

「Chatzilla 中文化計畫」修訂間的差異

出自 MozTW Wiki

chatzilla.properties - Preference group labels
行 1,394: 行 1,394:
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1

於 2005年12月2日 (五) 11:12 的修訂


Base on Chatzilla



chatzilla.properties - LICENSE

# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is ChatZilla i18n strings, english
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Chiaki Koufugata.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
#   Chiaki Koufugata, original author
#   Robert Ginda, rginda@netscape.com, owner/maintainer
#   James Ross, twpol@aol.com, pref pages code
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

chatzilla.properties - localizers

### Notes for localizers ###
# The following version number is the "localisation version number", and MUST
# match the locale.version in the original locale this is based on. In other
# words, if the locale.version in two files is the same, both files MUST have
# exactly the same list of locale strings.
# If you always start with an en-US locale, and replace all strings, you can
# leave this value alone. If you update your locale file based on changes in
# the en-US locale, please remember to always update this in your locale to
# match en-US when you're done.
# locale.error is the message is the message displayed to the user if the
# locale version number does not match what ChatZilla is expecting, and will
# have the the following replacements:
#   %1$S   ChatZilla version (e.g. "0.9.69").
#   %2$S   Expected locale version (e.g. "0.9.69").
#   %3$S   Locale being loaded (e.g. "fr-FR").
#   %4$S   Actual locale version being (e.g. "").
# In the example above, the user would be using ChatZilla 0.9.69, which
# expects a locale version of 0.9.69. It tried to use the fr-FR locale,
# but found it was only version
# Note: the ChatZilla version and expected locale versions may not always be
#       the same. For example, if only non-locale changes have been made, the
#       expected locale version will stay the same. This is to make using
#       localisations between versions easier.
### End of notes ###

locale.version =
locale.error = You are using ChatZilla %1$S, which requires the locale version %2$S. The currently selected locale, %3$S, is version %4$S, and therefore there may be problems running ChatZilla.\n\nIt is strongly advised that you update or remove the ChatZilla locale in question.

chatzilla.properties - Misc

# Misc


chatzilla.properties - util.js

# util.js

msg.alert   = 警告
msg.prompt  = 提示
msg.confirm = 確認

chatzilla.properties - command.js

# command.js

### Note for localizers ###
# ChatZilla uses cmd.<command name>.* to construct the command's help, 
# parameters and any UI labels. For the command to continue to function, the
# *.params entries MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Hopefully in the future you will be
# able to localize these items as well.

cmd.about.label = 關於 ChatZilla
cmd.about.help  = 顯示 ChatZilla 的版本資訊

cmd.alias.params = [<alias-name> <command-list>]
cmd.alias.help   = 定義 <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>.  If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed.  If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.

cmd.attach.params = <irc-url>
cmd.attach.help   = Attaches to the IRC URL specified by <irc-url>.  If you are already attached, the view for <irc-url> is made current.  If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.  You may omit the irc:// portion of the <irc-url>.  Examples are; /attach moznet, /attach moznet/chatzilla, and /attach irc.mozilla.org/mozbot,isnick.

cmd.away.params = [<reason>]
cmd.away.help   = If <reason> is specified, sets you away with that message. Used without <reason>, you are marked back as no longer being away.

cmd.cancel.help = 取消 /attach 或 /server 命令。Use /cancel when ChatZilla is repeatedly trying to attach to a network that is not responding, to tell ChatZilla to give up before the normal number of retries.

cmd.charset.params = [<new-charset>]
cmd.charset.help   = Sets the character encoding mode for the current view to <new-charset>, or displays the current character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.

cmd.channel-motif.params = [<motif> [<channel>]]
cmd.channel-motif.help   = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel.  <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark".  If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif.  If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed.  See the the ChatZilla homepage at <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/> for more information on how to style ChatZilla.  See also |motif|.

cmd.channel-pref.params = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<channel>]]]]
cmd.channel-pref.help    = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the channel <channel>.  If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed.  If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed.  If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.  If <channel> is not provided, the current channel is assumed.

cmd.clear-view.label  = 清除分頁(&E)
cmd.clear-view.params = [<view>]
cmd.clear-view.help = 清除目前檢視分頁且放棄 *所有* 內容。

cmd.client.help = Make the 「*client*」 view current.  If the 「*client*」 view has been deleted, it will be recreated.

cmd.cmd-docommand.params = <cmd-name>
cmd.cmd-docommand.help   = 

cmd.cmd-undo.label  = 復原(&U)
cmd.cmd-undo.key    = accel Z
cmd.cmd-undo.params = 

cmd.cmd-redo.label  = 重做(&R)
cmd.cmd-redo.key    = accel Y
cmd.cmd-redo.params = 
cmd.cmd-redo.help   = 重做輸入方塊中復原前最後一次的文字變更。

cmd.cmd-cut.label  = 剪下(&T)
cmd.cmd-cut.key    = accel X
cmd.cmd-cut.params = 
cmd.cmd-cut.help   = 複製目前選擇的內容到剪貼簿且從來源移除。

cmd.cmd-copy.label  = 複製(&C)
cmd.cmd-copy.key    = accel C
cmd.cmd-copy.params = 
cmd.cmd-copy.help   = 複製選擇的內容到剪貼簿。

cmd.cmd-paste.label  = 貼上(&P)
cmd.cmd-paste.key    = accel V
cmd.cmd-paste.params = 
cmd.cmd-paste.help   = 從剪貼簿貼上內容。

cmd.cmd-delete.label  = 刪除(&D)
cmd.cmd-delete.key    = VK_DELETE
cmd.cmd-delete.params = 
cmd.cmd-delete.help   = 刪除選取的內容。

cmd.cmd-selectall.label  = 全選(&A)
cmd.cmd-selectall.key    = accel A
cmd.cmd-selectall.params = 
cmd.cmd-selectall.help   = 選擇目前檢視分頁中的所有內容。

cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.label  = 複製連結位址
cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.params = <url>
cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.help   = 複製當前連結的網址到剪貼簿。

cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.label  = Mozilla 偏好設定(&M)...
cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.params = 
cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.help   = 

cmd.cmd-prefs.label  = 偏好設定(&E)...
cmd.cmd-prefs.params = 
cmd.cmd-prefs.help   = 

cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.label  = ChatZilla 偏好設定(&E)...
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.params = 
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.help   = 

cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.label  = 選項(&O)...
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.params = 
cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.help   = 

cmd.commands.params = [<pattern>]
cmd.commands.help   = 列出所有符合 <pattern> 的命令名稱,如未指定 <pattern> 則列出所有命令名稱。

cmd.create-tab-for-view.params = <view>
cmd.create-tab-for-view.help   = 

cmd.sync-font.help      = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前字型設定同步。
cmd.sync-header.help    = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前標頭顯示設定同步。
cmd.sync-log.help       = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前記錄設定同步。
cmd.sync-motif.help     = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前色彩主題設定同步。
cmd.sync-timestamp.help = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前時間戳記設定同步。
cmd.sync-window.help    = 將所有檢視分頁與其當前輸出視窗設定同步。

cmd.ctcp.params = <target> <code> [<params>]
cmd.ctcp.help   = 送出 CTCP 代碼 <code> 到目的 (使用者或頻道) <target>。如給定 <params> 參數也會一併送出。

cmd.default-charset.params = [<new-charset>]
cmd.default-charset.help   = Sets the global default character encoding mode to <new-charset>, or displays the current global default character encoding mode if <new-charset> is not provided.

cmd.describe.params = <target> <action>
cmd.describe.help   = Performs an 'action' at the |target|, either a channel or a user.

cmd.dcc-accept.params = [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]]
cmd.dcc-accept.help   = Accepts an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be accepted (for security reasons, this will not work in the first 10 seconds after an offer is received).

cmd.dcc-chat.params = [<nickname>]
cmd.dcc-chat.help   = Sends a DCC Chat offer to |nickname| on the current server. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user.

cmd.dcc-close.params = [<nickname> [<type> [<file>]]]
cmd.dcc-close.help   = Closes an existing DCC connection. |nickname| may be omitted if run from a DCC view, in which case the DCC connection for that view will be closed. |type| and |file| may be needed to identify the connection.

cmd.dcc-decline.params = [<nickname>]
cmd.dcc-decline.help   = Declines an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be declined.

cmd.dcc-list.params = [<type>]
cmd.dcc-list.help   = Lists the currently known about DCC offers and connections. This may be limited to just "chat" or "send" using the |type| parameter.

cmd.dcc-send.params = [<nickname> [<file>]]
cmd.dcc-send.help   = Offers a file to |nickname|. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user. A file may be specified directly by passing |file| or, if omitted, selected from a browse dialog.

cmd.delete-view.key    = accel W
cmd.delete-view.label  = 關閉分頁(&C)
cmd.delete-view.params = [<view>]
cmd.delete-view.help   = 清除當前的檢視分頁、放棄 *所有* 內容且從分頁列中移除分頁圖示。如頻道檢視分頁被關閉的話,也會離開這個頻道。

cmd.dehop.label  = 移除次管理員(Half-operator) 權限
cmd.dehop.params = <nickname> [<...>]
cmd.dehop.help   = 移除當前頻道 <nickname> 的管理員(Operator) 權限。需要管理員權限。

cmd.deop.label  = 移除管理員(Operator) 權限
cmd.deop.params = <nickname> [<...>]
cmd.deop.help   = 移除當前頻道 <nickname> 的管理員權限。需要管理員 (或次管理員(Half-operator)) 權限。

cmd.desc.params = <description>
cmd.desc.help   = Changes the 'ircname' line returned when someone performs a /whois on you.  You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.

cmd.devoice.label  = 移除發言權限
cmd.devoice.params = <nickname> [<...>]
cmd.devoice.help   = 移除當前頻道 <nickname> 的發言權限。需要管理員(Operator) (或次管理員(Half-operator)) 權限。

cmd.disconnect.format = 從 $networkName 斷線
cmd.disconnect.label  = 斷線(&D)
cmd.disconnect.params = [<reason>]
cmd.disconnect.help   = Disconnects from the server represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason <reason> or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.

cmd.echo.params = <message>
cmd.echo.help   = Displays <message> in the current view, but does not send it to the server.

cmd.enable-plugin.params = <plugin>
cmd.enable-plugin.help   = Meant to be used to re-enable a plugin after calling |disable-plugin|, this command calls the plugin's enablePlugin function.  There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly enable itself.

cmd.eval.params = <expression>
cmd.eval.help   = Evaluates <expression> as JavaScript code.  Not for the faint of heart.

cmd.exit.label  = 離開 ChatZilla(&X)
cmd.exit.params = [<reason>]
cmd.exit.help   = Disconnects from all active servers and networks,  providing the reason <reason>, or the default reason if <reason> is not specified.  Exits ChatZilla after disconnecting.

