


出自 MozTW Wiki

官方要求在 1.0 前翻譯完的文件
(未顯示由 5 位使用者於中間所作的 9 次修訂)
行 2: 行 2:
# [[Projects/Doc/1.0L10nReqDocs:StartPages|起始頁]]. (原始文件參考 http://www.mozilla.org/start-test/ )
# [[Firefox 1.0 起始頁技巧集|起始頁]]
# [http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/central-lite.html 簡化版 Firefox Central],這個請下載 HTML 檔翻譯完畢,然後寄到我信箱。要認領的在這一行後面加註一下你的 ID
# [[Firefox 1.0 Central|簡化版 Firefox Central]]
# [[Projects/Doc/1.0L10nReqDocs:AboutMozilla|About Mozilla]]
# [[Firefox 1.0 - 關於 Mozilla|關於 Mozilla]]
# [[Projects/Doc/1.0L10nReqDocs:GetInvoloved|Get Involved]]
# [[Firefox 1.0 - 社群參與|Get Involved]]
有 Wiki 的部分,直接翻譯就可以了,要認領的請千萬在 Heading 的地方加註自己認領的段落,以免互相衝突(我在 Get Involoved 有認領一段當示範了,就照我那樣做就可以)。
有 Wiki 的部分,直接翻譯就可以了,要認領的請千萬在 Heading 的地方加註自己認領的段落,以免互相衝突(我在 Get Involoved 有認領一段當示範了,就照我那樣做就可以)。
動手吧,下面的信不用看了... XD
= 官方的信件 =
= 官方的信件 =
行 155: 行 158:
   involved with Mozilla, including helping with marketing or helping
   involved with Mozilla, including helping with marketing or helping
   to test our software, please refer to the Mozilla.org Web site.
   to test our software, please refer to the Mozilla.org Web site.
[[Category:Firefox 1.0 發行文件]]

於 2005年10月19日 (三) 03:07 的最新修訂

官方要求在 1.0 前翻譯完的文件


  1. 起始頁
  2. 簡化版 Firefox Central
  3. 關於 Mozilla
  4. Get Involved

有 Wiki 的部分,直接翻譯就可以了,要認領的請千萬在 Heading 的地方加註自己認領的段落,以免互相衝突(我在 Get Involoved 有認領一段當示範了,就照我那樣做就可以)。

動手吧,下面的信不用看了... XD



Dear L10n members,

Thank you for all of your work in localizing Firefox in time for the 1.0 launch. We already have more than 20 localizations checked into CVS, so it looks like we will be able to have the first ever simultaneous release of dozens of official localizations of Firefox 1.0, on November 9. This is very exciting and will add a lot to the buzz about Firefox.

Everyone at mozilla.org appreciates your help, especially given that they have asked you to give up some of the flexibility you have traditionally employed. Everyone at the Foundation understand how important the L10n community is, and wants to work to continue to improve communication with us. There are some promising ideas under consideration, including plans by Tristan and Peter to offer "community.mozilla-europe.org", with blogs, forums and other tools for all localization projects.

One of the projects the Foundation is working on is a start page for Firefox. As you know, Firefox doesn't currently have a start page. The Foundation is working on a simple but elegant start page that can be localized. They're not ready to publicly show what that page will look like just yet, but we do have a simple test version, which you can view at http://www.mozilla.org/start-test/ . Also, you WILL have a chance to view the final startpage for your localization and you WILL have the opportunity to OK or refuse that startpage before it goes live.

Bob: Mozilla 基金會正在製作 Firefox 的起始頁(http://www.mozilla.org/start-test/)

Here's how this affects YOU: we need to have translated startpage-related content for ALL official localizations of Firefox 1.0 that will be released simultaneously to the en-US edition. Below are instructions for how to translate the startpage-related content.

Bob: 要求我們翻譯這些起始頁,以便放在即將推出的正體中文版中,後面是翻譯要點。

We have tried to keep this content as simple as possible and we do apologize for not being able to give more notice for this. Also, we apologize, but if your team decides to not translate this content, or is unable to do so by Sunday, November 7, then we will not be able to release your localization as an official, simultaneously released localization. This is because our build system will automatically include the official start page, so we will be unable to use an alternate startpage for the 1.0 launch (but we will try to have this capability in the future).

Bob: 如果 11/7 前沒翻譯完,中文版就會延後推出。(而由於我想幫大家統一用詞以及加上 moztw.org 的連結,所以請在 11/6 前翻完給我。) ps: 我看得出最後一句有點像藉口, but that's ok ;-)

Thanks for your help with this! Let's get ready for a great Firefox 1.0 launch.

Robert Kaiser, on behalf of the L10n staff and the mozilla.org team that's working on the startpage

Affected content

The following pages need to be available for each official localization:

Bob: 以上是要翻譯的頁面,我已經列在本文最前面。不想聽廢話的人可以直接去接手翻譯了 ;)

URL scheme and hosting:

Where using localization URLs, I'm using FR as the sample localization code - this is to be modified per localization of course.

