <div onmousedown="modifyMenu('menu1')">選單之一 <ul id="menu1"> <li>次選單一</li> <li>次選單二</li> <li>次選單三</li> </ul></div> <div onmousedown="modifyMenu('menu2')">選單之二 <ul id="menu2"> <li>次選單一</li> <li>次選單二</li> <li>次選單三</li> </ul></div> </body> </html>
position:fixed 的使用
看到一個關於固定圖層的討論,麻煩的是 IE 不能用 position:fixed ,還會把 body 多加空的捲軸;而 Firefox 不能使用滑鼠滾輪捲動 overflow:scroll 製造的捲軸。於是很 dirty 的利用 IE 不能用的 selector ,製造出固定的圖層,而且在 Firefox 中也可以用滑鼠捲動。其實根本是純粹無聊, IE 沒有的東西不要管他就好了。
<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body{ padding:0; margin:0; overflow:auto; } #main{ position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; overflow:auto; } body > div#main{ height:auto; overflow:visible; } #fixed{ position:absolute; top:100px; right:100px; z-index:100; background-color:#aaaaff; } body > div#fixed{ position:fixed; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id="fixed"> <h1>Fixed!</h1> </div> <div id="main"> *********************<br /> *********************<br /> *********************<br /> *********************<br /> (repeats) </div> </body> </html>