cmd.exit-mozilla.label = 離開(&X)
cmd.exit-mozilla.help  = 離開 Mozilla。

cmd.find.label  = 尋找(&F)...
cmd.find.key    = accel F
cmd.find.params =
cmd.find.help   = 於目前頁面尋找文字。

cmd.find-again.label  = 重新尋找(&G)
cmd.find-again.key    = accel G
cmd.find-again.params =
cmd.find-again.help   = Finds the next instance of your previously searched word.

cmd.focus-input.key  = VK_ESCAPE
cmd.focus-input.help = Force keyboard focus to the input box.

cmd.font-family.params = [<font>]
cmd.font-family.help   = Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Omit <font> to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly.

cmd.font-family-default.label    = 預設字體(&F)
cmd.font-family-serif.label      = Se&rif
cmd.font-family-sans-serif.label = S&ans Serif
cmd.font-family-monospace.label  = Mo&nospace

cmd.font-family-other.format     = 其他字體 ($fontFamily)...
cmd.font-family-other.label      = 其他字體(&T)...
cmd.font-family-other.help       = 請輸入自訂的字體名稱。

cmd.font-size.params = [<font-size>]
cmd.font-size.help   = Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Omit <font-size> to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time.

cmd.font-size-bigger.label  = 放大文字(&B)
cmd.font-size-bigger.key    = accel +
cmd.font-size-bigger2.key   = accel =
cmd.font-size-smaller.label = 縮小文字(&S)
cmd.font-size-smaller.key   = accel -

cmd.font-size-default.label = 預設文字大小(&Z)
cmd.font-size-default.key   = accel 0
cmd.font-size-small.label   = 小型文字(&L)
cmd.font-size-medium.label  = 中等文字(&M)
cmd.font-size-large.label   = 大型文字(&G)

cmd.font-size-other.format  = 其他大小 ($fontSize pt)...
cmd.font-size-other.label   = 其他大小(&O)...
cmd.font-size-other.help    = 設定字體大小。

cmd.goto-url.label  = 開啟連結
cmd.goto-url.params = <url>
cmd.goto-url.help   = Navigate to the url specified by <url>.  If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in the most recent browser window.

cmd.goto-url-newwin.label  = 於新視窗開啟連結
cmd.goto-url-newwin.params = <url>
cmd.goto-url-newwin.help   = Navigate to the url specified by <url>.  If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in a new browser window.

cmd.goto-url-newtab.label  = 於新分頁開啟連結
cmd.goto-url-newtab.params = <url>
cmd.goto-url-newtab.help   = Navigate to the url specified by <url>.  If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in a new tab in the most recent browser window.

cmd.goto-url-external.label  = 於預設瀏覽器開啟連結
cmd.goto-url-external.params = <url>
cmd.goto-url-external.help   = Navigate to the url specified by <url>.  If the <url> is not an irc: url, it will be opened in your system default browser.

cmd.header.help = 開關標題資訊列。

cmd.help.params = [<pattern>]
cmd.help.help   = Displays help on all commands matching <pattern>, if <pattern> is not given, displays help on all commands.

cmd.hide-view.label  = 隱藏分頁(&H)
cmd.hide-view.params = [<view>]
cmd.hide-view.help   = Drop the current view's icon from the tab strip, but save its contents.  The icon will reappear the next time there is activity on the view.

cmd.hop.label  = 授予次管理員(Half-operator) 權限
cmd.hop.params = <nickname> [<...>]
cmd.hop.help   = Gives half-operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.

cmd.toggle-ui.params = <thing>
cmd.toggle-ui.help   = Toggles the visibility of various pieces of the user interface.  <thing> must be one of: tabstrip, userlist, header, status.

cmd.userlist.label  = 使用者列表
cmd.userlist.key    = accel shift L

cmd.tabstrip.label  = 連線標籤列
cmd.tabstrip.key    = accel shift T

cmd.statusbar.label = 狀態列
cmd.statusbar.key   = accel shift S

cmd.header.label    = 標題資訊列
cmd.header.key      = accel shift H

cmd.input-text-direction.params = <dir>
cmd.input-text-direction.help   = 

cmd.text-direction.params = <dir>
cmd.text-direction.help   = 

cmd.rtl.help  = 切換文字方向為由右至左.
cmd.ltr.help  = 切換文字方向為由左至右.

cmd.irtl.help = 切換輸入區域文字方向為由右至左.
cmd.iltr.help = 切換輸入區域文字方向為由左至右.

cmd.toggle-text-dir.label  = 切換文字方向(&W)
cmd.toggle-text-dir.key    = accel shift E

cmd.toggle-pref.params = <pref-name>
cmd.toggle-pref.help   = Toggles the boolean preference specified by <pref-name>.

cmd.toggle-usort.label = 以狀態排序使用者
cmd.toggle-ccm.label   = 收摺連續訊息(&N)
cmd.toggle-copy.label  = 複製重要訊息(&I)
cmd.toggle-umode.label = 以符號表示狀態
cmd.toggle-timestamps.label = 顯示時間戳記(&T)

cmd.userlist.help = Toggles the visibility of the user list.

cmd.ignore.params = [<mask>]
cmd.ignore.help   = Add someone to your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask. With no parameters, it shows a list of all currently ignored users.

cmd.invite.params = <nickname> [<channel-name>]
cmd.invite.help   = Invites <nickname> to <channel-name> or current channel if not supplied. Requires operator status if +i is set.

cmd.j.params = <channel-name> [<key>]
cmd.j.help   = This command is an alias for /join.

cmd.join.label  = 加入頻道(&J)...
cmd.join.key    = accel J
cmd.join.params = [<channel-name> [<key>]]
cmd.join.help   = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>.  If no prefix is given, # is assumed.  Provides the key <key> if specified.

cmd.join-charset.params = [<channel-name> <charset> [<key>]]
cmd.join-charset.help   = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named <channel-name>.  Messages will be encoded and decoded according to the character encoding specified by <charset>.  The <charset> parameter is independent of the default character encoding, which can be selected with the /charset command.  If no prefix is given, # is assumed.  Provides the key <key> if specified.

cmd.kick.format = 從 $channelName 踢除使用者
cmd.kick.label  = 踢人 (Kick)
cmd.kick.params = <nickname> [<reason>]
cmd.kick.help   = Kicks <nickname> off the current channel. Requires operator status.

cmd.kick-ban.format = 從 $channelName 封鎖並踢除使用者
cmd.kick-ban.label  = 封鎖並踢除 (Kickban)
cmd.kick-ban.params = <nickname> [<reason>]
cmd.kick-ban.help   = Bans *!username@hostmask from the current channel, then kicks them off. Requires operator status.

cmd.label-user.format = «$nickname»
cmd.label-user.label  = <unknown>
cmd.label-user.params = <unspecified>
cmd.label-user.help   = 

cmd.leave.format = 離開 $channelName
cmd.leave.label  = 離開(&L)
cmd.leave.params = [<channel-name> [<reason>]]
cmd.leave.help   = Leaves the current channel. Use /delete to force the view to go away, losing its contents, or /hide to temporarily hide it, preserving its contents. Many servers do not support the optional <reason> parameter.  If you are dispatching this command from script, you may also specify the <no-delete> parameter.  If this is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, the the tab will not be deleted.

cmd.links.help   = Displays the "links" to the current server. This is a list of the other servers in the network which are directly connected to the one you are connected to.

cmd.list.params = [<channel-name>]
cmd.list.help   = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to.  If you omit the optional channel argument, all channels will be listed.  On large networks, the server may disconnect you for asking for a complete list.

cmd.list-plugins.params = [<plugin>]
cmd.list-plugins.help   = If <plugin> is not provided, this command lists information on all loaded plugins.  If <plugin> is provided, only its information will be displayed.  If this command is dispatched from the console, you may specify <plugin> by either the plugin id, or index.

cmd.load.params = <url>
cmd.load.help   = Executes the contents of the url specified by <url>.  See also: The |initialScripts| pref.

cmd.reload-plugin.params = <plugin>
cmd.reload-plugin.help   = Reloads the plugin from the same url it was loaded from last time.  This will only work if the currently loaded version of the plugin can be disabled.

cmd.log.params = [<state>]
cmd.log.help   = Turns logging on or off for the current channel.  If <state> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on.  Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off.  Omit <state> to see the current logging state.  The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close chatzilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel.

cmd.rlist.params = <regexp>
cmd.rlist.help   = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to, filtered by the regular expression.

cmd.reload-ui.help = Reload the ChatZilla XUL file.  Used during development.

cmd.me.params = <action>
cmd.me.help   = Performs an 'action' on the current channel.

cmd.motd.help   = Displays the "Message of the Day", which usually contains information about the network and current server, as well as any usage policies.

cmd.motif.params = [<motif>]
cmd.motif.help   = 設定訊息分頁預設使用的 CSS 檔案.  <主題> 可以是 .css 檔案, 或是捷徑: "預設色彩主題", "亮色主題", 或 "暗色主題".  詳情請參照 ChatZilla 網頁: <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/>, 包括 |network-motif|, |channel-motif|,及 |user-motif|.

cmd.motif-default.label = 預設色彩主題(&D)
cmd.motif-dark.label = 暗色主題(&K)
cmd.motif-light.label = 亮色主題(&L)

cmd.msg.params = <nickname> <message>
cmd.msg.help   = Sends a private message <msg> to <nickname>.

cmd.name.params = <username>
cmd.name.help   = Changes the username displayed before your hostmask if the server you're connecting to allows it.  Some servers will only trust the username reply from the ident service.  You must specify this *before* connecting to the network.

cmd.names.params = [<channel-name>]
cmd.names.help   = Lists the users in a channel.

cmd.network.params = <network-name>
cmd.network.help   = Sets the current network to <network-name>

cmd.networks.help   = Lists all available networks as clickable links.

cmd.network-motif.params = [<motif> [<network>]]
cmd.network-motif.help   = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>.  <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark".  If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif.  If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed.  See the the ChatZilla homepage at <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/> for more information on how to style ChatZilla.  See also |motif|.

cmd.network-pref.params = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<network>]]]]
cmd.network-pref.help    = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the network <network>.  If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed.  If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed.  If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.  If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed.

cmd.nick.params = <nickname>
cmd.nick.help   = 更改您的預設暱稱.

cmd.notify.params = [<nickname> [<...>]]
cmd.notify.help   = With no parameters, /notify shows you the online/offline status of all the users on your notify list.  If one or more <nickname> parameters are supplied, the nickname(s) will be added to your notify list if they are not yet on it, or removed from it if they are.

cmd.op.label  = 授予管理員(Operator) 權限
cmd.op.params = <nickname> [<...>]
cmd.op.help   = Gives operator status to <nickname> on current channel. Requires operator status.

cmd.open-at-startup.params = [<toggle>]
cmd.open-at-startup.help   = Used to add the current view to the list of views that will be automatically opened at startup.  If <toggle> is not provided, the status of the current view will be displayed.  <toggle> can be one of: yes, on, true, 1, no, off, false, 0, or toggle, to toggle the current state.

cmd.print.label  = 列印...
cmd.print.key    = accel P
cmd.print.params = 
cmd.print.help   = 開啟列印對話視窗以列印該頁面.