  • Startpage: hosted on Mozilla.org. Check in and manage using Mozilla CVS:
    • www.mozilla.org/ ???
      • [I'm still trying to figure out where exactly we have to put them, expact a word on that in this thread]
  • Start-related pages: hosted on Mozilla-europe.org. Check in and manage using Mozilla-Europe content management system:
  • Links off the starpage:
  • Look and feel: All start pages, except US-English and Japanese, should be hosted on Mozilla-europe.org and will be automatically wrapped in an updated template that will be consistent with the Mozilla.org look and feel.
  • Non-Europe localizations: Mozilla-europe has kindly agreed to host to host the start-page related pages for all localizations, not just the European ones. We are planning to activate a domain name such as Mozilla-world.org that can be used to point to the non-Europe localizations.

Bob: 只是在解釋東西放到哪裡,如果你的文件中有超連結的話我會幫你檢查,不必擔心 ;)

Translating start-page snippets:

Bob: 起始頁翻譯須知,

  • Sample startpage snippets are at http://www.mozilla.org/start-test/
  • The promotional lines should be translated. We request that localization teams start off by translating the English snippets provided, but localization teams may create additional promotion lines to highlight location-specific issues, or remove promo lines that don't make sense for a specific localization.

Bob: 下面的廣告/小技巧要翻譯,不過我們可以自己多加幾條小技巧/連結,也可以刪掉對中文來說沒用的。有用沒用我自己私心作了決定,並把需要翻譯的已經丟出來了,如果您覺得要加可以加,但總數不能破 12 個。

  • The links at the bottom of the page should be translated and link to the appropriate pages (see above)
  • Please note: please respect the file naming conventions for the snippets folders, especially the title.txt file (that file name should not be translated)
  • Please validate snippets at w3c.org before submitting them
  • Localizations should submit at least one startpage snippet, and no more than 12 snippets. Snippets will be rotated.
  • Start-page snippets will be updated (pushed to production) every two hours.

Bob: 刪掉的表示我處理就可以了,沒刪的看過就好 :P

Start-related pages

Bob: 以下內容,該翻譯的最終文件直接看上面的連結就行了,我只留在這邊當備查。

About Mozilla pages

Mozilla Firefox is the innovative new open source web browser that everyone is talking about. Firefox is created by the Mozilla project, a world-wide, non-profit, open source effort that includes thousands of volunteers. The mission of the Mozilla project is to preserve choice and innovation on the Internet. Organizational support for the Mozilla project is provided by the Mozilla Foundation (in the United States), Mozilla Europe, and Mozilla Japan.

  [for European localizations:]Mozilla Europe is a non-profit organization
  based in Paris that works on the following items:
  * Join forces with local, regional and national Mozilla communities
    in order to promote Mozilla and its derivative products at a
    Europe-wide level;
  * Encourage independent developers, universities, companies and
    administrations to contribute to the Mozilla project, either by
    producing source code or by funding the project;
  * Increase usage of the Mozilla browser and its by-products by offering
    the services that may be needed in order to deploy the products.
  [localization blurb:]The French edition of Mozilla Firefox was created
  by Mozilla-fr, the French localization team.  Mozilla-fr is a group
  of volunteers who have localized Firefox for French users. 

Support Mozilla page

Contributing to Mozilla Europe and the Mozilla Project

Anyone can get involved with Mozilla. Whether you are an individual, or represent a company, an administration or a University, your contribution can take many forms: For individuals: become a member or make a donation

You can make a small donation and become a member of Mozilla Europe. When you join, you will receive a collector's item T-shirt, designed exclusively for Mozilla Europe Members. If you would like to help Mozilla Europe to promote development and usage of the Mozilla browser and its byproducts, please send a check (in Euros) to our snail mail address: Mozilla Europe 28 rue Viala 75015 PARIS FRANCE

If you already have a Paypal account, you can use it to donate some money to Mozilla Europe.

We also encourage you to donate to the Mozilla Foundation, based in the US.

For companies and administrations

  [for european localizations:]Companies or administrations willing to
  financially support Mozilla Europe's efforts can reach us via
  e-mail: corporate-sponsor@mozilla-europe.org.
  [for other localizations:]Companies or administrations willing to
  financially support Mozilla Europe's efforts can reach us via
  e-mail: partners@mozilla.org. 

For Universities and engineering schools

  Past students-contributors to the Mozilla project have developed an
  invaluable educational experience. We are interested in partnering
  with Universities, Engineering schools and other Computer Science
  education entities to have students contribute to the Mozilla
  project while studying. Teachers and students of such Engineering
  schools and Universities should contact Mozilla Europe via e-mail:
  [partners@mozilla.org for non-European localizations]

[Localization blurb:]Join the Mozilla-fr team. The French localization team is always looking for volunteers to help us localize Mozilla software and web sites. If you would like to get involved, send email to bla@blabla.com.

Other Ways to Contribute to the Mozilla project

  If you speak English and want to learn about additional ways to get
  involved with Mozilla, including helping with marketing or helping
  to test our software, please refer to the Mozilla.org Web site.