cmd.say.params = <message>
cmd.say.help   = 送出訊息至當前頁面.

cmd.timestamps.params = [<toggle>]
cmd.timestamps.help   = Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If <toggle> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on.  Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state.  Omit <toggle> to see the current state.

cmd.timestamp-format.params = [<format>]
cmd.timestamp-format.help   = Sets the timestamp format used in the current view. If <format> is provided, the format is updated and saved.  Omit <format> to see the current format for timestamps.

cmd.toggle-oas.format = 啟動時開啟$viewType
cmd.toggle-oas.label  = 啟動時開啟(&S)

cmd.ping.params = <target>
cmd.ping.help   = Attempts to measure the time it takes to send a message to the user nickname, and receive a response.  Specifying a channel instead is the same a pinging every person on the channel.  Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information.  ChatZilla currently does not.

cmd.plugin-pref.params = <plugin> [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]]
cmd.plugin-pref.help = Sets the value of the plugin's preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>.  If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed.  If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences for <plugin> will be displayed.  If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.

cmd.pref.params  = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref>]]]
cmd.pref.help    = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>.  If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed.  If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed.  If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.

cmd.query.label  = 開啟私人聊天
cmd.query.params = <nickname> [<message>]
cmd.query.help   = Opens a one-on-one chat with <nickname>.  If <message> is supplied, it is sent as the initial private message to <nickname>.

cmd.quit.label  = 離開 ChatZilla(&Q)
cmd.quit.params = [<reason>]
cmd.quit.help   = 離開 ChatZilla。

cmd.quit-mozilla.label  = 離開(&Q)
cmd.quit-mozilla.help   = 離開 Mozilla。

cmd.quote.params = <irc-command>
cmd.quote.help   = Sends a raw command to the IRC server, not a good idea if you don't know what you're doing. see IRC RFC1459 <http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc1459.html> for complete details.

cmd.server.params = <hostname> [<port> [<password>]]
cmd.server.help   = Connects to server <hostname> on <port>, or 6667 if <port> is not specified.  Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current.  If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.

cmd.set-current-view.params = <view>
cmd.set-current-view.help   = 

cmd.sslserver.params = <hostname> [<port> [<password>]]
cmd.sslserver.help   = Connects to server using SSL <hostname> on <port>, or 9999 if <port> is not specified.  Provides the password <password> if specified. If you are already connected, the view for <hostname> is made current.  If that view has been deleted, it is recreated.

cmd.squery.params = <service> [<commands>]
cmd.squery.help   = Sends the commands <commands> to the service <service>.

cmd.stalk.params = [<text>]
cmd.stalk.help   = Add <text> to list of words for which you would like to see alerts. Whenever a person with a nickname matching <text> speaks, or someone says a phrase containing <text>, your ChatZilla window will become active (on some operating systems) and its taskbar icon will flash (on some operating systems.) If <text> is omitted the list of stalk words is displayed.

cmd.status.help = Shows status information for the current view.

cmd.statusbar.help = Toggles the visibility of the status bar.

cmd.supports.help = Lists the capabilities of the current server, as reported by the 005 numeric.

cmd.testdisplay.help = Displays a sample text.  Used to preview styles.

cmd.topic.params = [<new-topic>]
cmd.topic.help   = If <new-topic> is specified and you are a chanop, or the channel is not in 'private topic' mode (+t), the topic will be changed to <new-topic>.  If <new-topic> is *not* specified, the current topic will be displayed.

cmd.tabstrip.help = Toggles the visibility of the channel tab strip.

cmd.unignore.params = <mask>
cmd.unignore.help   = Removes someone from your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for <mask>, but you can also use a hostmask.

cmd.unstalk.params = <text>
cmd.unstalk.help   = Remove word from list of terms for which you would like to see alerts.

cmd.urls.params = [<number>]
cmd.urls.help   = Displays the last few URLs seen by ChatZilla. Specify <number> to change how many it displays, or omit to display the default 10.

cmd.disable-plugin.params = <plugin>
cmd.disable-plugin.help   = This command calls the plugin's disablePlugin function, if it exists.  There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly disable itself.

cmd.usermode.params = [<new-mode>]
cmd.usermode.help   = Changes or displays the current user mode.

cmd.user-motif.params = [<motif> [<user>]]
cmd.user-motif.help   = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>.  <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "default", "light", or "dark".  If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif.  If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed.  See the the ChatZilla homepage at <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/> for more information on how to style ChatZilla.  See also |motif|.

cmd.user-pref.params = [<pref-name> [<pref-value> [<delete-pref> [<user>]]]]
cmd.user-pref.help    = Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the user <user>.  If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed.  If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed.  If <delete-pref> is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, or if <pref-value> starts with a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.  If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed.

cmd.version.label  = 取得版本資訊
cmd.version.params = <暱稱>
cmd.version.help   = 詢問 <暱稱> 所使用的 IRC 程式版本.  他們的用戶端程式也許不會回應您的要求, ChatZilla 預設值即不會回應.

cmd.voice.label  = 授予發言權限
cmd.voice.params = <暱稱> [<...>]
cmd.voice.help   = 給予 <暱稱> 在目前頻道的發言權. 需要管理員或次管理員權限.

cmd.who.params = <pattern>
cmd.who.help   = List users who have name, host, or description information matching <pattern>.

cmd.whois.label  = 查詢使用者
cmd.whois.params = <暱稱> [<...>]
cmd.whois.help   = 顯示關於 <暱稱> 的資訊, 包含了 '真實姓名', 連線的伺服器, 停留時間, 以及登入時間.  注意, 有些伺服器會顯示不正確的停留時間.  正確的停留時間通常包含在 |wii| 指令而不是 |whois| 指令.

cmd.wii.params = <暱稱> [<...>]
cmd.wii.help   = 顯示與 |whois| 指令相同的資訊, 但包含了詢問伺服器該使用者的正確停留時間.

cmd.whowas.label  = 查詢伺服器上的使用者資訊
cmd.whowas.params = <暱稱> [<limit>]
cmd.whowas.help   = 顯示 <nickname> 最後已知的資訊, 包含了該使用者給予伺服器的 '真實姓名'.

chatzilla.properties - dispatch-related error messages

## dispatch-related error messages ##
msg.err.internal.dispatch = Internal error dispatching command 「%1$S」.
msg.err.internal.hook   = Internal error processing hook 「%1$S」.
msg.err.no.command      = 沒有這個命令名稱「%1$S」。
msg.err.invalid.param   = 無效的參數值 %1$S (%2$S)。
msg.err.disabled        = 抱歉,「%1$S」目前已停用。
msg.err.notimplemented  = Sorry, 「%1$S」 has not been implemented.
msg.err.required.param  = 缺少必須的參數 %1$S。
msg.err.ambigcommand    = Ambiguous command, 「%1$S」, %2$S commands match [%3$S].
msg.err.required.nr.param = 缺少 %1$S 參數。這個別名需要至少 %2$S 個參數。

chatzilla.properties - chatzilla error messages

## chatzilla error messages ##
msg.err.invalid.pref    = 無效的偏好設定值 %1$S (%2$S)。
msg.err.failure         = 操作失敗: %1$S。
msg.err.scriptload      = 從 <%1$S> 載入子 Script 失敗。
msg.err.pluginapi       = 外掛程式 <%1$S> 缺少必須的函式。
msg.err.invalid.scheme  = 網址 <%1$S> 中有無效的方案(Scheme)。
msg.err.item.not.found  = 啟動 Script 項目 <%1$S> 不存在或無法存取。
msg.err.unknown.pref    = 未知的偏好設定名稱「%1$S」。
msg.err.unknown.network = 未知的網路「%S」。
msg.err.unknown.channel = 未知的頻道「%S」。
msg.err.unknown.user    = 未知的使用者「%S」。
msg.err.unknown.stalk   = 沒有符合的關鍵字: %S.
msg.err.unknown.motif   = 未知的色彩主題「%S」。
msg.err.invalid.charset = 無效的字元編碼模式「%S」。
msg.err.improper.view   = 「%S」無法使用於這個檢視分頁。
msg.err.not.connected   = 尚未連線。
msg.err.last.view       = 無法刪除最後的檢視分頁。
msg.err.bad.ircurl      = 無效的 IRC 網址「%S」。
msg.err.need.network  = 命令 「%1$S」 必須執行於網路內容中。
msg.err.need.server   = 命令 「%1$S」 必須執行於已連線伺服器內容中。
msg.err.need.channel  = 命令 「%1$S」 必須執行於頻道內容中。
msg.err.need.user     = 命令 「%1$S」 必須執行使用者內容中。
msg.err.need.recip    = 命令 「%1$S」 必須執行於網路使用者或頻道中。
msg.err.no.default    = 無類型「%S」的物件預設動作。
msg.err.no.match      = 沒有符合「%S」的結果。
msg.err.no.socket     = 建立通訊端(Socket) 錯誤。
msg.err.exhausted     = 嘗試連接失敗,已經放棄。
msg.err.cancelled     = 連線程序取消。
msg.err.offline       = 裝載的軟體平台 (例如: Mozilla, Firefox) 處於「離線狀態」。於此模式中不能建立網路連線。
msg.err.badalias      = Malformed alias: %S"
msg.err.no.ctcp.cmd   = %S is not a valid CTCP function for this client
msg.err.no.ctcp.help  = %S does not have any help information
msg.err.unable.to.print = The current view does not support printing.

chatzilla.properties - Better IRC error messages

# Better IRC error messages
msg.err.irc.471 = This channel has reached its set capacity; you cannot join it.
msg.err.irc.473 = This channel is invite-only. You must have an invite from an existing member of the channel to join.
msg.err.irc.474 = You are banned from this channel.
msg.err.irc.475 = This channel needs a key. You must provide the correct key to join the channel. See "/help join" for details on joining a channel with a key.
msg.err.irc.477 = This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).

msg.warn.unk.command    = 正在猜測未知的命令 "%S".

msg.val.on  = 開啟
msg.val.off = 關閉

chatzilla.properties - formatting

## formatting ##
msg.fmt.usage = "%1$S %2$S"
msg.fmt.jsexception = "%1$S: %2$S @ <%3$S> %4$S"
# 1: error number,  2: error text, 3: file name, 4: line number, 5: function name
# 1: pref name 2: value
msg.fmt.pref = 偏好設定 「%1$S」 的值是 「%2$S」。
msg.fmt.netpref = 網路偏好設定 「%1$S」 的值是 「%2$S」。
msg.fmt.chanpref = 頻道偏好設定 「%1$S」 的值是 「%2$S」。
msg.fmt.userpref = 使用者偏好設定 「%1$S」 的值是 「%2$S」。
msg.fmt.pluginpref = 外掛程式偏好設定 「%1$S」 的值是 「%2$S」。

msg.fmt.plugin1 = Plugin at index %S, loaded from <%S>.
msg.fmt.plugin2 = ID: %S,版本: %S,啟用: %S,狀態: %S。
msg.fmt.plugin3 = 描述: %S。

msg.fmt.usercount = "%S, %S@, %S%%, %S+"
msg.fmt.alias     = "%S = %S"
msg.fmt.seconds   = "%S 秒

msg.fmt.matchlist = "%S matches for 「%S」: [%S]
msg.fmt.ctcpreply = CTCP %S 回覆 「%S」 從 %S"
msg.fmt.chanlist  = "%S   %S   %S"
msg.fmt.logged.on = "%S 已登入成 %S"

# 1: local short date/time, 2: nick info
msg.fmt.status    = "%S, %S"

msg.unknown   = <未知>
msg.none      = <無>
msg.na        = <不適用>

msg.commasp   = ", "
msg.always    = always
msg.and       = and
msg.primary   = primary
msg.secondary = secondary
msg.you       = you
msg.network   = 網路
msg.server    = 伺服器
msg.channel   = 頻道
msg.user      = 使用者
msg.client    = 用戶端
msg.view      = 檢視
msg.tab       = 分頁
msg.loading   = 載入中
msg.error     = 錯誤
msg.here      = here
msg.gone      = gone
msg.connecting   = 連線中
msg.connected    = 已連線
msg.disconnected = 已斷線

msg.days    = "%S 天
msg.hours   = "%S 時
msg.minutes = "%S 分
msg.seconds = "%S 秒

msg.rsp.hello = [歡迎]
msg.rsp.help  = [說明]
msg.rsp.usage = [用法]
msg.rsp.error = [錯誤]
msg.rsp.warn  = [警告]
msg.rsp.info  = [訊息]
msg.rsp.evin  = [EVAL-IN]
msg.rsp.evout = [EVAL-OUT]

msg.mnu.showhide   = 工具列(&W)
msg.mnu.file       = 檔案(&F)
msg.mnu.edit       = 編輯(&E)
msg.mnu.help       = 說明(&H)
msg.mnu.view       = 檢視(&V)
msg.mnu.tools      = 工具(&T)
msg.mnu.motifs     = 色彩主題(&L)
msg.mnu.opcommands = 操作命令(&O)
msg.mnu.fonts      = 字體與大小(&F)

msg.client.name       = *用戶端*
msg.cant.disable      = 無法停用外掛程式 %S。
msg.cant.enable       = 無法啟用外掛程式 %S。
msg.is.disabled       = 外掛程式 %S 已經停用。
msg.is.enabled        = 外掛程式 %S 已經啟用。
msg.no.help           = 說明無法顯示。
msg.no.cmdmatch       = 沒有命令符合「%1$S」。
msg.no.plugins        = 沒有已載入的外掛程式。
msg.cmdmatch          = 符合命令 「%1$S」 的是 [%2$S].
msg.default.alias.help = 這項命令是 |%1$S| 的別名.
msg.extra.params      = Extra parameters 「%1$S」 ignored.
msg.version.reply     = Chatzilla %S [%S]
msg.nothing.to.cancel = 無進行中的連線,無法取消。
msg.cancelling        = 正在取消連線到「%S」...
msg.current.charset      = 使用「%S」為預設字元編碼。
msg.current.charset.view = 使用「%S」為此檢視分頁的預設字元編碼。
msg.current.css       = 使用 <%S> 為預設色彩主題。
msg.current.css.net   = 使用 <%S> 為此網路的預設色彩主題。
msg.current.css.chan  = 使用 <%S> 為此頻道的預設色彩主題。
msg.current.css.user  = 使用 <%S> 為此使用者的預設色彩主題。
msg.subscript.loaded  = Subscript <%1$S> loaded with result 「%2$S」.
msg.user.info         = Default nickname, 「%S」, username 「%S」, and description 「%S」.
msg.connection.info   = "%S: User %S connected via %S:%S (%S server).
msg.server.info       = "%S: Connected for %S, last ping: %S, server roundtrip (lag): %S seconds.
msg.connect.via       = 經由 %S 連線"
msg.user.mode         = %S 的使用者模式是 %S"
msg.not.connected     = "%S: 尚未連線。
msg.member            = 成員
msg.operator          = 管理者成員
msg.voiced            = 可發言成員
msg.voiceop           = 管理者及可發言成員
msg.no.mode           = 無模式
msg.topic.info        = "%S, %S: 主題, 「%S」
msg.notopic.info      = "%S, %S: 沒有主題。
msg.channel.info      = "%S: %S 於 %S (%S) <%S>
msg.channel.details   = "%S/%S: %S users total, %S operators, %S voiced.
msg.nonmember         = "%S: No longer a member of %S.
msg.end.status        = End of status.
msg.networks.heada    = 可用的網路有 [
msg.networks.headb    = ]。
msg.messages.cleared  = 訊息已清除。
cli_inamesMsg3=You must supply a channel name to use /names from this view.
msg.channel.opened    = 「%S」 的頻道視窗已被開啟.
msg.commands.header   = 請輸入 /help <command-name> 取得關於特定命令的資訊。
msg.match.commands    = 目前可執行的命令中符合樣式「%S」的有 [%S]。\n請輸入 /help <command-name> 取得關於特定命令的資訊。
msg.all.commands      = 目前可執行的命令有 [%S]。
msg.homepage          = 請拜訪 ChatZilla 首頁 <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/> 以取得更多資訊。
msg.client.opened     = 「*用戶端*」 的 JavaScript 主控台已開啟。
msg.newnick.you       = 您目前的暱稱是 %S
msg.newnick.notyou    = "%S 目前的暱稱是 %S

msg.no.notify.list    = 你的通知清單是空的。
msg.notify.addone     = "%S 已加入到你的通知清單。
msg.notify.addsome    = "%S 已加入到你的通知清單。
msg.notify.delone     = "%S 已從你的通知清單中移除。
msg.notify.delsome    = "%S 已從你的通知清單中移除。

msg.not.an.alias  = 找不到命令別名: %S.
msg.alias.removed = 移除別名: %S.
msg.alias.created = 建立別名: %S = %S.
msg.no.aliases    = 沒有已定義的別名。

msg.no.stalk.list     = No stalking victims.
msg.stalk.list        = Currently stalking [%S].
msg.stalk.add         = Now stalking %S.
msg.stalk.del         = No longer stalking %S.
msg.stalking.already  = Already stalking %S.

msg.title.net.on   = 使用者 %S 在「%S」 (%S:%S)
msg.title.net.off  = 使用者 %S, 尚未連線到網路「%S」
msg.title.nonick   = <未註冊使用者>
msg.title.no.topic = 無主題
msg.title.no.mode  = 無模式
msg.title.channel  = "%S 在 %S (%S): %S"
msg.title.user     = 對話與 %S %S"
msg.title.unknown  = ChatZilla!
msg.title.activity = "%S -- Activity [%S]

msg.output.url       = 網址
msg.output.knownnets = 已知的網路
msg.output.connnets  = 已連線的網路
msg.output.notconn   = 尚未連線
msg.output.lag       = 延遲
msg.output.mode      = 模式
msg.output.users     = 使用者
msg.output.topic     = 主題
msg.output.via       = 已連線經由
msg.output.to        = 已連線到
msg.output.file      = 檔案
msg.output.progress  = 進度

msg.logging.off     = 記錄已關閉。
msg.logging.on      = 記錄已開啟。記錄會輸出到檔案 <%S>。
msg.logfile.closed  = 記錄檔已關閉。
msg.logfile.error   = 無法開啟檔案 <%S>。記錄已停用。
msg.logfile.opened  = 現正記錄於 <%S>。
msg.logfile.closing = 關閉記錄檔中 <%S>。
msg.logfile.write.error = 無法寫入到檔案 <%S>。記錄已停用。

msg.query.opened       = Query view for 「%S」 opened.
msg.network.opened     = 「%S」的網路檢視已開啟。
msg.already.connected  = 你已經連線到「%S」。
msg.enter.nick         = 請選擇一個暱稱
msg.network.connecting = 嘗試連線到「%S」。輸入 /cancel 可以中止連線。

msg.ctcphelp.clientinfo = CLIENTINFO gives information on available CTCP commands
msg.ctcphelp.action     = ACTION performs an action at the user
msg.ctcphelp.time       = TIME gives the local date and time for the client
msg.ctcphelp.version    = VERSION 會回覆用戶端的版本
msg.ctcphelp.os         = OS 會回覆用戶端主機的作業系統和版本
msg.ctcphelp.host       = HOST 會回覆用戶端主機的應用程式名稱和版本
msg.ctcphelp.ping       = PING echos the parameter passed to the client
msg.ctcphelp.dcc        = DCC 需要直接的客戶端連線 

chatzilla.properties - DCC CHAT messages

# DCC CHAT messages.
msg.dccchat.sent.request = 從您這裡傳送 DCC 交談邀請至 「%S」 (%S:%S) %S
msg.dccchat.got.request  = 從 「%S」收到 DCC 交談邀請 (%S:%S) %S.
msg.dccchat.accepted     = 接受與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談 (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.declined     = 拒絕與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談 (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.aborted      = 忽略與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談 (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.failed       = 與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談已失敗 (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.opened       = 與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談已連線 (%S:%S).
msg.dccchat.closed       = 與 「%S」 的 DCC 交談已斷線 (%S:%S).

chatzilla.properties - DCC FILE messages

# DCC FILE messages.
msg.dccfile.sent.request = 傳送 DCC 檔案傳輸邀請至 「%S」  (%S:%S) , 「%S」 (%S bytes) %S.
msg.dccfile.got.request  = 從 「%S」 接受 DCC 檔案傳送邀請 (%S:%S) , 「%S」 (%S bytes) %S.
# 1 = file, 2 = to/from, 3 = nick, 4 = IP, 5 = port.
msg.dccfile.accepted     = 接受 DCC 檔案傳輸邀請: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.declined     = 拒絕 DCC 檔案傳輸邀請: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.aborted      = 忽略 DCC 檔案傳輸邀請: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.failed       = DCC 檔案傳送: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 已失敗 (%S:%S).
msg.dccfile.opened       = DCC 檔案傳送: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 (%S:%S) 已開始.
msg.dccfile.closed       = DCC 檔案傳送: 「%S」 %S 「%S」 (%S:%S) 已完成.
msg.dccfile.progress     = %S%% 完成, %S / %S bytes.
msg.dccfile.send         = 選擇要傳送的檔案
msg.dccfile.save.to      = 儲存收到的檔案 (%S)
msg.dccfile.err.notfound = 找不到指定的檔案。
msg.dccfile.err.notafile = 指定的路徑不是一般的檔案。
msg.dccfile.err.notreadable = 指定的檔案無法讀取。

chatzilla.properties - General DCC messages

# General DCC messages.
msg.dcc.pending.matches  = "%S pending incoming DCC offers matched.
msg.dcc.accepted.matches = "%S DCC connections matched.
msg.dcc.matches.help     = You must specify enough of the user's nickname to uniquely identify the request, or include the request type and even the filename if necessary.

msg.dcc.not.enabled      = DCC is disabled. If you need DCC functionality, you may turn it on from the Preferences window.
msg.dcc.not.possible     = DCC is unavailable in this version of the host software platform (e.g. Mozilla, Firefox) - the feature "scriptable server sockets" is missing. Mozilla builds after 2003-11-15 should contain this feature (e.g. Mozilla 1.6 or later).
msg.dcc.err.nouser       = Must specify |nickname| or run the command from a query view.
msg.dcc.err.accept.time  = You cannot use the short form of |/dcc-accept| within the first 10 seconds of receiving a DCC request.
msg.dcc.err.nochat       = Must specify |nickname| or run the command from a DCC Chat view.

chatzilla.properties - /dcc-list words and phrases

# /dcc-list words and phrases.
msg.dcclist.dir.in       = incoming
msg.dcclist.dir.out      = outgoing (offer)
msg.dcclist.to           = to
msg.dcclist.from         = from
## Params: index, state, direction (incoming/outgoing), DCC type, direction (to/from), user (ip:port), commands.
msg.dcclist.line         = %S: %S %S DCC %S %S %S (%S:%S) %S
## Params: waiting, running, done.
msg.dcclist.summary      = DCC sessions: %S pending, %S connected, %S finished.

msg.dcc.command.accept  = [[Accept][Accept this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.decline = [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.cancel  = [[Cancel][Cancels this DCC offer][%S]]
msg.dcc.command.close   = [[Close][Close (disconnect) this DCC offer][%S]]

chatzilla.properties - DCC state names

# DCC state names.
msg.dcc.state.abort      = Aborted
msg.dcc.state.request    = Requested
msg.dcc.state.accept     = Accepted
msg.dcc.state.connect    = Connected
msg.dcc.state.connectPro = Connected (%S%% complete, %S of %S bytes)
msg.dcc.state.disconnect = Done
msg.dcc.state.decline    = Declined
msg.dcc.state.fail       = Failed

msg.url.password = 輸入網址 %S 的密碼:
msg.url.key      = 輸入網址 %S 的金鑰:

msg.startup.added    = <%1$S> 會於啟動時開啟。
msg.startup.removed  = <%1$S> 不再於啟動時開啟。
msg.startup.exists   = <%1$S> 已設定於啟動時開啟。
msg.startup.notfound = <%1$S> 尚未設定於啟動時開啟。

msg.test.hello   = Sample HELLO message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.info    = Sample INFO message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.error   = Sample ERROR message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.help    = Sample HELP message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.usage   = Sample USAGE message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.status  = Sample STATUS message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.privmsg = Normal message from %S to %S, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.action  = Action message from %S to %S, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.notice  = Notice message from %S to %S, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.url     = Sample URL <http://www.mozilla.org> message.
msg.test.styles  = Sample text styles *bold*, _underline_, /italic/, |teletype| message.
msg.test.emoticon = Sample emoticon :) :( :~( :0 :/ :P :| (* message.
msg.test.rheet   = Sample Rheeeeeeeeeet! message.
msg.test.topic   = Sample Topic message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.join    = Sample Join message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.part    = Sample Part message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.kick    = Sample Kick message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.quit    = Sample Quit message, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.stalk   = "%S : Sample /stalk match, <http://testurl.com/foo.html>.
msg.test.ctlchr  = Sample control char >%01<\\1 -- >%05<\\5 -- >%10<\\10
msg.test.color   = Sample color %033c%034o%034l%033o%033r%034%20%036t%036e%032s%034t%0f message.
msg.test.quote   = Sample 「double quote」 message.

msg.welcome     = 歡迎來到 ChatZilla...\n請用 /attach <network-name> 來連線到網路,或是按一下下面列出的網路名稱。\n要了解一般的 IRC 說明與常見問題集(FAQ),請前往 <http://www.irchelp.org >。關於 ChatZilla 的資訊則請前往 <http://www.mozilla.org/projects/rt-messaging/chatzilla/ >。
msg.tabdnd.drop = 你要使用 「%S」 這個檔案作為你的新色彩主題嗎?
msg.default.status = 歡迎來到 ChatZilla!

msg.closing =  從 IRC 斷線中。再次按下關閉可以立即離開。

msg.whois.name     = "%S <%S@%S> 「%S」
msg.whois.channels = "%S: %S" 的成員
msg.whois.server   = "%S: 已連線到 %S 「%S」
msg.whois.idle     = "%S: 閒置了 %S (自從 %S)
msg.whois.end      = %S 的 WHOIS 資訊結束。

msg.ignore.list.1  = 目前沒有忽略任何人。
msg.ignore.list.2  = 目前忽略的使用者 [%S]。
msg.ignore.add     = 你正忽略 %S。
msg.ignore.adderr  = 你已經忽略 %S。
msg.ignore.del     = 妳不再忽略 %S。
msg.ignore.delerr  = "於忽略清單中找不到 %S。

msg.you.invite     = 你已邀請 %S 到 %S。
msg.invite.you     = "%S (%S@%S) 邀請你到 %S。

msg.nick.in.use    = 暱稱「%S」已經被使用,請用 /nick 命令另選一個新暱稱。
msg.retry.nick     = 暱稱「%S」已經被使用,試試看「%S」。

msg.list.rerouted  = List reply will appear on the 「%S」 view.
msg.list.end       = 已顯示 %S 共 %S 個頻道。

msg.who.end        = End of WHO results for 「%S」, %S user(s) found.
msg.who.match      = User %S, (%S@%S) 「%S」 (%S), member of %S, is connected to <irc://%S/>, %S hop(s).

msg.connection.attempt = 正連線到 %S (%S),嘗試 %S 共 %S 次...
msg.connection.refused = 連線到 %S (%S) refused.
msg.connection.timeout = 連線到 %S (%S) 已逾時。
msg.unknown.host       = 未知的主機「%S」正連線到 %S (%S)。
msg.connection.closed  = 連線到 %S (%S) 已關閉。
msg.connection.reset   = 連線到 %S (%S) 已重設。
msg.close.status       = 連線到 %S (%S) 已經以狀態 %S 關閉。

msg.ping.reply      = Ping reply from %S in %S"
msg.prefix.response = "%S, your result is,

msg.topic.changed = "%S has changed the topic to 「%S」
msg.topic         = Topic for %S is 「%S」
msg.no.topic      = No topic for channel %S"
msg.topic.date    = Topic for %S was set by %S on %S"

msg.you.joined      = 您已加入 %S"
msg.someone.joined  = "%S (%S@%S) 已加入 %S"
msg.you.left        = 您已離開 %S"
msg.someone.left    = "%S 已離開 %S"
msg.someone.left.reason = "%S 已離開 %S (%S)
msg.youre.gone      = YOU have been booted from %S by %S (%S)
msg.someone.gone    = "%S was booted from %S by %S (%S)

msg.mode.changed    = 模式 %S 從 %S"

msg.away.on      = You are now marked as away (%S).
msg.away.off     = You are no longer marked as away.

msg.you.quit     = YOU have left %S (%S)
msg.someone.quit = "%S has left %S (%S)

msg.unknown.ctcp = 未知的 CTCP %S (%S) 從 %S"

msg.fonts.family.fmt   = Font family is 「%S」
msg.fonts.family.pick  = Enter the font family you wish to use:
msg.fonts.size.fmt     = Font size is %Spt
msg.fonts.size.default = Font size is default
msg.fonts.size.pick    = Enter the font size you wish to use:

msg.supports.chanTypes = Supported channel types: %S"
msg.supports.chanModesA = Supported channel modes (A: lists): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesB = Supported channel modes (B: param): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesC = Supported channel modes (C: on-param): %S"
msg.supports.chanModesD = Supported channel modes (D: boolean): %S"
msg.supports.userMode = "%S (%S)
msg.supports.userModes = Supported channel user modes: %S"
msg.supports.flagsOn = This server DOES support: %S"
msg.supports.flagsOff = This server DOESN'T support: %S"
msg.supports.miscOption = "%S=%S"
msg.supports.miscOptions = Server settings/limits: %S"

msg.cd.title      = Join Channel on %S (%S)
msg.cd.create     = <建立新頻道>
msg.cd.filtering  = Filtering...
msg.cd.filtering1 = Filtering %S channels, this may take a moment...
msg.cd.filtering2 = Filtering %S channels...
msg.cd.showing    = Showing %S of %S channels.
msg.cd.wait.list  = Waiting for current list operation to finish...
msg.cd.fetching   = Fetching channel list...
msg.cd.fetched    = Fetched %S channels...
msg.cd.error.list = There was an error loading the channel list.
msg.cd.loaded     = Loaded %S channels...

msg.urls.none   = There are no stored URLs.
msg.urls.header = Listing the %S most recent stored URLs (most recent first):
msg.urls.item   = 網址 %S: %S"

munger.channel-link=IRC channel
munger.bugzilla-link=Bugzilla link
munger.quote=Double Quotes
munger.ctrl-char=Control Chars

chatzilla.properties - Messages used in config.js

# Messages used in config.js, part of the pref window.

# We only allow one pref window open at once, this occurs when a 2nd is opened.
msg.prefs.alreadyOpen  = Chatzilla's preferences are already open; you may not open a second copy.

msg.prefs.err.save = An exception occurred trying to save the preferences: %S.

msg.prefs.browse       = 瀏覽...
msg.prefs.browse.title = ChatZilla 瀏覽
msg.prefs.move.up      = 往上移
msg.prefs.move.down    = 往下移
msg.prefs.add          = 加入...
msg.prefs.edit         = 編輯
msg.prefs.delete       = 刪除

msg.prefs.list.add     = 輸入要加入的項目:
msg.prefs.list.edit    = 編輯需要的項目:
msg.prefs.list.delete  = 你確定要移除 「%S」 這個項目嗎?

msg.prefs.object.delete = 您確定要移除設定檔 「%S」 及其所有設定?
msg.prefs.object.reset  = 您確定要還原 「%S」 所有設定至預設值?

# First is for adding prefix/suffix to the overall header, and the next three
# are for the different objects (first is network name, second is channel/user
# name).
msg.prefs.fmt.header          = "%S"
msg.prefs.fmt.display.network = 網路: %S"
msg.prefs.fmt.display.channel = 網路: %S, 頻道: %S"
msg.prefs.fmt.display.user    = 網路: %S, 使用者: %S"
  1. Name for "global" object.

msg.prefs.global = 全域設定

chatzilla.properties - Localized names

# Localized names for all the prefs and tooltip "help" messages.
# NOTE: "Bugzilla", "Chatzilla" and "mIRC" are product names.
pref.activityFlashDelay.label   = 閃爍延遲
pref.activityFlashDelay.help    = 當分頁已取得更多活動, 將會閃爍該分頁以表示之. 這項設定是關於閃爍時間, 輸入 0 以取消閃爍.
pref.aliases.label              = 命令別名
pref.aliases.help               = 允許您為變數或命令建立捷徑. 項目的格式為 "<名稱> = <命令清單>", 清單內可包含變數或命令(不需以 "/" 作為開頭), 但每個項目間需以";"分隔. 當 Chatzilla 啟動時, 這些別名將被自動視為可用的命令.
pref.autoAwayCap.label          = 檢查離線使用者上限
pref.autoAwayCap.help           = ChatZilla 將會自動檢查您為所屬頻道之成員哪些在線上或是離線, 然而, 這項功能在較大的頻道上有時將導致延遲的情況. 任何成員數比上限更大的頻道將不會被檢查.
pref.autoperform.label          = 自動完成
pref.autoperform.help           = 當您連接伺服器時, 不想每次都鍵入某些相同的指令. 您可以在這個清單鍵入變數或命令 (不需以 "/" 作為開頭), 然後 Chatzilla 將會自動為您完成. 清單內的命令將會依序被執行.
pref.autoRejoin.label           = 自動重新登入頻道
pref.autoRejoin.help            = 啟用此項設定後, 當您被剔除時, Chatzilla 將會自動幫您重新登入該頻道一次. 注意, 有些頻道不允許自動重新登入, 且會禁止您使用. 您可以設定此項在頻道, 網路, 和全球.
pref.away.label                 = 離開狀態
pref.away.help                  = 
pref.awayNick.label             = 暱稱 (離開)
pref.awayNick.help              = 假設在此設定的暱稱與您平常使用的不同, Chatzilla 在您離開時將會自動使用它為您的暱稱. 留空表示您不希望在您離開時自動更改暱稱.
pref.bugURL.label               = Bugzilla 網址
pref.bugURL.help                = 這網址被使用在連結以 "%s" 取代的錯誤號碼. 以號碼表示的錯誤訊息將使用此網址自動轉為連結.
pref.charset.label              = 字元編碼
pref.charset.help               = 為提供使用非ASCII編碼的使用者在IRC上正確瀏覽訊息, 以設定相同字元編碼的功能.
pref.collapseMsgs.label         = 自動收摺訊息
pref.collapseMsgs.help          = 在接收連續訊息時, 只有第一次會顯示發送訊息者的暱稱, 使畫面看起來更加乾淨.
pref.connectTries.label         = 連線嘗試
pref.connectTries.help          = 設定 Chatzilla 自動嘗試連線到伺服器或網路的次數。
pref.copyMessages.label         = 複製重要訊息
pref.copyMessages.help          = 當啟用此功能, 所有被標記為重要性的訊息都將被複製到紀錄內. 讓您不會因為長時間離開而漏掉任何訊息.
pref.dcc.enabled.label          = 啟用 DCC
pref.dcc.enabled.help           = 停用此功能, 與DCC有關的要求都將被完全忽略.
pref.dcc.listenPorts.label      = 連接埠
pref.dcc.listenPorts.help       = 提供使用者遠端連線的接口列表. 每個項目可以是一個單獨的連接埠號碼, 或是一個指定的 "較小-較大" 的範圍. 留空表示將由系統隨機選取連接埠. 每次當您提供其他人一個 DCC 的連接, 列表上的下一個連接埠將會被選取.
pref.dcc.useServerIP.label      = 從伺服器端獲取本地IP
pref.dcc.useServerIP.help       = 啟用此功能, ChatZilla 將會在連線時從伺服器獲取您的IP. 這可以讓DCC在閘道或是以NAT為基礎的系統之下運作時, 取得正確的IP位址.
pref.debugMode.label            = 除錯模式
pref.debugMode.help             = 使用此功能可以為 Chatzilla 除錯, 並且得到許多除錯資訊輸出 (通常顯示在 console 中). 這會是一連串您想除錯的訊息清單. 例如, "c" 表示文章選單 (當開啟文章選單時轉存相關資訊), "d" 發送命令 (當發送命令時轉存相關資訊), 以及 "t" 表示追蹤/hook (當有關hooks及執行佇列事件時轉存相關資訊) 的偵錯選項.
pref.desc.label                 = 描述
pref.desc.help                  = 設定 "描述" (又稱 "真實姓名"), 是您被鍵入 /whois 命令時顯示的資訊. 這項功能通常被用在包含使用者的真實姓名, 但您也可以不需鍵入任何資訊.
pref.deleteOnPart.label         = 使用part命令移除交談視窗
pref.deleteOnPart.help          = 當您想要離開時, 可以使用 /leave 或 /part 移除交談視窗.
pref.displayHeader.label        = 顯示標頭資訊
pref.displayHeader.help         = 顯示交談時的標頭資訊. 這些資訊包括了目前視窗的網址, 以及頻道的標題與模式.
pref.font.family.label          = 字型設定
pref.font.family.help           = 調整您希望 ChatZilla 顯示的字型. 輸入 "default" 將會使用您的全域設定, 其中 "serif", "sans-serif" 以及 "monospace" 將被使用在您的設定上, 其他值將被視為您所設定的字型.
pref.font.size.label            = 字型大小 (pt)
pref.font.size.help             = 調整您希望 ChatZilla 顯示的字型大小. 輸入 0 將會使用您的全域設定, 其他數值將被視為您所設定的字型大小.
pref.guessCommands.label        = 猜測未知命令
pref.guessCommands.help         = 假設您鍵入的命令 (例如以 "/" 開頭) 是 Chatzilla 不能理解的, Chatzilla 會將該命令送至伺服器以 "猜測" 正確的命令. 如果您不希望 Chatzilla 嘗試, 可以將此選項關閉.
pref.hasPrefs.label             = 物件優先權
pref.hasPrefs.help              = 標明出該物件擁有優先權. 永遠不會顯示在偏好設定視窗裡. :)
pref.initialURLs.label          = 自動連線網址
pref.initialURLs.help           = 設定 Chatzilla 啟動時應該嘗試載入的 IRC 網址. 當 Chatzilla 啟動時已載入的網址將不會再被嘗試 (例如, irc://moznet/).
pref.initialScripts.label       = 自動載入 scripts
pref.initialScripts.help        = 設定 Chatzilla 啟動時應該載入的 Script 清單. 如果項目是一份目錄, 例如 "init.js", 則其中包含的所有目錄及子目錄都將被載入.
pref.link.focus.label           = 開啟連結後切換至瀏覽器
pref.link.focus.help            = 當使用 ChatZilla 開啟連結後, 切換至瀏覽器畫面.
pref.log.label                  = 使用下列記錄檔設定
pref.log.help                   = 讓 Chatzilla 紀錄以下設定. 紀錄通常儲存在您的個人設定檔內, 其中 "設定檔路徑" (使用絕對路徑)  或是 "紀錄檔名稱" 是可以被更改的.
pref.logFileName.label          = 紀錄檔名稱
pref.logFileName.help           = Chatzilla 將會儲存紀錄在此檔案中. 一般而言, 若是檔案可以被正常開啟及紀錄, 則更動後的設定值將在下一次記錄時才會生效.
pref.logFile.client.label       = 紀錄 - 用戶端
pref.logFile.client.help        = 指定專為紀錄用戶端的紀錄名稱. 此紀錄須附加 '紀錄檔存放目錄' 以創建完整路徑.
pref.logFile.network.label      = 紀錄 - 網路
pref.logFile.network.help       = 指定專為紀錄網路的紀錄名稱. 此紀錄須附加 '紀錄檔存放目錄' 以創建完整路徑.
pref.logFile.channel.label      = 紀錄 - 頻道
pref.logFile.channel.help       = 指定專為紀錄頻道的紀錄名稱. 此紀錄須附加 '紀錄檔存放目錄' 以創建完整路徑.
pref.logFile.user.label         = 紀錄 - 使用者
pref.logFile.user.help          = 指定專為紀錄使用者/疑問的紀錄名稱. 此紀錄須附加 '紀錄檔存放目錄' 以創建完整路徑.
pref.logFolder.label            = 紀錄檔存放目錄
pref.logFolder.help             = 指定存放所有紀錄檔的目錄路徑. 上述的 "紀錄 - <名稱>" 提供了更改記錄名稱以適用於不同類型記錄檔的功能.
pref.messages.click.label       = 正常點選
pref.messages.click.help        = 設定正常點選網址時的執行動作.
pref.messages.ctrlClick.label   = [Ctrl]+點選
pref.messages.ctrlClick.help    = 設定配合 [Ctrl] 鍵點選網址時的執行動作.
pref.messages.metaClick.label   = [Alt]/[Meta]+點選
pref.messages.metaClick.help    = 設定配合 [Alt] 或 [Meta] 鍵點選網址時的執行動作.
pref.messages.middleClick.label = 中鍵點選
pref.messages.middleClick.help  = 設定以滑鼠中鍵點選網址時的執行動作.
pref.motif.dark.label           = 暗色主題
pref.motif.dark.help            = 可從 "檢視/色彩主題" 選取套用暗色主題色彩.
pref.motif.light.label          = 亮色主題
pref.motif.light.help           = 可從 "檢視/色彩主題" 選取套用亮色主題色彩.
pref.motif.default.label        = 預設主題
pref.motif.default.help         = 可從 "檢視/色彩主題" 選取套用預設主題色彩.
pref.motif.current.label        = 目前使用的主題
pref.motif.current.help         = 目前使用的色彩主題檔案. 色彩主題檔案是一個可自行設定交談視窗外觀的 CSS 檔案.
pref.multiline.label            = 多行輸入模式
pref.multiline.help             = 設定 Chatzilla 使用多行訊息輸入模式或是傳統單行輸入模式.
pref.munger.bold.label          = 粗體字
pref.munger.bold.help           = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示實際的 *粗體字* .
pref.munger.bugzilla-link.label = Bugzilla 連結
pref.munger.bugzilla-link.help  = 讓 Chatzilla 將 "錯誤代碼" 轉為連結, 並使用 "Bugzilla 網址" 做為連結參考.
pref.munger.channel-link.label  = 頻道連結
pref.munger.channel-link.help   = 讓 Chatzilla 將 "#頻道" 轉變為該頻道的連結.
pref.munger.colorCodes.label    = mIRC 色彩編碼
pref.munger.colorCodes.help     = 啟用在對話視窗顯示色彩編碼, 例如 mIRC 色彩編碼 (粗體字及底限). 停用時, Chatzilla 依然認得這些編碼, 但不會顯示其效果 (您將不會收到這些編碼或色彩).
pref.munger.ctrl-char.label     = 控制字元
pref.munger.ctrl-char.help      = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示出不認得的控制字元.
pref.munger.face.label          = 表情符號
pref.munger.face.help           = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示常用的表情符號, 例如, :-) 及 ;-).
pref.munger.italic.label        = 斜體字
pref.munger.italic.help         = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示實際的 /斜體字/.
pref.munger.link.label          = 網址連結
pref.munger.link.help           = 讓 Chatzilla 將疑似的網址的格式轉變為連結.
pref.munger.mailto.label        = 郵件連結
pref.munger.mailto.help         = 讓 Chatzilla 將疑似電子郵件的格式轉變為連結.
pref.munger.quote.label         = 整齊的引言
pref.munger.quote.help          = 讓 Chatzilla 自動補足缺少的引言符號 「 “ 及 ” 」.
pref.munger.rheet.label         = Rheet
pref.munger.rheet.help          = 讓 Chatzilla 將 "rheet" 轉換為網址 (Mozilla.org中心的特色).
pref.munger.teletype.label      = 電報字體
pref.munger.teletype.help       = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示實際的 |電報字體| (寬度固定的字型).
pref.munger.underline.label     = 底線
pref.munger.underline.help      = 讓 Chatzilla 顯示實際的 _底線_.
pref.munger.word-hyphenator.label = 連字符號
pref.munger.word-hyphenator.help  = 讓 Chatzilla 為因螢幕大小而被迫換行的文字或網址自動插入連字符號: "-".
pref.newTabLimit.label          = 視窗自動建立上限
pref.newTabLimit.help           = 設定 Chatzilla 自動建立視窗項目 (例如提問視窗) 的上限. 達到最大值時, 私人訊息將會立即在目前視窗出現. 設定 0 表示無限制, 或是使用 1 不允許自動建立視窗.
pref.nickCompleteStr.label      = 自動完成暱稱
pref.nickCompleteStr.help       = 當您使用 "以Tab鍵自動完成" 時, 這個暱稱字串將會自動添加在該行起始位置.
pref.nickname.label             = 暱稱
pref.nickname.help              = 這是您在 IRC 上的顯示名稱. 您可使用任何您喜愛的暱稱, 但請以 "英文字母" 及 "數字" 構成, 不要包含特殊的 "奇怪" 字元.
pref.nicknameList.label         = 暱稱清單
pref.nicknameList.help          = 當您的暱稱被使用時, Chatzilla 會自動嘗試使用下列的暱稱. 而您正常使用的�
pref.notify.aggressive.label    = 啟動自動通知
pref.notify.aggressive.help     = 如果有人傳送私人訊息, 提到您的暱稱, 或是提及 "關鍵字設定" 內的文字時, Chatzilla 會認為這些訊息是值得引起您注意的. 使用這項設定, 不論是閃動的視窗或是跳出訊息 (依作業系統而有不同) 都是為了引起您的注意.
pref.notifyList.label           = 通知清單
pref.notifyList.help            = 每五分鐘, Chatzilla 會自動檢查並告知您清單內的使用者目前為連線或離線.
pref.outgoing.colorCodes.label  = 傳送色彩編碼
pref.outgoing.colorCodes.help   = 提供您傳送顏色或其他的 mIRC 編碼, 例如使用粗體及底線, 請使用特殊的 %-sequences. 啟用後, 鍵入 "%" 會彈出多項選擇的視窗.
pref.outputWindowURL.label      = 輸出視窗路徑
pref.outputWindowURL.help       = 您不應該更動此項目. 交談視窗會載入此網址以顯示真正的訊息, 標頭資訊...等等, 而且該檔案須正確定義各樣設定,否則你將會收到 JavaScript 錯誤以及空白的視窗!
pref.profilePath.label          = 個人設定檔路徑
pref.profilePath.help           = 這是與 Chatzilla 有關檔案的資料夾路徑. 一般而言, Chatzilla 會從 "scripts" 子資料夾載入 script, 並且儲存紀錄在 "logs" 資料夾.
pref.reconnect.label            = 自動重新連線
pref.reconnect.help             = 當您無預警斷線時, Chatzilla 將會自動幫您重新連線.
pref.showModeSymbols.label      = 顯示狀態符號
pref.showModeSymbols.help       = 設定使用者列表使用狀態符號 ("@" for op, "%" for half-op, "+" for voice), 或色彩標記 (green for op, dark blue for half-op, light blue (cyan) for voice, and black/off for normal). 啟用此選項將使用狀態符號而非色彩標記.
pref.sortUsersByMode.label      = 以狀態排序使用者列表
pref.sortUsersByMode.help       = 設定以狀態排序使用者列表, op first, then half-op (if supported on the server), then voice, and then everyone else.
pref.sound.enabled.label        = 啟用
pref.sound.enabled.help         = 勾選此選項將允許音效事件播放.
pref.sound.overlapDelay.label   = 重響延遲
pref.sound.overlapDelay.help    = 設定相同事件無法觸發音效播放的時間間隔. 例如, 預設值 2000ms (即2秒) 表示著如果兩個關鍵字符合的時間在2秒內, 就只有第一個事件會觸發音效播放.
##pref.sound.surpressActive.label = Suppress Sounds for active view
##pref.sound.surpressActive.help  = Stops sounds generated by the active view from playing if ChatZilla is the active window. Sounds from other views, or when ChatZilla is not active, will always play.
pref.sound.channel.start.label  = 頻道: 開始連線
pref.sound.channel.start.help   = 
pref.sound.channel.event.label  = 頻道: 非交談事件
pref.sound.channel.event.help   = 
pref.sound.channel.chat.label   = 頻道: 一般交談
pref.sound.channel.chat.help    = 
pref.sound.channel.stalk.label  = 頻道: 符合關鍵字
pref.sound.channel.stalk.help   = 
pref.sound.user.start.label     = 使用者: 開始連線
pref.sound.user.start.help      = 
pref.sound.user.stalk.label     = 使用者: 一般交談
pref.sound.user.stalk.help      = 
pref.stalkWholeWords.label      = 只標記關鍵字本身
pref.stalkWholeWords.help       = 此選項可控制 Chatzilla 標記符合的關鍵字或是整句字串. 例如, 只有在此功能關閉時, "Chatzilla is cool" 才會符合關鍵字 "zilla".
pref.stalkWords.label           = 關鍵字標記
pref.stalkWords.help            = 當下列關鍵字出現在命令列時, Chatzilla 會自動標記其重要性, 並且當"自動通知"啟用時會主動嘗試引起您的注意.
pref.urls.store.max.label       = 網址最大儲存數
pref.urls.store.max.help        = 設定 ChatZilla 可選擇並儲存的網址數量最大值. 例如, 使用 "/urls" 以顯示最後十筆紀錄, 或是使用 "/urls 20" 以顯示更多.
pref.username.label             = 使用者名稱
pref.username.help              = 這個名稱將會被用在您 "主機上的身分", 包含了您連線的主機名稱. 通常被使用在設定某使用者的 auto-op, bans, 及其他特殊事項.
pref.usermode.label             = 使用者模式
pref.usermode.help              = 您的使用者模式決定了 IRC 伺服器如何表示您的狀態 (這是一份在文字之前附加 "+" 的清單). 例如, 您可以使伺服器送出 "秘密的" 訊息, 但是卻是使用不同的設定模式. 最常用的選項 "i", 表示除非使用者已向該頻道要求, 否則能讓您不被顯示為頻道成員 (也就是 "隱形").

chatzilla.properties - Preference group labels

# Preference group labels #

pref.group.general.label               = 一般
pref.group.general.connect.label       = 連線
pref.group.general.ident.label         = 身分識別
pref.group.general.log.label           = 記錄
pref.group.appearance.label            = 外觀
pref.group.appearance.misc.label       = 雜項
pref.group.appearance.motif.label      = 色彩主題
pref.group.appearance.timestamps.label = 時間戳印
pref.group.appearance.timestamps.help  = 代換說明: %y = 四位數年,%m = 月 (1-12),%d = 日,%h = 時,%n = 分,%s = 秒。
pref.group.appearance.userlist.label   = 使用者列表
pref.group.dcc.label                   = DCC
pref.group.dcc.ports.label             = 連接埠
pref.group.munger.label                = 格式
pref.group.startup.label                = 啟動
pref.group.startup.initialURLs.label    = 自動連線的網址
pref.group.startup.initialScripts.label = 自動載入的指令集 ( Script )
pref.group.lists.label                 = 列表 Lists
pref.group.lists.stalkWords.label      = 追蹤文字
pref.group.lists.aliases.label         = 命令別名 ( Command aliases )
pref.group.lists.notifyList.label      = 通告列表
pref.group.lists.nicknameList.label    = 暱稱列表
pref.group.lists.autoperform.label     = 自動完成
pref.group.global.label                = 全域
pref.group.global.header.label         = 標頭資訊
pref.group.global.header.help          = 【翻譯待修】使用可見的預設標頭資訊. 必要時, 每項紀錄的設定都可被更改. ( Sets the default visibility for headers of views. Each view can override this default if necessary. )
pref.group.global.links.label          = 連結
pref.group.global.links.help           = 【翻譯待修】下列項目定義了 Chatzilla 對於不同點擊連結方式的回應. 您可以調整這些設定以符合個人習慣. ( The three link preferences define how Chatzilla reacts to different kinds of clicks on links. You can re-arrange these to suit your preferences. )
pref.group.global.log.label            = 【翻譯待修】記錄下這些類型的檢視畫面 -w- 使用下列記錄檔 ( Log these view types )
pref.group.global.log.help             = 【翻譯待修】使用預設的紀錄類型. 必要時, 每項紀錄的設定都可被更改. ( Sets the default logging state for views. Each view can override this default if necessary. )
pref.group.global.maxLines.label       = 捲軸長度
pref.group.global.maxLines.help        = 【翻譯待修】設定在視窗內可保留的資料行數. 當達到設定的極限, 舊資料將會被移除以空出新行. ( The number of lines of text to keep in this view type. Once the limit is reached, the oldest lines are removed as new lines are added. )
pref.group.global.sounds.label         = 音效配置
pref.group.global.sounds.help          = 
pref.group.global.soundEvts.label      = 音效事件
pref.group.global.soundEvts.help       = 【翻譯待修】使用對應的事件音效. 這些設定可使用以 "空白" 分隔的 "beep" 或是 "file: 網址". ( Sounds for certain client events. These preferences are a space-separated list of either "beep" or file: URLs. )

# These are the prefs that get grouped #

pref.networkHeader.label        = 網路
pref.networkHeader.help         = 
pref.channelHeader.label        = 頻道
pref.channelHeader.help         = 
pref.userHeader.label           = 使用者
pref.userHeader.help            = 
pref.dccUserHeader.label        = DCC
pref.dccUserHeader.help         = 

pref.networkLog.label           = 網路
pref.networkLog.help            = 
pref.channelLog.label           = 頻道
pref.channelLog.help            = 
pref.userLog.label              = 使用者
pref.userLog.help               = 
pref.dccUserLog.label           = DCC
pref.dccUserLog.help            = 

pref.clientMaxLines.label       = 用戶端
pref.clientMaxLines.help        = 
pref.networkMaxLines.label      = 網路
pref.networkMaxLines.help       = 
pref.channelMaxLines.label      = 頻道
pref.channelMaxLines.help       = 
pref.userMaxLines.label         = 使用者
pref.userMaxLines.help          = 
pref.dccUserMaxLines.label      = DCC
pref.dccUserMaxLines.help       = 

pref.timestampFormat.label      = 格式
pref.timestampFormat.help       = 
pref.timestamps.label           = 啟用
pref.timestamps.help            = 

pref.msgBeep.label              = 新的詢問檢視畫面
pref.msgBeep.help               = 
pref.queryBeep.label            = 詢問訊息
pref.queryBeep.help             = 
pref.stalkBeep.label            = 重要訊息
pref.stalkBeep.help             = 


<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
   - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   - License.
   - The Original Code is ChatZilla.
   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is James Ross.
   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
   - Contributor(s):
   -   James Ross <silver@warwickcompsoc.co.uk>
   - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
   - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
   - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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   - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->

<!ENTITY czButton.label   "ChatZilla">
<!ENTITY czMenu.label     "ChatZilla 聊天軟體">
<!ENTITY czMenu.accesskey "C">


<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
   - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   - License.
   - The Original Code is ChatZilla.
   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is James Ross.
   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
   - Contributor(s):
   -   James Ross <silver@warwickcompsoc.co.uk>
   - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
   - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
   - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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   - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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   - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
   - and other provisions required by the LGPL or the GPL. If you do not delete
   - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
   - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->

<!ENTITY window.title  "加入頻道">

<!ENTITY qsearch.label     "快速搜尋:">
<!ENTITY qsearch.accesskey "S">

<!ENTITY topics.label     "同時搜尋主題與頻道名稱">
<!ENTITY topics.accesskey "t">

<!ENTITY join.label     "加入">
<!ENTITY join.accesskey "J">

<!ENTITY minusers.label     "使用者數最少為:">
<!ENTITY minusers.accesskey "n">

<!ENTITY maxusers.label     "使用者數最多為:">
<!ENTITY maxusers.accesskey "x">

<!ENTITY refresh.label     "馬上重新整理">
<!ENTITY refresh.accesskey "">

<!ENTITY col.name  "名稱">
<!ENTITY col.users "使用者">
<!ENTITY col.topic "標題">


<!ENTITY Menubar.tooltip    "主選單">
<!ENTITY Toolbar.tooltip    "主工具列">

<!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip    "選單工具列">
<!ENTITY header.tooltip     "標頭">
<!ENTITY op.value           "Op">
<!ENTITY op.accesskey       "o">
<!ENTITY deop.value         "Deop">
<!ENTITY deop.accesskey     "d">
<!ENTITY voice.value        "Voice">
<!ENTITY voice.accesskey    "v">
<!ENTITY devoice.value      "Devoice">
<!ENTITY devoice.accesskey  "e">
<!ENTITY kick.value         "踢人">
<!ENTITY kick.accesskey     "k">
<!ENTITY kick2.value        "附帶理由踢人">
<!ENTITY kick2.accesskey    "r">
<!ENTITY whois.value        "查查這位是誰 ( Whois )">
<!ENTITY whois.accesskey    "w">

<!ENTITY multiline-expand.tooltip   "切換為多行輸入 ( Ctrl 加 向上箭頭鍵 )">
<!ENTITY multiline-contract.tooltip "切換為單行輸入 ( Ctrl 加 向下箭頭鍵 )">
<!ENTITY multiline-send.tooltip      "傳送這些文字 ( Ctrl 加 Enter 鍵 )">

<!ENTITY url.label   "網址">
<!ENTITY mode.label  "模式">
<!ENTITY topic.label "標題">
<!ENTITY users.label "使用者">
<!ENTITY lag.label   "連線延遲秒數 ( Lag )">

<!ENTITY OptionsCmd.label        "選項">
<!ENTITY OptionsCmd.accesskey    "O">
<!ENTITY MungerCmd.label         "Munger">
<!ENTITY MungerCmd.accesskey     "M">
<!ENTITY DisableMunger.label     "全部無效化">
<!ENTITY DisableMunger.accesskey "D">
<!ENTITY EnableColors.label      "顏色控制碼">
<!ENTITY EnableColors.accesskey  "C">

<!ENTITY DebugMsgCmd.label      "除臭蟲模式">
<!ENTITY DebugMsgCmd.aKey       "D">
<!ENTITY SaveSetNowCmd.label    "馬上儲存設定">
<!ENTITY SaveSetNowCmd.akey     "N">
<!ENTITY SaveSetExitCmd.label   "離開時再儲存設定">
<!ENTITY SaveSetExitCmd.akey    "E">
<!ENTITY ViewCmd.label          "檢視">
<!ENTITY ViewCmd.aKey           "V">
<!ENTITY ShowCmd.label          "顯示/隱藏">
<!ENTITY ShowCmd.akey           "S">
<!ENTITY ShowTabStripCmd.label  "分頁">
<!ENTITY ShowTabStripCmd.aKey   "T">
<!ENTITY ShowUserlistCmd.label  "使用者列表">
<!ENTITY ShowUserlistCmd.aKey   "U">
<!ENTITY ShowHeaderCmd.label    "標頭">
<!ENTITY ShowHeaderCmd.aKey     "H">
<!ENTITY ShowStatusbarCmd.label "狀態列">
<!ENTITY ShowStatusbarCmd.aKey  "S">
<!ENTITY CollapseCmd.label      "收摺連續訊息">
<!ENTITY CollapseCmd.aKey       "N">
<!ENTITY CopyMessagesCmd.label  "複製重要訊息">
<!ENTITY CopyMessagesCmd.aKey   "I">
<!ENTITY NoneCmd.label          "無色調">
<!ENTITY NoneCmd.aKey           "N">
<!ENTITY DefaultCmd.label       "預設色調">
<!ENTITY DefaultCmd.aKey        "D">
<!ENTITY DarkCmd.label          "黑色色調">
<!ENTITY DarkCmd.aKey           "k">
<!ENTITY LightCmd.label         "亮色色調">
<!ENTITY LightCmd.aKey          "L">
<!ENTITY HideCmd.label          "隱藏">
<!ENTITY LeaveViewCmd.label     "離開 ``$viewname''">
<!ENTITY LeaveViewCmd.aKey      "">
<!ENTITY StartupVisitCmd.label  "在啟動時開啟">
<!ENTITY StartupVisitCmd.aKey   "">
<!ENTITY ClearViewCmd.label     "清除檢視畫面">
<!ENTITY ClearViewCmd.aKey      "e">
<!ENTITY DeleteViewCmd.label    "關閉檢視畫面">
<!ENTITY DeleteViewCmd.aKey     "V">
<!ENTITY StatusCmd.label        "連線狀態">
<!ENTITY StatusCmd.aKey         "C">

<!ENTITY CloseCmd.label "關閉視窗">
<!ENTITY CloseCmd.aKey  "C">

<!ENTITY PopupQueryCmd.label         "非公開聊天室 ``$nick''">
<!ENTITY PopupQueryCmd.aKey          "P">
<!ENTITY PopupWhoisCmd.label         "查查 ``$nick'' 是誰">
<!ENTITY PopupWhoisCmd.aKey          "W">
<!ENTITY PopupPingCmd.label          "發連線測試封包 ( Ping ) 給 ``$nick''">
<!ENTITY PopupPingCmd.aKey           "I">
<!ENTITY PopupVersionCmd.label       "對 ``$nick'' 做描述 ( Version )">
<!ENTITY PopupVersionCmd.aKey        "V">
<!ENTITY PopupHighlightStyle.label   "將 $nick 的訊息調成高亮度">
<!ENTITY PopupHighlightStyle.aKey    "H">
<!ENTITY PopupHighlightNoStyle.label "無">
<!ENTITY PopupGiveOp.label           "同意操作者狀態">
<!ENTITY PopupGiveOp.aKey            "O">
<!ENTITY PopupTakeOp.label           "撤消操作者狀態">
<!ENTITY PopupTakeOp.aKey            "O">
<!ENTITY PopupGiveVoice.label        "同意聲音狀態">
<!ENTITY PopupGiveVoice.aKey         "V">
<!ENTITY PopupTakeVoice.label        "撤消聲音狀態">
<!ENTITY PopupTakeVoice.aKey         "V">
<!ENTITY PopupKick.label             "踢掉 ``$nick''">
<!ENTITY PopupKick.aKey              "K">

<!ENTITY StatusText.label "歡迎使用 ChatZilla!">

<!ENTITY Underline.label             "底線">
<!ENTITY Bold.label                  "粗體">
<!ENTITY Reverse.label               "同意影像 ( Reverse video )">
<!ENTITY Normal.label                "普通">
<!ENTITY Color.label                 "顏色">
<!ENTITY ForeBack.label              "xx=前景色 yy=背景色">


<!ENTITY ircCmd.label		"IRC 聊天室">  
<!ENTITY ircCmd.accesskey	"i">  
<!ENTITY ircCmd.commandkey	"6">  


<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
   - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
   - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
   - License.
   - The Original Code is ChatZilla.
   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is James Ross.
   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
   - Contributor(s):
   -   James Ross <silver@warwickcompsoc.co.uk>
   - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
   - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
   - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
   - in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
   - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
   - under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
   - use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
   - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
   - and other provisions required by the LGPL or the GPL. If you do not delete
   - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
   - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->

<!ENTITY window.title  "ChatZilla 偏好設定">

<!ENTITY loading.label  "請稍候,正在讀取中...">

<!ENTITY homepage.url   "http://www.hacksrus.com/~ginda/chatzilla/">
<!ENTITY homepage.label "ChatZilla Homepage 首頁">

<!ENTITY object.add.label       "新增...">
<!ENTITY object.add.hint        "新增一個新網路、頻道或使用者以設定偏好設定">
<!ENTITY object.add.accesskey   "A">

<!ENTITY object.del.label       "移除">
<!ENTITY object.del.hint        "移除目前的物件,並清除它的所有偏好設定。">
<!ENTITY object.del.accesskey   "R">

<!ENTITY object.reset.label     "重設">
<!ENTITY object.reset.hint      "重設這個物件的偏好設定回預設狀態">
<!ENTITY object.reset.accesskey "s">

<!ENTITY dialog.apply   "生效">

<!ENTITY network "網路">
<!ENTITY channel "頻道">
<!ENTITY user    "使用者">

<!ENTITY config.add.title "新增偏好設定物件">

<!ENTITY config.type.label        "類型:">
<!ENTITY config.type.hint         "所要新增的物件類型為:">
<!ENTITY config.type.accesskey    "T">
<!ENTITY config.network.label     "網路:">
<!ENTITY config.network.hint      "已知的網路名稱,或是該伺服器名稱。">
<!ENTITY config.network.accesskey "N">
<!ENTITY config.target.label      "指定:">
<!ENTITY config.target.hint       "指定頻道或使用者名稱">
<!ENTITY config.target.accesskey  "g">


<!ENTITY pref-irc.window.title "ChatZilla 聊天軟體">

<!ENTITY pref-irc.open.title     "ChatZilla 的偏好設定">
<!ENTITY pref-irc.open.desc      "ChatZilla 的偏好設定過於廣泛而不適合進入該偏好設定視窗,所以取而代之的,是你可以由此打開它的偏好設定視窗。">
<!ENTITY pref-irc.open.label     "開啟 ChatZilla 的偏好設定">
<!ENTITY pref-irc.open.accesskey "O">